Argumentative Essay About Dating

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It 's amazing when you figure things out how simple the answer is. I 've talked about getting girlfriends in the past. To recap: Do something epic to get women. They (well most) expect you to have a life and be a provider. So do something great with your life and you will attract women. But don 't do something epic just to get women. It won 't work, or if it does it 'll probably be the wrong kind of women for you. In my dating guide for college, I talked about the power of taking it slow (but it can actually moves things along very fast), with cold approach or people in your social circle. And gradually transistion it into a relationship. Then, finally, I talked about not cold approach, but naturally approaching instead. As in, approaching Not really, they suggest you approach every girl with that line. What I 'm saying, is if you really do want to get to know her. Just tell her! So I found it! The ULTIMATE pickup line! No you are missing the point. You could just say hi to her and treat her like a friend. She knows why you are saying hi, so you are being honest and authetnic with yourself I 'm completely lost now... Remember my post on everything being predetermined when it comes to friendships? It is the same with women. Whether they like you and if you 'll get along is predetermined before you meet them. And woman have an intuition about if you are a good match or not (and so do you so use it). And that 's why this works. But if you are being weird about it, her intuition is going to tell her something is off and she 'll probably avoid you. So it is about you being authetnic about how you feel and what you want and just going for it. You are not going to talk to her because she is attractive, but because you are attracted to her. And when you interact you just do what comes natural. And going somewhere just to hit on women isn 't nature. Nor is it really what you want. what you want is a life you can Yes, that is exactly what I 'm saying! But that stuff dosen 't work! I 've tried! Yes it does! But every time you were "being yourself" you weren 't. You were nervous. You were in your head (probably thinking about PUA material). Or you put so much emphasis on it that you are making a 1000x harder than it should be. I remember reading this article and the women are absolutely right about the two points they make at the bottom. But I know this PUA stuff works. I 've tried it with success. I 'm not saying it doesn 't work, but who it works on is the question. If you are trying to manipulate people, you are going to get people in your life that manipulate you. Do you really want that. But if you are

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