Real property law Essays

  • Advance Notices from the Scottish Law Commission

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    The Scottish Law Commission (SLC) have stated that the introduction of ‘Advance Notices’ as part of the Land Registration (Scotland) Act 2012 will be ’appealing to conveyancers and the system should benefit their clients’. The SLC also go on to state that advance notices ‘offer something more direct and effective than the protection offered by a letter of obligation.’ The idea behind the introduction of advance notices was to minimise the risk period between the delivery and registration of a deed

  • Main Aims of the Land Registration Acts and Meeting Them

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    Main Aims of the Land Registration Acts and Meeting Them The aims of the extensive restructuring of English property law that took place in 1925 can be accurately summarisedby Lord Upjohn[1]: "it has been the policy of the law for over a hundred years to simplify and facilitate transactions in real property. It is of great importance that persons should be able freely and easily to raise money on the security of their tenure." Prior to 1925, the system for the transfer of land remained

  • The Saga of the Tigua Indians

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    The Saga of the Tigua Indians The Saga of the Tigua Indians is an amazing one. By all reasoning they should have been wiped out long ago. There quiet defiance to change, however, has carried them through. From the height of civilization to near extinction the Tigua have remained. They endure imprisonment by the Spanish, oppression and manipulation by everyone that followed. This is the story of a people thought to extinct, that are once again learning to survive. Early histories of the Tigua

  • Land Law

    2207 Words  | 5 Pages

    Land Law The understanding and basis of land law in this country today largely stems from the substantial amount of legislation, which was developed in, and around 1925. It is important to note that reforms aimed to simplify and rationalise substantive law. Over the years there have been many developments and adjustments to the 1925 legislation, but the essential framework has all in all remained the same until 2002. When the Land Registration Act 2002 was enacted and implemented in October

  • Treaty-Making in Canada

    1447 Words  | 3 Pagesétis-win-land-claim/article9505274/ Isaac, T., Annis, K., & University of Saskatchewan (2010). Treaty rights in the historic treaties of Canada. Saskatoon: Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan. Leeson, H. A., & University of Regina (2009). Saskatchewan politics: Crowding the centre. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina. Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) (2013). Retrieved from http://www

  • Buying Agricultural Land in India

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    Investment in real estate has always been a lucrative avenue for investors who want to see their money grow manifold. But off late with recent stagnation in the real estate prices there has been a negative effect in the real estate market of traditional property such as Apartments, Offices etc. In this scenario one area which is seeing a gradual demand is agricultural lands. According to expert agricultural land has always been user friendly and not to costly medium of investing in real estate. On top

  • Estate Planning Persuasive Essay

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    or Transfer on Death Accounts, and a Revocable Living Trust. They all have their positive and negative aspects. This article is to briefly touch on each action and the different consequences of each. Jointly titled assets consist of bank accounts, real estate, automobiles, and the like in which the main owner shares ownership with at least one other person. When the main owner dies, ownership is then transferred to the other owner(s) listed on the contract or agreement. Problems arise when it involves

  • Easement Case

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    Characteristics of easement Easement in Jim’s property is a proprietary right and an interest in land. Easement have 4 essential characteristics as outlined in Re Ellenborough Park included “1) There must be a dominant DT and a servient tenement ST; 2) The easement must accommodate the DT; 3) The same person must not own and occupy the DT and ST; and 4) The right claimed as an easement must be capable of forming the subject matter of a grant.” The easement of property 78/89989 has the above characteristics

  • Property Law

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    Property Law Chuck decides to go into property development. He finds for sale a row of three derelict empty cottages close to the Thames Estuary at Feversham Creek, and a strip of land between them and the Creek. He thinks property values here are about to rise dramatically. The whole area is owned by the Mockingbird Estate. Chuck successfully negotiates purchase of the cottages, and of the strip by the Creek. In the conveyance, both Chuck and Mockingbird covenant not to use their land

  • The Role Of Public Service In The Dire Dawa Administration

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    customers.. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Service Delivery Policy in its part defines public service as those activities of government institutions aimed at satisfying the needs and ensuring the well being of the society as well as enforcing laws, regulations and activities of the government (FDRE, 2001). Public service is generally include those services which are mainly, or completely, funded by taxation. The issue of public service delivery is becoming a global concern that demands continuous

  • Land Registration Act Case Study

    2587 Words  | 6 Pages

    Act (LRA) 20024 was then brought into force and repealed the LRA 1925 in its entirety but still applying the fundamental principles. ¬¬¬______________________________ 1 Judith Bray, Unlocking Land Law (3rd edition, Routledge, USA 2013) 50 2 Land Registration Act 1925 3 Martin Dixon, Modern Land Law (5th edition, Cavendish Publishing, 2005) 17 4 Land Registration Act 2002 ¬The LRA 2002 came into force on October 13th 2003 along with a number of objectives. Under the mirror principle, the Register

  • Business Law Compare And Contrast Essay

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    Statutes for real estate vary from state to state. While there is common law that is similar in every state, there are no two states that have the same statutes. All fifty states do have laws pertaining to real estate, it just varies on what exactly is covered and what specific steps must be taken. Some statutes across states remain the same, while some states have statutes for circumstances that others do not. It is also possible that within the state, statutes are different from county to county

  • Foreign Ownership of real estate in Vietnam

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    Since the first land laws of 1993 property sector in Vietnam is increasingly open to foreign individuals and organizations. Initially the 1992 Constitution of Socialist Republic of Vietnam, articles 17, states that “the land as belonging to the state fall under the ownership of the entire people”. So technically, no one can own land : foreigners or Vietnamese. However statute of the land is not the same as built property. Since this first law, proprietorship evolves, the 1993 Land Law was replaced by

  • Property Hiring Process

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    or selling property could be tricky. You might not have the adequate knowledge to get into such transactions. You might end up incurring heavy losses if you do not consult a professional. This is when you require a real estate attorney. He can help you throughout the process of your property transactions. You will not end up making mistakes resulting in losses. Before hiring an attorney, it is important that you understand what his job is. Say, for example you want to buy a property. Your lawyer

  • Land Registration Act 1925 And The Land Registration Act 1925

    1588 Words  | 4 Pages

    in a single document called a Title Information Documents. Before property legislation brought into force, the mechanics of conveyancing were obstruct by formalism and surround with danger for all but the most conscientious purchaser. The reliance on title deeds to prove ownership of land was both inconvenient and, for the purchaser, an expensive way to prove title. Land Registration Act 1925, in conjunction with the Law of Property Act 1925 and the Settled Land Act 1925, sought to simplify and codify

  • Real Estate Definition

    1031 Words  | 3 Pages

    Real Estate Definition:Land is the property, land, structures, air rights over the area, and underground rights underneath the area. The term land implies genuine, or physical, property. The Real Estate business sector is the market that incorporates all exchanges which include dealings in rights or access to land and structures. It structures the spine of the urban economy being a settled variable business; thus a productive Real Estate business is generally critical for a well working urban environment

  • Real Estate Essay

    700 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction The term ‘Real estate’ includes land, including the air above it and the ground below it and any buildings or structures on it. Also referred to as realty, it covers residential apartments and housing, commercial office places and trade centres such as hotels and restaurants, retail complexes, theatres, industrial buildings such as factories and government buildings. Real estate involves buying selling and developing land, residential and non-residential buildings for various purposes

  • Analysis Of The Real Estate Market

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    Real estate investments and transactions represent a major part of people’s wealth. The average American has about one-third of their net worth tied to real estate market and when considering the size and scale of the market, real estate can be an attractive and lucrative market for any looking to invest. The real estate market can be volatile, ever changing and unpredictable. However, fundamental knowledge and a basic understanding of the factors that influence changes in the market; may help to

  • 1031 Exchanges

    3297 Words  | 7 Pages

    for the real estate investor” This paper is written to provide a reasonably comprehensive overview of Section 1031 of the IRC as it pertains to real estate transactions, and to offer some thoughts on the wealth-creation advantages that 1031 Exchanges offer. For the greater part of the last decade, we in the United States have been witness to a consistently appreciating real estate market. Sometimes it seems that almost anyone who has purchased a house, piece of property, or other real estate type

  • Real Estate Practitioner

    1901 Words  | 4 Pages

    however becoming a real estate broker and eventually a real estate developer has always been one of my aspirations. Real estate brokers and developers are the reason most commercial and residential estates gets introduced to the market and end up sold. Real estate brokers and sales agents help clients buy, sell, and rent properties but only brokers are licensed to manage their own real estate businesses. Real estate developers acquire property upon which they plan to develop their real estate projects