Proxemics Essays

  • Theories Of Proxemics

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    Theory of Proxemics: The Anthropology of Space Hall (1966) defined proxemics as the “interrelated observations and theories of man’s use of space” (101); from the observations he made from animal studies regarding territoriality, spacing, and population, he proposes an organizational model of the underlying culture. This model is organized by Hall (1966) as a set of patterns divided into three different cultural levels: the intracultural, the precultural, and the microcultural. Infracultural “is

  • Influence On Proxemics

    630 Words  | 2 Pages

    Influence of Proxemics Specifically, according to Edward T. Hall, who has pioneered the study of spatial communication. Proxemics refers to the use of space in communication: "the study of how man unconsciously structures microspace-the distance between men in conduct of daily transaction, the organization of space in his houses and buildings, and ultimately the layout of his towns." According to Hall, the way space is used in interaction is very much a cultural matter. In different cultures various

  • Nonverbal Communication In The Hospitality Workplace

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    encounter. Nonverbal communication is essential for pleasant service encounters to take place and ensure the growth of popularity for a corporation. This assignment will look at four different points of nonverbal communication; kinesics, paralanguage, proxemics and physical appearance in that respective order. Further below, each of these will be explored in depth and explained why they are needed in the hospitality workplace. First up is kinesics. Kinesics is the movements and posture of a person; orientation

  • What is Proxemics?

    1199 Words  | 3 Pages

    Proxemics is the study of the distance people leave between themselves and others within various situations and in various cultures. In everyday life people distance themselves although it is a subconscious action. Proxemics was observed between the employees working in the radiology department of a local hospital. The observation took place throughout the whole department which included exam and procedure rooms as well as staff lounges and waiting rooms. The department is relatively small and does

  • Nonverbal Communication Vs Verbal Communication

    1008 Words  | 3 Pages

    act and react. Some of the things I am going to explain is how I preformed the experiment to study proxemics and what the outcome of the experiment was. After conducting this experiment, I came to realize how much we actually rely on both senses of communication and the amount of use we use of nonverbal communication in our everyday life. Experiment

  • Theories Of Nonverbal Communication

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    Usually while communicating we do not give space ( proxemics ) much thought. But proxemics is a very important aspect of non-verbal communication. I am a very affectionate person and I hug people a lot. It is my portrayal of affection. Though my manner of hugging is different, as it is according to my comfort level with

  • Three Theories of Nonverbal Communication

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    “Systematic research on the role of nonverbal behavior in social interaction has been common only in the past 20 to 25 years.”(Edinger and Patterson, 1983, p. 30).because that statement was published in 1983, it is apparent that the study of nonverbal behavior has been around for roughly 50 to 55 years. However, that is still a relatively recent amount of time compared to research in other science fields such as chemistry or biology. Despite the fact that this field is relatively recent there are

  • Body Language

    711 Words  | 2 Pages

    Body Language and Nonverbal communication Nonverbal communication is defined as "the conscious and unconscious reactions, movements, and utterances that people use in addition to the words and symbols associated with language." Nonverbal communication is very important since 50 percent or more of the message were trying to get across is conveyed by verbal communication. The first verbal message to be aware of is facial expressions. The face is what people first focus on so it's obviously important

  • Communication Vs Nonverbal Communication

    865 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nonverbal communication surrounds us all the time. “Nonverbal communication is all aspects of communication other than words” (Wood, 2016, p. 135). It is not communication with words, but we use nonverbal communication when we talk. We use nonverbal communication without even realizing it in every facet of our lives. This type of communication can be challenging depending on someone’s culture. Something that means one thing in America, can mean something totally different in another country. It

  • A Reflection Of Observation Of A Private Wrestling Practice

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    There are many different ways to observe people in order to gather information. For this assignment we had to observe a group of people and analyze their nonverbal behaviors. I decided to go observe my friend Isaiah coach his wrestling practice. He holds a private wrestling practice for about four to five kids a couple times a week. Three of the kids are in eight grade and the other two are freshman in high school. The location for this practice is by Lakewood. One of the kid’s dad owns a few acres

  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in an Episode of Doctor Who

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    in this episode sowed mastery of both verbal and nonverbal communication when he is playing The Doctor. He is a very direct, polychromic, and denotative individual through this whole episode. He weaves in nonverbal reinforcements from kinesics, proxemics, paralanguage, and to haptics. By doing these things he is not only putting his own twist on the doctor, but also making his acting realistic to bring the watcher into the story of Doctor Who.

  • A Non-Verbal Communication Rules: Break A Nonverbal Rule

    861 Words  | 2 Pages

    Break a Nonverbal Rule The non-verbal communication rule that I chose to break was to communicate with my husband and my grandson while I kept my eyes completely closed throughout a period of time of approximately thirty minutes. My husband and grandson were in the kitchen having a conversation and I walked in and stood slightly in front of my husband and next to my grandson with my eyes shut. Then the questions began: Why are your eyes closed? Do you have a headache? You just don’t want to look

  • Personal And Interpersonal Communication

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    “… the communication choices we make determine the personal, interpersonal, and relationship outcomes that follow.” (McCornack, S., 2016) Non-verbal communications happen to us daily with everything that we do. From the hand gestures that we make when talking to others, or even the way that we walk. We show different types of body language based off the environment that we put ourselves into. We can show completely different non-verbal communications in the way that we greet someone that we know

  • Informative Concept Speech Analysis

    709 Words  | 2 Pages

    This speaker discusses the concept of the “War on Drugs” in an Informative Concept Speech, it is clear to the audience that she believes that there are many flaws in the system. She does a phenomenal job in performing her speech, she holds the audiences’ attention by using appropriate body language and eye contact. However, her speech is often times confusing, she would benefit from utilizing transitional statements through reiterating her main points to the audience throughout the speech. According

  • Graphic Communication: Interview Response: Graphic Design

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    Interview Response Essay We live in a world where you can be anything thing you want, and use your imagination to create anything you want to create. Graphic design gives some the ability to build something magical on a computer or paper and turn it into a solid form for others to see or use. Graphic design or graphic communications is the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content. The form of the communication can be physical or virtual, and

  • Abservation: What Did I Observe?

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    1. What Did I Observe? From my first observation, I was located at my local Starbucks. It was a good day to go that day, because there was many different types of people there. I was able to see quite a few different types of interactions. I had noticed that I was also displaying nonverbal eye behavior while I was there. Such as, the use of scanning, which in the textbook states on page 92, “our eyes scan, focus, and collect information about the world around us” (Richmond, McCroskey, and Hickson

  • Oral Presentation Analysis

    657 Words  | 2 Pages

    QLK501 Written Analysis of Oral Presentation Name: SILVIA LIM SI QI TG: 10 PURPOSE/AUDIENCE/CONTEXT/CONTENT The purpose of the speech was clearly conveyed from the very beginning, with the phrase “a handful of you have been rather rude to the school’s cleaning staff”. For a 2.5-minute speech, the content was sufficient for a Primary 5 class. It allowed me to speak at an appropriate pace that allows the students to digest the information meaningfully. During the speech, I stumbled and

  • Reflection On Social Work Interview

    1735 Words  | 4 Pages

    Attending During the interview I noticed that I speak very fast and said “um” a lot during my introduction, I have to slow down and give myself time to breath and also to give my client time to comprehend all that I was saying during the introduction. My body position was slightly leaning towards my client. This helped the meeting to go smooth and relaxed, helping her to feel more comfortable. My body position was welcoming but I feel as though it could have been more relaxed. I could have been more

  • Spatial Relations, Proxemics, and Personal Territories in Interpersonal Communication

    907 Words  | 2 Pages

    Spatial Relations, Proxemics, and Personal Territories in Interpersonal Communication Spacial relations is a complex subject that can be interpreted in many different ways. A clear explanation of spatial relations is easily understood with the study of proxemics. So what is proxemics? Well the term proxemics came from E.T. Hall, a researcher in 1963. Proxemics is the study of the nature, degree, and effect of the spatial separation individuals naturally maintain (as in various social and interpersonal

  • Personal Space and Eye Contact

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    Study of personal space is important. Proxemics behavior is not just one form of self-defense, is also a part of the unconscious that controls the behavior and the interaction between humans. Personal space is essential for people because alerts when somebody is too close that could cause some damage to another. Some studies try to explain how proxemics behavior works and what factors can influence it. For example, previous experiments found out that people more distance when they are front of tall