Spanish Essays

  • My Spanish Dress and the Spanish Fair

    847 Words  | 2 Pages

    Silently, I curse myself for deciding to wear this heavy Spanish dress loudly swishing at my ankles. Agitated, I tug at my hair and red shawl. At the comer a rainbow of people spreads out before me. The appetizing aromas of warm bread, seafood, and sherry surge over me and instill a craving. Vibrant colors reflect from the resplendent dresses my friends wear. We greet each other with two kisses and saunter under an arch of lights to the Spanish Fair, la Feria. From the left, screams of delight ascend

  • The Taino and the Spanish

    1223 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Taino and the Spanish Cristóbal Colón landed on an unknown island in the Caribbean on October 10, 1492. He planted banners in the beach claiming the land for the Spanish throne. Colón’s perceptions and interactions with the indigenous people, the Taino, sparked the events that lead to the colonization of the Americas. Colón’s perceptions of the Taino were misinterpreted by him. His misconceptions about the Taino were built from a compilation of his own expectations, readings of other explorers

  • Spanish Painters

    1016 Words  | 3 Pages

    Spanish painter, the country's greatest baroque artist, who, with Francisco de Goya and El Greco, forms the great triumvirate of Spanish painting. Velázquez was born in Seville on June 6, 1599, the oldest of six children; both his parents were from the minor nobility. Between 1611 and 1617 the young Velázquez worked as an apprentice to Francisco Pacheco, a Sevillian Mannerist painter who became Velázquez's father-in-law. During his student years Velázquez absorbed the most popular contemporaneous

  • The Spanish Revolution

    9992 Words  | 20 Pages

    Ever since the fall of 1930 when the Spanish Revolution began there has been no surcease of the struggle in Spain. For a long time there was a deadlock of forces, an equilibrium in the tug of war between the property holders and the destitute. Now the equilibrium is being definitely broken. The issue before Spain is either Communism or Fascism. The matter is being fought out not with ballots but with bullets and ruthless civil war. Slowly the political revolution is being definitively turned into

  • Spanish Christmas

    534 Words  | 2 Pages

    Spanish Christmas Christmas festivities begin with Las Posadas, nine consecutive days of candelight processions and lively parties starting December 16. Throughout Mexico kids get together each afternoon to reenact the holy family's journey for a place to stay in Bethlehem. The procession is headed by a small Virgen María, often perched on a live burro, led by a equally tiny San José. They are followed by other children protraying angels, the Santos Reyes, and a host of pastores y pastoras

  • Spanish Essay

    825 Words  | 2 Pages

    Spanish Essay El cambio en el equilibrio de las reacciones dependiendo de distintos factores, en varios experimentos Hipotesis: Al aumentar la temperatura o la concentracion, se hara mas efectiva la reaccion directa. Variables Independientes: - Temperatura - Concentracion - Caracter del reactivo (Acido o base) Variables Dependientes: - Ubicacion del punto de equilibrio Planificacion B Materiales: - Vasos Precipitados (80ml., 250ml., y 500ml.) - Pipeta 1ml

  • Spanish Essay

    851 Words  | 2 Pages

    Había una vez Un chico que nació con cáncer. Un cáncer que no tenia cura. 17 años y podía morir en cualquier momento. Siempre vivió en su casa, bajo el cuidado de su madre. Ya estaba cansado y decidió salir solo por una vez. Le pidió permiso a su madre y ella acepto. Caminando por su cuadra vio muchas tiendas. Al pasar por una tienda de música; al ver el aparador, noto la presencia de una muchacha de su edad. Amor a primera vista! Abrió la puerta y entró sin mirar nada que no fuera ella. Acercándose

  • Spanish Food

    878 Words  | 2 Pages

    is garlic, including varieties of peppers and spices. Once spice specifically—golden saffron—is essential in many recipes, including the Spanish Paella. There are many distinguished Spanish foods that encompass the daily life and culture of the country. The tapa is a way to sample a variety of Spanish foods. This method of eating is the cornerstone of Spanish cuisine. A tapa is a small dish of food, similar to an appetizer in the United States. Mainly in bars, they are served throughout the day

  • The Spanish Armada

    754 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Spanish Armada also called the Invincible Armada, and more correctly La Armada Grande. It was a fleet intended to invade England and to put an end to the English aggression against the Spanish Crown. However it was a fatal mistake and after a week’s fighting the Spanish Armada was shattered, this led to the gradual decline in maritime power of Spain. Spanish powers dominated and influence much of the “known world” during the 16th Century. Spanish leader King Phillip II had reasons to eliminate

  • The Spanish Inquisition

    1167 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Spanish Inquisition What was the Spanish Inquisition? The Spanish Inquisition persecuted and discriminated against minorities in the Iberia Peninsula who opposed to the practice and ideologies of the Catholic Church. Between 1480 to 1834, the Spanish Inquisition was placed under the authority of the royal power in Spain; the Inquisition was created in order to resolve the particular problem presented by the presence of thousands of converted Jews in the Iberian Peninsula. At the same time,

  • The Spanish Inquisition

    509 Words  | 2 Pages

    because of what they believed in. All of these incidents have never been forgotten; one very infamous one would be the Spanish Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition was started to “cleanse” the Church of heretics and purify Spain. They executed Jews, Muslims, and other minorities not of Christian faith. Ferdinand and Isabella were in crown of Spain and appointed the Church to start the Spanish Inquisition. These cases will be discussed in the fallowing paper. Isabella promised whenever she reaches the throne

  • The Spanish Language

    1259 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Spanish Language I grew up in a Hispanic country where Spanish is the official language. I think Spanish is one of the most wonderful languages in the world. It allows you to express your deepest feelings in the most beautiful way, specially when we talk about love. There is nothing more beautiful than hearing a love declaration when the one making it is using the Spanish language. Even if you are not one of those people for who talking beautifully is natural, you could still do a pretty

  • The Spanish Inquisition

    770 Words  | 2 Pages

    and did so until his death in Jerusalem 1970. ( ( ( The Spanish inquisition takes place from the 1600’s to the late 19th century it was to covert, kill or band all Jews, protestants and who the Inquisitionist judged as a heretic. So that Spain could be purified. The Inquisitions originally started in France and

  • Spanish El Recado

    1251 Words  | 3 Pages

    Spanish El Recado Analasis de El Recado Elena Poniatowska escrita durante una epoca de cambio en Mexico. Antes de sus obras las mujeres mexicanas eran sometidos, docil, y pasivo. En la tiempo de sus obras las mujeres estaba tratando salir de los estereotipos de antes. Esta problema social tomo un afecto en Elena. Aunque ella no viene de un movimiento literatura directamente, ella escrita con el concepto de compremetido. En su narrative El Recado ella crea un mujer estereotipical que no

  • Spanish Conquistadors: Heroes Or Murderers

    812 Words  | 2 Pages

    Spanish Conquistadors: Heroes or Murderers "The Indians in the first fatal decades of the white man in America were conquered because they could not conceive what it was that the white man was after, and what manner of man he was." (The Indians of the Americas, p97) This misconception, was that the Indians could not imagine was that the Spanish Conquistadors would come to the Americas and brutally murder men women and children in the name of a god. They could not see how a group of people could

  • Pikionis Architect (Spanish)

    1714 Words  | 4 Pages

    1- BIOGRAFIA 1887 Nace en El Pireo. Hijo de Petros Pikionis y Maria Syriotis. 1908 Se gradúa en la Universidad Tecnica Nacional, con el título de Ingieniero Civil. En Munich, estudia dibujo a mano alzada y escultura. Cezanne lo conduce a Paris. 1909/ Vive en París 1912 Vuelve a Grecia. Pinta y completa su educación en Arquitectura. Realiza dibujos de la Arquitectura popular de Aegina. 1921 Construye su primera casa, intentando implementar as ideas que ha formulado en ese

  • Balboa, a Spanish conqueror and explorer

    791 Words  | 2 Pages

    Balboa, a Spanish conqueror and explorer. Vasco Nuñez de Balboa, a Spanish conqueror and explorer, was the first to see the coast of the Pacific Ocean. He saw the ocean in September of 1513, from the top of a mountain of what is now Panama. On September 29, 1523, Balboa claimed it and all its shores for Spain. His findings opened Spanish explorations and conquests along the western coast of South America began. The Spanish called the ocean the South Sea because it lay south of the isthmus

  • The Spanish Culture: The Culture Of The Spanish Culture

    1451 Words  | 3 Pages

    Spanish Culture For my final paper, I will be discussing the culture of Spain. People that live in Spain are referred to as Spaniards. For the most part, the Spanish culture speak Spanish and might have some knowledge in the English language as well. The population of Spain is estimated to be around 47 million (“Spain” paragraph 1). The main two ethnicities/races of Spain include the composite of Mediterranean and Nordic types. Spaniards are guaranteed the freedom of religion; however, the majority

  • Spanish Resistance to Napoleon

    1709 Words  | 4 Pages

    Napoleon and the Spanish Resistance Throughout time, the military has been considered one of the key features in a civilization. It has been considered the heart and soul of many countries and empires and has been the center of many cultures. Throughout history we have seen many military leaders and military powers. We have seen military techniques and technology change as we progress. Our schools are filled with legends of great war heroes and hard-fought battles. One such hero is Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Guatemala and Spanish Cultures

    1208 Words  | 3 Pages

    Guatemala has more people than any other Central American country, with an estimated population of 11,980,000 it is home to many different cultures. The population can be divided into two groups; Indians and people of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestry. But in Guatemala, being called an Indian or a non-Indian does not depend entirely on a person's ancestry. It is basically a matter of how people live and of how they categorize themselves. For example, a Guatemalan is considered an Indian if he or