Reaction Paper Essays

  • Elie Wiesel's Night: Reaction Paper

    1302 Words  | 3 Pages

    Night Reaction Paper #1 p. 78 This is the scene where Elie is in the hospital part of the camp because of the operation that he has just had done to his foot. After Elie and his father decide to stay, leave the hospital, and be evacuated with the rest of the camp, he explains how he found out that the Russians liberated the rest of the people in the hospital two days after the evacuation. This part absolutely floored me because I couldn’t imagine first, making that big a decision

  • Reaction Paper: Was Marx Wrong?

    694 Words  | 2 Pages

    Karl Marx was an influential character of history, a man of tremendous intelligence as well as a great inspiration to many philosphers and people past and present. Karl Marx was a man of action for the less fortunate class, in that sense his theories are not wrong, to a certain extent they are positve inquisitions. It is those whom have practiced Marx theories that have misinterpreted his works giving Karl Marx a negative demeanor. Specifically Lenin and Stalin are two leaders who have brought shame

  • Reaction Paper On A Man For All Seasons

    1263 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Man for All Seasons is the story of a man who knows who he is, expressing courage and faithfulness at all costs. In addition, every character has their own ends to meet, and the only distinguishable feature between them is how they go about it. Some characters disregard all sense of morality as they plunge into an approach, which primarily encompasses self-interest. In all, most of the characters in the movie personify selfishness in one way or another. Of course there are some whose selfishness

  • Psychology

    920 Words  | 2 Pages

    Reaction Paper 1 (Sample Reaction Paper) Ron Gerrard, HWS Psychology Department My paper is based on an article from the text’s web site (chapter 9) entitled “Lack of sleep ages body’s systems.” The basic claim of the article is that sleep deprivation has various harmful effects on the body. The reported effects include decreased ability to metabolize glucose (similar to what occurs in diabetes) and increased levels of cortisol (a stress hormone involved in memory and regulation of blood sugar levels)

  • Reaction to Mean Streets

    1018 Words  | 3 Pages

    Reaction Paper to Mean Streets Mean Streets' greatest influence in American cinema was not on directors or scriptwriters (though its influence there was considerable) but rather on actors. The film has Harvey Keitel (as Charlie) at its center, whose solidity and slight dullness as an actor keeps the film from spinning off into total anarchy; but it is Robert De Niro's Johnny Boy (Charlie's wild, self-destructive friend whom he looks out for with all the obsessiveness of an older brother)

  • Alfred North Whitehead and John Dewey

    613 Words  | 2 Pages

    “The correlate in thinking of facts, data, knowledge, already acquired, is suggestions, inferences, conjectured meanings, suppositions, tentative explanations:--ideas, in short.” --John Dewey Out of the authors that I have read this year, Alfred North Whitehead and John Dewey are the two that I have found the greatest commonality with in the subject of obtaining and gaining information. Whitehead speaks on education relating back to Life. It seems to be the only way to become a person that can understand

  • Reaction Paper On Intellectualization

    982 Words  | 2 Pages

    Intellectualization 1. Nancy McWilliams explains that the individual who is using intellectualization as a defense mechanism, is talking about their emotions; however, in an unemotional way (McWilliams, 2011). As a clinician, I have learned to talk about emotions; however, as I was raised in a culture in which emotions were not part of the everyday conversations, it has taken me a long time to learn to identify what I am feeling. Nowadays, as a clinician, I use a lot of emotional language in my

  • Reaction paper 3

    766 Words  | 2 Pages

    territory were remnants of other empires, which essentially mark the current divisions within Ukraine. Southeastern Ukraine was settled during the Russian empire in the late 18th century and people in this area are very closely tied... ... middle of paper ... ...d into Russia while western Ukraine remain its own sovereign state left with the task of rebuilding its government and electing a new president. This way, it could eventually be voted into the European Union. Given the current and ongoing

  • Reaction Paper On Burnout

    2040 Words  | 5 Pages

    Stressors are common among the helping professions, especially in the crisis setting (James & Gilliland, 2013). Many helping professionals in the crisis setting deal with erratic hours, extremely low pay, immediate deadlines, sporadic clients, and repeat callers. In addition to these many stressors, crisis workers are put into dangerous and traumatic situations. Thus, making terms like burnout, vicarious traumatization, and compassion fatigue common among these workers. Burnout Given the intimate

  • Reaction Paper On Adolescence

    1648 Words  | 4 Pages

    My topic of this research paper is adolescence. I will first be discussing about my experience of adolescence. My story is about the embarrassment of my bangs, zits from them, and the nickname I got from them. The story shows how I cracked from the social pressure and followed the crowd. I will then be talk about the research I found about adolescence and things that tie into my story. I will talk about adolescence and the stages, the effects of behavior, social developments, and the change it has

  • Reaction Paper on Nursing

    1123 Words  | 3 Pages

    I have to admit, while watching this movie I shed some tears and surprisingly it did not have soporific effect. The movie definitely made me more aware of how much impact we as nurse have in our patients’ lives. One of the goals in therapeutic relationships is to provide emotional and informative support in which the client is able to make informed decisions regarding their health care (Arnold & Boggs. 2016). The doctor portrayed in this movie did not display empathy, in relaying her medical

  • Reaction Paper On Procrastination

    829 Words  | 2 Pages

    or cleaning, I tend to procrastinate cleaning to do something I enjoy. I believe that procrastination is something I can work on and after reading articles about this behavior it will help me understand more on how to change this behavior. In this paper, I am going to explain how I will apply a few techniques to help me clean my room and not procrastinate.

  • Reaction Paper 2

    1283 Words  | 3 Pages

    the Human Sexuality is what I vainly looked for in Sex ED and sex books as a teen, a sex coach would be taking that idea of practical sexual education even farther. The idea of a sex coach is something my friends and I have joki... ... middle of paper ... ...o believe in active listening, and now all the arguments I have had with boyfriends, parents, and peers make more sense: people do not like being told how they are doing things wrong. That is a slight misrepresentation, Gottman talked about

  • DV Reaction Paper

    596 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nearly one in every four woman are beaten or raped by a partner in adulthood. That was one of the statistic that our speaker from the Clackamas Women’s Services said on Wednesday. This was one of the things that she said that stood out to me. So, in this essay I will be telling you what I learned from her. First I will give you two definitions of domestic violence and explain about the type of abuse, second I will tell you about a myth that people believe in and explain why the victim might stay

  • Nacerima Reaction paper

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    the Nacirema have related the condition of their mouth to diseases of the teeth, gums, jaws, and social relations of friends and lovers. Oral and moral characteristics relate to both children and adults. I believe the private m... ... middle of paper ... ...g confession. Devils in a modern sense might be ones' psychosis or anxiety. Consequently, this part of the Nacirema body obsession seems less ritualistic. In conclusion, the practices of the Nacirema seem barbaric and crude. In their self

  • Reaction Paper On Multiculturalism

    1290 Words  | 3 Pages

    The term multiculturalism coins a variety of customs and traditions that have evolved and the existence that brings them together in modern society, but what if some cultures are more advanced than others? This book emphasizes the value of Jewish, Confucius and Protestant cultures more than any other. However, the author argues that not all cultures are regarded as equivalent, but are respected as if they were. But despite everything, the author has spent a great deal of time getting to know different

  • Reaction Paper: Mental Health

    1253 Words  | 3 Pages

    Reaction Paper Mental health refers to a state of mental and emotional instability. This state of instability effect rational thought processes, which effects physical health. When mental health becomes impaired perception becomes impaired. This impairment can affect behavior. The book entitles, 19 minutes, narrates the life of a high school boy and how years of being bullied resulted in mental impairment. Throughout the book the effects of bullying and lack of support system is portrayed. The main

  • Reaction Paper On Myth And Mythology

    1271 Words  | 3 Pages

    the stories. The English word "myth" is derived from the Greek mythos, meaning word or story. Mythos was used mutually with logos, another Greek word, which means “opinion” or “an expectation”. In order to understand myths and m... ... middle of paper ... tradition and could only be told in sacred times. The characters in a myth can be significant in answering questions of one’s self or by demonstrating obstacle in one’s future. Just as there is no specific “correct” definition for

  • Copper Sun Reaction Paper

    774 Words  | 2 Pages

    Daniel’s Response Paper On Copper Sun Copper Sun is a book about a fifteen year old girl named Amari who was stolen from her village by white slave traders, and lived a horrible life as a slave until she finally escaped. “Copper Sun”, the title of this book, is very important because the main character, Amari, only uses the description “Copper Sun” when talking about places she considers home. During all but the ending of the book Amari only describes Africa as having a copper sun because she still

  • El Deafo Reaction Paper

    555 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cece's partial deafness does not interfere with her ability to create relationships with others. Cece has the power/capability to expand/deepen her relationships with friends and/or family. Not only that but, Cece has the capability to expand the number of relationships she is intertwined in as well. Overall, Cece's medical case doesn't really make her any different from the kids in her grade and in general. Meaning she can be just a normal person (animal) as well. It is stated in the text” But