Scotts Essays

  • Scott

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    Scott O' Dell is a world famous author who has been writing for children and adults for years. From novels that have been given global recogintion to small monoscripts that are barely being released, his work is not hard to find and quite distinguishable, especially in historical fiction. Mr. O' Dell's life has been one of traveling and nature, which shines and connects through to all of his work. His life started in Los Angeles, California in 1898, where he was born with the name Odell Gabriel Scott

  • Scotts experience on the moon in "Waliking on the Moon" by David R. Scott

    1994 Words  | 4 Pages

    Moon" by David R. Scott “WALKING ON THE MOON” by David R. Scott, an American astronaut, is an account of his experiences on moon which he has narrated by the use of figurative language. He has described each aspect with deep detail in order to portray the moon which is merely seen afar. He has employed various techniques to describe the moon and to make his experiences comprehendible to all and sundry. HE compares, every now and then, his experiences on the moon with the earth. Scott, with his companions

  • Winfield Scott

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    Abstract Winfield Scott was a true American hero. Serving in 3 wars and numerous other battles and conflicts, he left a legacy that was talked about for over 5 decades. He served in the War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the Civil War. He began his military career and advanced quickly in the ranks. He was a formidable leader and very studious in military tactics. A big man, he stood at 61/2 feet tall, and demanded respect both when in uniform and without. He was referred to as "Old Fuss and

  • Scott Joplin

    767 Words  | 2 Pages

    Scott Joplin was know as the kings of ragtime. I will explain also explain how he grew up and what type of music he played. I will also write about why I believe he deserves the title that he has been bestowed upon him. The first thing I will talk about is the type of music he is know for which gave him that name. Most people listen to the type of music he composed but next to none know who or how it was composed. There seems to be an abundance of music fans who know little or nothing about the

  • Scott Joplin

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    Scott Joplin (1868-1917) Scott Joplin, commonly known as the "King of Ragtime" music, was born on November 24, 1868, in Bowie County, Texas near Linden. Joplin came from a large musical family. His father, Giles Joplin was a musician who had fiddled dance music while serving as a slave at his master's parties. His mother, Florence Givens Joplin, born free and out of slavery, sang and played the banjo, and four of his brothers and sisters either sang or played strings. Joplin's talent was revealed

  • The Case of Scott Peterson

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    Scott Peterson was an educated man from California Polytechnic State University where he graduated with a B.A. in Agricultural Business. He was married to his wife Laci Peterson who was also pregnant with their unborn son. In December of 2002 Laci Peterson went missing in the Modesto, California area where she shared a home with Scott. Once the investigation of Scott’s missing wife started authorities began to suspect Scott as a suspect in her disappearance. In April of 2003 a fetus and a female

  • Biography of Ridley Scott

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    Ridley Scott was born in Northumberland England in 1937. His father was a Military officer in the Royal Engineers and his family traveled with him throughout England and Europe. When he was older Ridley wanted to join the Army but was encouraged by his father to attend West Hartlepool College of Art and the London's Royal College of Art. He later joined the BBC in 1962 where he got his first directing job on the British show Z Cars. After he was unhappy with his earnings at BBC he formed his own

  • Dred Scott

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    In this position paper I will explain the trials that Dred Scott had to go through in his life in his attempts for justice to be served. Dred Scott was born in 1799, and was an illiterate slave. His parents were slaves and so he was born the property of the Peter Blow family. In 1804 The United States took possesion of Missouri and after many debates on whether or not it would be a slavery state, a resolution known as the Missouri Compromise came along. This made a balance in the number of

  • Essay On Scott Peterson

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    The Scott Peterson Case. This case was about a couple, Laci and Scott Peterson who everyone thought they had a good life together, good jobs, nice cars, a golden retriever, a new house, and even a new baby on the way. Scott Peterson began to become unhappy and did not want that new baby with all the stress going on, and instead of getting a divorce he decided to kill his own wife and unborn son! On December 24, 2002, Laci Peterson was reported missing by her husband Scott, she was eight months pregnant

  • Scott Roplin: A Style Of Musical Music: Composer Scott Joplin

    587 Words  | 2 Pages

    write my research paper on composer Scott Joplin. He was dubbed the “king of Ragtime.” Ragtime is a style of music that is like classical concert music, in it is printed music. I listened to some of Scott Joplin’s pieces and they had a happy upbeat sound. Ragtime is considered piano music, it is a multi-themed music usually grouped as (ABACD). It is Harmonic and has syncopation and tends to be recapitulation. The term “Ragtime” originated from the term “ragged time” which refers to rhythmically broken

  • Scott Joplin Music

    1118 Words  | 3 Pages

    Scott Joplin is known as the father of ragtime and has played a critical role in evolution of American music. Within this paper, I will discuss how the primary elements within Joplin’s piano rags are reflective of his life and the time period in which he lived, how his music played a role in the American culture at the time he was actively composing and performing, and how his genre became the essential pioneer in the evolution of jazz. While arguing this, I will use the scores of his most popular

  • Pretties by Scott Westerfeld

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    The book I read was Pretties by: Scott Westerfeld. This book is the second book in a trilogy. The first book is Uglies. You will understand Pretties better if you read Uglies. Pretties was about a girl named Tally who has finally turned pretty. At first she thought that was she wanted, until she rediscovered the truth of becoming pretty. In the first book Tally met David, whose parents knew that truth. And that truth was horrible. Becoming pretty had its disadvantages. When you got the operation

  • Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

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    appearance or becoming a pretty. F. Overall Opinion- My overall opinion of this book is good I really liked it and recommend it to anyone. It is a good book to read and it keep you interested throughout the whole book. Works Cited Westerfeld, Scott. Uglies. New York: Simon Pulse, 2005. Print.

  • Sir Walter Scott

    901 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sir Walter Scott Sir Walter Scott was born in a tenement at College Wynd, in Edinburgh, on August 15, 1771. There is evidence that he may have been born in 1770 and when his mother was asked about it she said she had forgotten the detail of when he was born. There was no deep warmth between parents and children in the Scott family. The Scott family had no fewer than twelve children and young Walter was the ninth. Him and his two other brothers were the only children to survive. All other nine

  • Dredd Scott Decision

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    southern states threatened secession if a candidate from the antislavery Republican party won. Into this charged atmosphere stepped a black slave from Missouri named Dred Scott. During the 1850s in the United States, Southern support of slavery and Northern opposition to it collided more violently than ever over the case of Dred Scott, a black slave from Missouri who claimed his freedom on the basis of seven years of residence in a free state and a free territory. When the predominately pro-slavery

  • The Dred Scott Decision

    2548 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Dred Scott Decision The Dred Scott decision of the Supreme Court in March 1857 was one of the major steps on the road to secession. Dred Scott was a slave who was taken to Missouri from Virginia and sold. His new master then moved to Illinois (a free state) for a while but soon moved back to Missouri. Upon his master's death, Scott claimed that since he had resided in a free state, he was consequentially a free man. The case eventually made it to the Supreme Court. As stated by Supreme

  • Scott Joplin Research Paper

    1684 Words  | 4 Pages

    Scott Joplin Our nation is teeming with thousands of various music genres, each with their own unique flare. America also contains an ethnically diverse mixture of artists and composers that have all contributed to the history and patriotic culture of this country throughout time. Dwight Henry mentioned that “Music knits people together in some strange way,” and from the very beginning this has proved to be completely true, especially in the eyes of Scott Joplin. Scott Joplin was an African-American

  • Coretta Scott King

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    Coretta Scott King Coretta Scott King was born on April 27, 1927 in Heiberger, Alabama. Heiberger was a small segregated town. Coretta’s parents were Obadiah and Bernice Scott. She has an older sister named Edythe and a younger brother, Obie. Coretta was named after her grandmother Cora Scott. Her family was hard working and devoted Christians. Coretta had a strong temper, feared no one and stood up for herself. Coretta, Edythe and Obie had to walk three miles to an all-black school in Heiberger

  • Scott Joplin's Ragtime Music

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    The music created by the legendary Scott Joplin can be heard everywhere around the world even to this day. Many of his works are immediately recognizable to millions of people, including myself. I was not even aware that I knew any of Scott Joplin’s masterpieces but I certainly did. The composition entitled The Entertainer has been featured countless times in movies and games that I have experienced and its catchy beat was cemented in my mind (IMDb). Joplin was the king of the ragtime musical genre

  • Scott Joplin Research Paper

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    Scott Joplin said: “Boy, when I’m dead 25 years, people are going to begin to recognize me.” With this quote, Scott Joplin seemed to predict the impact that his music and life would have on generations to come. Indeed, as time moved on Scott Joplin’s prediction became true. Best-known as a ragtime musician and composer, Scott Joplin set the standard for many other musicians that followed in his footsteps. Scott Joplin was an important figure in American History because he is considered the “King