Seduction community Essays

  • Argumentative Essay About Dating

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    It 's amazing when you figure things out how simple the answer is. I 've talked about getting girlfriends in the past. To recap: Do something epic to get women. They (well most) expect you to have a life and be a provider. So do something great with your life and you will attract women. But don 't do something epic just to get women. It won 't work, or if it does it 'll probably be the wrong kind of women for you. In my dating guide for college, I talked about the power of taking it slow (but it

  • The Movie Crazy Stupid Love

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    Introduction Crazy, Stupid, Love, a 2011 release by John Requa and Glenn Ficarra is a typical Hollywoodian exploration of relationships, primarily romantic with a labored start, positive and meaningful closing and a hilarious interim. The story of Cal, a simpleton striving through mid-life crisis takes a different spin as it combines with the second half of the plot - Jacob, a hedonist version of the super-charming Date Doctor Hitch in the eponymous film. Jacob Palmer as the Pick-Up Artist Jacob

  • Analysis Of A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning By John Donne

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    Why do people try to sexually seduce someone? Leo Tolstoy once said, “I think… if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are heart.” Men epically try to win a woman’s heart by seducing her with meaningful words or by impressing her with his poetic language. John Donne wrote two poems that seduce women, but one is not as successful as he wants it to be; “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” is romantic and poetic; however, “A Flea”

  • Pick Up Lines Research

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    Women will go on and on about how much they hate pickup lines but personal experiences show that they really do work. The Different Types of Pickup Lines Pick up artists report that there are three main types of pick up lines. The first and simplest to use is the direct pick up line which makes your intentions clear from the start. The benefits of using a direct pick up line is that it saves both parties a lot of time by coming clean early on why it is that you are talking to the person without

  • Write a critical appreciation of Marvell's To his coy mistress. How

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    Write a critical appreciation of Marvell's To his coy mistress. How does the lover in this poem make you feel? This poem is about a man, who is likely to be Marvell seducing his sweetheart and trying to persuade her to sleep with him. This essay will look at different parts of the poem such as how it is written and the atmosphere of it. The poem is about a man seducing his sweet heart and trying to persuade her to go to bed with him. He tries to scare her by telling her that if she does

  • Plot Analysis of the Play: The Lion and The Jewel

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    INTRODUCTION In the play “THE LION AND THE JEWEL” we can see the ignorant atmosphere of the people in the village of “ILUJINLE” in such village we can saw a “CUNNING WOMAN SIDI” who wanted to attract many men but wanted a husband of royal status who would pay a bride-price for her let as see about it and getting a cunning “RESPONSE FOR SIDI’S CUNNING WISH”. Foolish Lakunle The people of Ilujinle village called Lakunle the hero of the play and who was the village school master a fool as he wanted

  • Comparison Of Anorexia And Martha Stewart

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    Eating Disorders, Anorexia and Martha Stewart - The Seduction of Control, Perfection, and Fantasy I have a strange fascination with Martha Stewart. I read Just Desserts by Jerry Oppenheimer and my interest in her peaked: she sounded, as portrayed in that book, as the toxic boss (we’ll call her Sheila, though it is not her real name) from whom I had just "divorced" myself by quitting. I could see Sheila emasculating her husband on a daily basis, screaming obscenities at her employees (that didn’t

  • Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - Narratives of Seduction

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    Frankenstein:  Narratives of Seduction The following essay is concerned with the frame structure in Mary Shelley`s Frankenstein and its’ functions as it is suggested by Beth Newman`s "Narratives of seduction and the seduction of narratives".  To start with, the novel Frankenstein is a symmetrically built frame narrative with a story at its center. This is not always the case with frame structured novels, as there are examples without a proper center (e.g. Heart of Darkness). The elaborate system

  • Sir Gawain and Green Knight Essays: The Power of Three

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    each happened in three stages: The three hunts of the Lord, the three seductions by the Lady, and the three swings of the ax that the Green Knight took; all three relate to each other. The hunting and the seductions are both closely related to each other, but there is a little twist involved with the characters of these situations. The role of the game that the Lord is hunting is also the role of the Lady, but in the seduction scenes, it is the hunter being hunted by the prey. In the first hunt

  • 17th Century Seduction Poems Are Relevant In The 21st Century

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    Three of these seduction poems utilize several strategies to do this: Andrew Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress,” and Donne’s “A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning” and “The Flea.” Some of the reasoning used by both poets is similar to the reasoning used today by men to convince women to have sexual intercourse with them. These gimmicks vary from poem to poem but coincide with modern day rationalization. The tactics used in 17th century seduction poems are relevant and similar to the seduction tactics used

  • How Thomas Hardy Suggests that this is a Moment of Transformation

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    Bathsheba's soft, sensual qualities. The ferns are described as 'radiant' and 'diaphanous', and the way in which 'their soft, feathery arms' caress Bathsheba as she makes her way through them informs the reader that this chapter will be one of seduction. Hardy also informs us that this chapter will be full of action by the way, in which the sky is described to have a sense of activity within. The sun is shown as 'bristling ball of gold' which has 'long, luxuriant rays' which sweep over the tips

  • The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka

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    The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka The three main characters in ‘The Lion and the Jewel’ are called Sidi, Lakunle and Baroka the Bale. Each character has different thoughts about one another and each views the society in a different way. This essay introduces and describes each character and analyses their role in the play. Sidi ==== Sidi is the first character that the audience meets. She is a very attractive woman, known as the village ‘belle’. Her attractiveness influences

  • Compare the theme of seduction in To his coy mistress and The

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    Compare the theme of seduction in To his coy mistress and The seduction The poem “to his coy mistress” was written by Andrew Marvell between 1621 and 1678. However “The seduction” (which was written by Eileen McAuley-a woman) was written much later, in the 1980’s. Both poems are about a man trying to persuade a woman to sleep with him. In “THCM” the man uses flattery and persuasion “For lady you deserve this state.” In this poem however we never actually discover if he was successful in

  • Comparing Cousin Kate and The Seduction

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    Comparing Cousin Kate and The Seduction In this coursework I will be comparing the two poems ‘Cousin Kate’ by Christina Rossetti and ‘The Seduction’ by Eileen McAuley. The two poems have many similarities but there are also some differences between them. To begin I will give an introduction to both the poems. Cousin Kate is about a cottage maiden that is tricked into having an affair with a rich Lord. She is then betrayed by the Lord who decides to dump her. He then marries her Cousin

  • Sorrowful Black Death is Not a Hot Ticket and Seduction and Betrayal

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    Sorrowful Black Death is Not a Hot Ticket and Seduction and Betrayal Toni Morrison and bell hooks share the same views on how white America envisions blacks.  In bell hooks' essays " Seduction and Betrayal" and " Sorrowful Black Death is Not a Hot Ticket" she focuses in on the portrayal of African Americans on the big screen.  In "Seduction and Betrayal"  hooks uses  Spike Lee's Crooklyn to demonstrate how invaluable the life of a black person is.  In " Sorrowful Black Death Is Not a Hot

  • Seduction in John Donne's The Flea

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    Seduction in John Donne's The Flea Poetry is not only a brilliant form of expression, but also a powerful tool for persuasion. The renowned metaphysical poet John Donne uses the genre for this very purpose in “The Flea,” a work in which he encourages a young woman to have premarital sex with him. Donne backs his argument by referring to a flea that has sucked his own blood as well as his lover’s. In the first stanza Donne assures the woman that sleeping together would be a minor act. When

  • Femme Fatales

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    According to, a femme fatale is a woman of great seductive charm who leads a man into trouble or comprising events. This same definition applies to the poem “La Belle Dame Sans Merci.” The poem by John Keats, a man describes a lady who is so lovely but eventually leads him to troubling events. Through the theory of femme fatales, and “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” (The beautiful lady with no pity) the poem portrays the woman as evil through the dangers of her appearance, personality

  • Seduction Techniques Illustrated in Donne's The Flea and Marvell's To His Coy Mistress

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    of marriage, this did not stop men from trying to convince her. John Donne, a poet of the 16th century, wrote misogynistic pieces in his early works. Andrew Marvell, a contemporary of Donne, who also wrote seduction poems. Donne’s “The Flea” and Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress” both have seduction techniques, yet the degree of success is different. The degree of success each seducer has can be judged by looking at the rhetoric, imagery and emotional appeals in “The Flea” and “To His Coy Mistress.”

  • Comparing A Scene In The Yusuf Sura Of The Koran And The Hebrew Bible

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    should identify good and evil for yourself. The seduction scene in these text teach us about good and evil. In the Bible, the character Joseph and in the Koran the character Joseph is clearly the one being seduced by a married woman. It is also stated that during this seduction in both text Joseph was the only male or the only other person in the home. With some basic knowledge of both religions it is safe to say that regardless of the religion the seduction is a clear sin and seen as evil tempting good

  • Art Of Seduction : A Cautionary Tale

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    The (Failed) Art of Seduction: A Cautionary Tale The Byzantine Empire was a primarily Christian empire whose reign started in 330 A.D and ended in 1453 A.D with the capturing of the its capital, Constantinople by the Muslim Sultan Mehmed II. In the years following the fall of the Byzantines, many of the Christian basilicas were transformed into mosques for Islamic worship, inspiring many artists to create works that embodied their religious politics. One of the pieces created following the fall of