Root Essays

  • The Value of Roots

    1347 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Value of Roots The era of the American Revolution was a time of great nationalism, hope, and unity. People who were once only colonists were now citizens of a new and exciting nation. As the years wore on, however, the citizens of the United States were faced with the reality of building a country. The nation strove to find a place for itself, to become secure against the power of the rest of the world. Industry grew along with the population, but what the new country gained in strength

  • Metaphors: History as Roots

    1141 Words  | 3 Pages

    phrases around me were metaphors. Those phrases were not “poetic or rhetorical” way of talking, but a normal usage for those around me to express their thoughts (Lakeoff, 1986, p.216). The metaphor that came up several times on my search was history as roots. This metaphor allows us to think about life in a certain way and it holds particular implications for our interpersonal communication. While catching up on the world news, I came across a story about Shakila, a young Afghanistan girl. She was kidnapped

  • ancestry: roots

    527 Words  | 2 Pages

    The experiment calls for us to trace our ancestry in any manner possible and trace where we as an ethnicity came from. I decided to concentrate on my mothers’ side of the family because it is more interesting and something other members in my family have already started to investigate. I choose not to concentrate on my fathers’ side because being Mexican is the general term people associate me with. I wanted to elaborate on the other part of my culture, being Native American. From the stories my

  • The Roots of Illiteracy

    1233 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Roots of Illiteracy A problem that pervades our society and threatens to undermine all of the "advances" of our culture is illiteracy. Why is illiteracy so prominent in the United States? In such a diverse culture the causes of illiteracy cannot be easily pointed out. The United States has one of the most expensive higher educational systems in the world, yet 43% of adults read at a level that scarcely makes it possible to function in society. Almost 22% of adults are not be able

  • Roots of Anti-Semitism

    5766 Words  | 12 Pages

    explain to the Christians not to adopt a superior attitude towards the Jews. IF THE PART OF THE DOUGH OFFERED AS FIRST FRUITS IS HOLY, THEN THE WHOLE BRANCH IS HOLY; AND IF THE ROOT IS HOLY, THEN THE BRANCHES ARE ALSO HOLY…DO NOT BOAST OVER THE BRANCHES. IF YOU DO BOAST, REMEMBER THAT IT IS NOT YOU THAT SUPPORT THE ROOT, BUT THE ROOT SUPPORTS YOU. [ROMANS 11] At one point this appeared to be Paul’s feeling towards the Jews and the Christians. His sentiment appeared to change, according to Christian suppressionists

  • Insecurity as a Root of Tyranny

    1289 Words  | 3 Pages

    Insecurity as a Root of Tyranny “Everyday Use,” by the acclaimed author Alice Walker, is a thematic and symbolic adaptation of the author’s life and the lifestyle of the African-American population during the 1960’s. Reviewing Alice Walker’s life and the 1960’s provides the necessary background to understand the character development of this story. Walker was born in 1944, the daughter of poor southern sharecroppers in Georgia. The history of the Walker family predates slavery; therefore, many

  • Roots Of Individualism In Euro

    1184 Words  | 3 Pages

    Roots of Individualism in Europe During the Middle Ages, independent thought was viewed disdainfully. Almost any idea deviating from the status quo, largely determined by the Roman Catholic Church, was condemned as heresy. One convicted of such a grievous offense was often excommunicated or killed, either by means of a proper execution or by a hostile mob. However, with the decline of the Middle Ages, the conditions arose for the birth of individualism—the development of which can be traced through

  • Root Surface Caries

    1284 Words  | 3 Pages

    Root Surface Caries Caries can affect any surface of the teeth. The most commonly seen caries are found on the crown of a tooth, above the cemento-enamel junction, it is also possible for caries to form on the root surface, below the cemento-enamel junction. Dental root caries has received a great deal of attention in the past few decades. A variety of different patients are at risk for root surface caries. Dentists use several methods of treatment. Root surface caries are also called cemental caries

  • The Roots of Human Nature

    690 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Roots of Human Nature The roots of human nature are sunk deep into our history and experiences. When in our own lives we are to find the basis of our human nature, we must look to our early years, the formative years. Now take for example if we placed a newborn in the wild or in a high-class, well-mannered, wealthy family. The human nature of the newborn in the wild will be exactly that, wild and chaotic. While on the other hand the newborn in the well-mannered society will be well mannered

  • The Root Causes of Deforestation

    940 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Root Causes of Deforestation In the second chapter of his book, Tropical Deforestation: Small Farmers and Land Clearing in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Thomas K. Rudel hypothesizes that the cause of rainforest destruction goes beyond the traditional immiserization model. The immiserization model holds that there are two groups of people separately causing deforestation: powerful businesses such as the plantation owners and extractive enterprises; and landless peasants. Instead, he contends that

  • The Roots of Our Digital World

    2967 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Roots of Our Digital World Today's world revolves around the storing, organization, and communication of information. While the world today may seem new and unique, this digital world arose out of a combination of many smaller steps that varied from innovations like a new discovery in science or a new philosophical outlook. In their writings Lev Manovich, a professor of New Media at San Diego University, and Dr. Simon Cook, an Economics professor at Duke University, have developed of a history

  • External Structure of Roots and Stems

    992 Words  | 2 Pages

    The lab exercise about External Structure of roots and stems enabled us to see and hold the parts of the roots and stems of plants, thus examine them more closely. We were able to compare the different root systems and the kinds of stems of different plants, thus we were able to find similarities and differences. We examined different root systems and labeled the parts, thus we were able to differentiate both kinds of systems from one another. We were also given the chance to examine closely a monocot

  • The Hawaii Diet : Returning to our Roots

    1963 Words  | 4 Pages

    The HawaiiDiet : Returning to our Roots In the past forty years, the average American’s weight has skyrocketed. This can be traced to the introduction of fast food into our everyday lives. Fatty cheeseburgers and grease laden French fries have replaced fresh fish and crisp vegetables. Americans have come to value convenience more highly than personal health and consequently we are paying for what we consume. Obesity is becoming an increasingly significant health concern in the United States

  • Materialism Is The Root Of All Evil

    537 Words  | 2 Pages

    Materialism is the Root of All Evil There is an old adage which says, "The root of all evil is money." This, however, is not true in America. In America, money is not the problem, the love of money, or materialism, is the problem. Materialism is at the core of our American dream. We grow up learning that success is rooted in material wealth and power. We live in a country where material things mean more to the general populous than a good education, where material things dictate the amount of money

  • The Neoplatonist Roots of Sufi Philosophy

    2391 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Neoplatonist Roots of Sufi Philosophy Neoplatonism strongly influenced the development of Sufism. Neoplatonism, as developed by Plotinus conceives God to be the source and goal of everything. Islam qua institution is closed to all critical and philosophical thought, but Sufism enjoys a more liberal and critical approach. It is probable that the translations of Plotinus have provided the necessary philosophical ground for Sufism. An examination of both Sufism and Neoplatonism reveals close

  • The Melungeons: Turkish Roots in the New World

    2367 Words  | 5 Pages

    mixture was going to become the formation of the present day Melungeons. Current popular theory suggests that the Melungeons were descendants of abandoned Portuguese and Spanish settlers. The English word Melungeon has both Arabic and Turkish roots, meaning "cursed soul." Also in Portuguese, "Melungo" means shipmate. In the Turkish language Melungeons are called Melun-can, "Melun" being a borrowed word from Arabic meaning one that carries bad luck and ill omen. And "can," which is Turkish, means

  • Isolation as the Root of Hamlet's Torment

    1649 Words  | 4 Pages

    Isolation as the Root of Hamlet's Torment Does Hamlet stand alone? Does this magnate of English literature hold any bond of fellowship with those around him, or does he forge through his quandaries of indecision, inaction and retribution in solitude? Though the young Dane interacts with Shakespeare's entire slate of characters, most of his discourse lies beneath a cloud of sarcasm, double meaning and contempt. As each member of Claudius' royal court offers their thickly veiled and highly motivated

  • Three Methods to Find Roots of Equations

    3059 Words  | 7 Pages

    Three Methods to Find Roots of Equations There are many different kind of methods which can be used to find the roots of equations which can not be sold algebraically. In this coursework we are going to analyse the use of three of these methods which are called the: change of sign, Newton-Raphson and the rearrangement method and are going to use them to find roots of different equations. Change of sign method A root of an equation (where the graph crosses the x-axis) can be detected

  • Root Canal

    1249 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Endodontics procedures of a Therapy Root Canal Dreyonna Carroll Anthem Institute The endodontics procedures of rotary canal therapy or root canal is a procedure that is performed by a specialized general dentist, and or a endodontist. The patient develops consistent ,severe pain, discoloration, or sensitivity from food and even to touch in , or around a certain area of a tooth, and is diagnosed by a specialist to receive rotary therapy. This is if the tooth can be saved, meaning it is not

  • Class Classification in Arnold Wesker’s Roots

    1657 Words  | 4 Pages

    dramatist with distinct social leanings. Roots is the second play of Wesker Triology which begins with Chicken soup with Barley and ends with I’m talking about Jerusalem. Roots considered as kitchen- sink drama as this drama revolved, both physically and psychologically, around the kitchen sink. It is a play of relationships; husband-wife relationship, mother-daughter relationship, siblings’s relationship, man-woman relationship and master - servant relationship. Roots bring in light the problems of working