Pick Up Lines Research

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Women will go on and on about how much they hate pickup lines but personal experiences show that they really do work. The Different Types of Pickup Lines Pick up artists report that there are three main types of pick up lines. The first and simplest to use is the direct pick up line which makes your intentions clear from the start. The benefits of using a direct pick up line is that it saves both parties a lot of time by coming clean early on why it is that you are talking to the person without the need for subterfuge. Women love such direct openers because it shows that the man using it is confident and knows that he wants. The downside to direct pick up lines is that some women can't handle such a direct approach and it only really works on women are looking for long-term commitments. An example of a successful direct pick up line is "I'd like to get to know you". On the other-hand, telling her all of the dirty things that you want to do to her as an opening line is likely to get you slapped. Indirect pickup lines are the tools of men who are looking to get laid immediately. Think of it as a sideways approach that you would use to get close to a lion. By coming at your target sideways, you are considered to be less of a threat and by the time your target realizes your true intentions, it is …show more content…

The success of your chosen pick up line is down to what your target is looking for. They recognize men who use cheesy and brass pickup lines such as "Those tights would look so much better in between my teeth" as very humorous but not intelligent at all. Humor is good for a one-night stand however if the woman is looking for a more long-term engagement she's going to want to hear something smarter as your opening

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