Protection of sources Essays

  • Essay On Confidentiality

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    Over the years journalists have been jailed for failing to reveal confidential sources to the court despite being guided by code of ethics. Journalist should only reveal their confidential sources to the court if the information may harm national security or disclose is necessary to show the innocence of an accused. If a journalist reveals confidential sources without reason the result will be breach of confidentiality and limited flow of information to journalist. In this essay will discuss the

  • Confidential Sources Analysis

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    How far should journalists go to protect their sources? Confidential sources should only be used as a last resort because in some extraordinary situations there is precedence in which it is warranted or morally advisable to reveal a source; therefore a journalist should only extend anonymity when it is absolutely necessary to get the story and if a journalist feels so strongly that his or her source must be protected, then he or she should be willing to go to jail to do the protecting. The simple

  • Shield Law Essay

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    contempt if they refuse to reveal their confidential sources. However, depending on where you live certain Internet journalists and bloggers are precluded from this protection, Alexandra Davies explains Shield Laws – What are they? When a journalist is required to reveal confidential sources who supply them with information which that they published in the media, the journalist is faced with a legal and ethical dilemma. Protecting the identity of a source “in all circumstances” is of utmost importance

  • The Debate Concerning Wikipedia: Is Wikipedia Quotable?

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    Some think the site is not quotable, while others argue that it is. Many teachers do not accept Wikipedia pages as a source of information, because anybody can add information to such pages. However, this policy of everybody being able to add has changed, and the present-day Wikipedia team works hard to prevent inaccuracies on their website. Wikipedia pages nowadays indicate the sources of information. Moreover, Wikipedia pages are checked on inaccuracies. Furthermore, Wikipedia is more up-to-date than

  • Pesticides Annotated Bibliography

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    vegetables that help increase overall health. Pesticides are also beneficial and play a role in Benefits of Using Pesticides: "Benefits of Pesticides and Crop Protection Chemicals." CropLife America. American Crop Protection Association, n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2015. This website, which represents the developers and manufacturers of almost all crop protection companies, asserts the positive effects and benefits of using pesticides in agriculture. According to CropLife America farmers lose

  • What is Open Source Licensing

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    As illustrated above, open source licensing is becoming more and more dominant, especially as long as software is provided in a digital form. The purpose of this paper was to observe if and how the open source software licensing regime has challenged the protection granted to software under the intellectual property rights. In general, the outcome is that the distinct production and distribution model of open source licenses, while different, can be compatible with the legal framework of intellectual

  • Ocean Pollution Essay With Outline

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    Katherine 09 My Name: Cary Class: 132 9 June 2015 Research Project General Topic: The environment pollution Restricted: The pollution of our ocean More Restricted: Different sources of ocean pollution and some measures Topic Chosen: Environment is the precious wealth that nature given us. The problem of marine environmental protection has become one of the hot spots in the world.It makes us consider how to effectively control marine pollution. Outline I.The problem of environment a)Environment

  • Ceresko Introduction To The Old Testament Summary

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    makes the point that the ancestors of Israel where originally various tribes of individuals seeking protection from socially and economically oppressive regimes. This protection came largely from the environment these peasants, sheep and goat herders, itinerant metal works, renegade priests, and mercenaries migrated into; the highlands of Can ‘nan, offered protection from outside invaders. The protection of the hills gave the inhabitants a sense of invincibility or as they perceived it, “God’s chosen

  • Source Disclosure and Journalist's Ethics

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    or a moral compass. Every story that a reporter produces has either a named or unnamed source. Several states have protective laws designed for reporters who have stories with anonymous sources, but Mississippi is one of the only states in America that does not have a shield law in place. Mississippi should enact a shield law giving reporters the privilege not to disclose anonymous sources. Confidential sources in some cases are the only base of credibility for reporters. Many prominent news stories

  • Essay On Refugee Protection

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    TITLE Refugee Protection, International and Indian Prospectus THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The main purpose of my research is refugee protection. The sources material includes international law, international humanitarian law, universal human right and the laws related to refugee protection. I also refer various international and national journals such as International Journal on refugee condition, Oxford Journal etc. During research I find lots of landmark judgment on refugee protection that helps me

  • Professional Legal Ethical and Social Issues

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    uk/isolutions/computing/elearn/panopto/copyright.html. [3] (1996). Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Retrieved from [4] Soas-University of London (2007). Data Protection Policy: Overview of the Data Protection Act 1998. Retrieved from [5] University of Bradford (2007). Introduction to Research and Research Methods. Retrieved from

  • Financial Services Modernization Act Analysis

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    regulating to visualize other people's personal content or data. There are even protection laws that citizens use to advertise certain contents on the internet including other people's private email accounts. Additionally, The Federal Trade Commission Act is a protection law that avoids unfair practices in data security policies. In the source it states, ""The Federal Trade Commission Act is a federal consumer protection law that prohibits unfair or deceptive practices and has been applied to

  • Marine Environment: Marine Pollution And Protection Of The Marine Environment

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    2.1 Marine pollution and protection of marine environment The control, reduction and elimination of marine pollution has become one of the major issues in the contemporary law of the sea and it has proved to be a complex task, requiring the creation of a new and growing body of international law. This process, though in certain respects still incomplete, has reached its potentially most significant stage of codification and development through the provisions of the Law of the Sea Convention of 1982

  • Protecting Women from Domestic Violence

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    examine the causal factors behind the variation in protection for women. The literature on women and politics suggests that women’s representation may increase the level of protection against domestic violence because female legislators are more likely to put women’s issues on the agenda and make policy choices that benefit their sex. Alternatively, the culture of a state may determine whether the society supports rights for women, including protection from domestic violence. A variety of statistics

  • Fixed-Term Contract

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    (2012). Abolish the Contractor for Labour System, Aliran. Retrieved from Ibid. Note 33. Note 15. Ibid. Ruddock, L., & Knight, A. (2008). Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment., 28-38. Primary and secondary sources. (2004). Retrieved 13 April, 2013, from

  • Mount Lofty Ranges: Water Quality And Quality Of Water Quality In Australia

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    Ranges watershed water quality, as there also will be two perspectives of how the Mount Lofty Ranges watershed water quality can be improved for the present and future users. Over a decade of having Mount Lofty Ranges watershed as one of the water source for the citizens of Adelaide, there are now concerns of the water quality as there are major issues occurring. The major issue of the water quality is that water is being polluted, examples include: - Faecal Contamination is one of the many pollutants

  • Reconstruction DBQ Essay

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    fairly interpreted, faithfully executed, and cheerfully obeyed...” (Source 2). This was not implemented, as white supremacist groups maimed black voters. The emergence of sharecropping left Blacks bound to

  • Pesticide Runoff from Agriculture

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    There are many things that enter our waterways that we have to clean out. One of the worst things is pesticides. They not only contaminate our water, but they are harmful to animals. It enters our water sources by seeping through the soil to groundwater or entering streams as surface run-off. Farmers and other workers try to keep our water safe from pesticides, but it is a very hard and stressful job. Let’s take a look at the ways that pesticides enter our water and also some possible solutions for

  • Reporter's Privilege Analysis

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    reporter’s privilege is utilized through the first-amendment will also be discussed. Also, the method in which the federal government concurs with this statute. Reporter’s privilege is an extensive and vastly important law that was created for the protection and confidentiality of reporters and informants. There is so much that goes into this law and so much surrounding it. The law of reporter’s privilege is deeper than one can imagine. People fight hard to protect this restricted information and people

  • Microgrid Essay

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    generation system and loads can be promptly incorporated by means of the renewable energy sources [1-2]. Numerous researches have been conducted on the microgrid notion [3-5]. The performance of microgrid system is complex and irregular while some microsources are associated. In order to understand the behavior of a microgrid with several microsources, key issues such as microgrid control, stability and protection have to be considered in detail. Background: The increasing require of electricity, fast