The Role Of Public Service In The Dire Dawa Administration

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Dire Dawa Administration has an area of about 128,802 ha. According to the 2007 population and housing census of Ethiopia, the total population of the Dire Dawa Administration was estimated to be 341,834, out of which the urban population was 233,224 and that of the rural population, 108,610. The Adminstration is a center of modern economic and social activities where infrastructure services are found relatively in a good situation. However, its development is too slow to meet the demands of the increasing population due to natural growth and rural-urban migration. In particular, the land administration services are poorly and inadequately provided to the customers.
Now a days, the key component of public sector function is providing excellent services to their customers.. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Service Delivery Policy in its part defines public service as those activities of government institutions aimed at satisfying the needs and ensuring the well being of the society as well as enforcing laws, regulations and activities of the government (FDRE, 2001). Public service is generally include those services which are mainly, or completely, funded by taxation.
The issue of public service delivery is becoming a global concern that demands continuous reform to fit the turbulent environment and changing customer needs. In the past few decades, there has been a growing emphasis on the need for public organizations to see the public (citizens) as customers and the trend in public sector management is changing that customers increasingly used to describe the users of service delivered by government bodies (World Bank, 2000).
The developing world is being transformed from a world of rural villages into world of cities a...

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...uplication .Consequently, land records are not reliable, land disputes are common, land registries are overwhelmed with associated problems, and integrated reliable land information is almost impossible to obtain. Land Administration services are costly for both the government and the people. Moreover, the people are hardly satisfied with the quality of the services (Ibid).
The Administration's government has established land registration activities which were intending to regularize the illegal settlements though the project is impeded with different problems. As a result there are a number of illegal settlements which are in waiting line to get the registration services from the Administration's Land Development and Management Bureau. The payment of compensation for the affected occupants or/and owners is subject to cumbersome procedures and lacks transparency.

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