Post-Fordism Essays

  • The Shift from Fordism to Post-Fordism and Possible Future Routes for Capitalist Organization

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    The Shift from Fordism to Post-Fordism and Possible Future Routes for Capitalist Organization Capitalism continues to be a revolutionary form of social organization. Modes of production, the ordering of daily activities, and the material practices and processes of social reproduction have undergone numerous changes since capitalism’s inception. Mapping a history of capitalism’s different stages and forms – both social and institutional – would be an arduous task, complicated by the fact that

  • Difference Between Fordism And Post-Fordism

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    Fordism and post-fordism Would you prefer to work in a Fordist or post-Fordist environment? Discuss the structural changes and transformations associated with the crisis of Fordism. “The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.” said Karl Marx. Nonetheless, he would have been hard pressed to find a worker who agreed with this statement at the end of the Fordist period and even more so in the post-fordist one. Fordism is defined as a combination of: mass-production of a standardised product

  • History Of Fordism In The Fordist Era

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    consumption’ conception. Henry Ford was known for his influential social innovators around the mass consumption world and for his tremendous creations of many different automobiles. Ford invented the much known “Fordism,” and it was inaugurated in 1914 in Dearborn, Michigan. During the time of “Fordism,” the mass market or the mass consumption had been involved with some closely related trends that include the growing of impersonality, self-service, advertising, packaging, and brands. The ‘Fordist Era,’

  • Fordism Is Dead

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    Fordism Is Dead Definitions: Fordism encompasses systems of mass production and consumption characteristics of highly developed economies in the 1940’s – 1960’s. At the time the emphasis turned towards specialisation, standardisation and control. Mass production rested on presumption that activities should be simplified and controlled from above. Post Fordism was seen as a direct confrontation with principles of fordism. It involved the introduction of an increasingly skilled, highly motivated

  • Impact of Frederick Winslow Taylor and Ford on Companies Today

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    workplace practices, particularly Fordism, which arguably extended the dynamics of Taylorism, centered on the use of the assembly-line. This essay will examine how Fordism developed organisational management and modified workplace practices by exploring known historical application of its principles and theories. Thereupon, it will further analyse how elements of Fordism still exist in modern management sciences, taking example from Nike’s organizational system. How Fordism changed organisational management

  • Fordism Essay

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    Fordism which is a term that was named after a man named Henry Ford, is a notion based on the industrial mass production in the 20th century. What is Fordism? As Renault defines it, “Fordism can be conceived as a specific mode of framing of the dynamics of capitalist accumulation within a specified institutional system” (Renault). Fordism took its name from the mass production of Ford motors. With Fordism, there was a huge change in productions, there was a “rationalization of the labor process”

  • How The Ford Model T Improved Peoples Lives

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    Before the 1920's Americans use to walk and ride their horses for transportation. But when Henry Ford came along, he invented the first car that would drastically change American lives. This car was so popular that 4 out 5 of Americans owned a car. Many Americans also bought it because it was affordable to the rich and poor. It was named car of the century by critics. The Model T improved peoples lives because it united families, improved working conditions, improved social lives between couples

  • Fordism’s impact on Consumption

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    The Fordist era and the rise of mass consumption relate to each other by two important factors: simplification or generalization and personal detachment. The Fordist era made a huge impact on society during the early twentieth century. Henry Ford was able to make labor easier by using industrial machines to make his model vehicles. Although the industrial revolution provided an assembly line before Ford’s time, he was able to put them into real use. This meant that workers would not have to provide

  • Memory and Individual Identity in Post World War II German Literature

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    about such events will reflect the affected individuals and societies. Some of the effects of World War II on the average German person can be seen through an analysis of the different memories and experiences of the war represented in a selection of post World War II German literature including Gregor von Rezzori’s Memoirs of an Anti-Semite and Heinrich Böll’s And Where Were You, Adam?. The short story “Troth” from Gregor von Rezzori’s Memoirs of an Anti-Semite is a great example of the Anti-Semitism

  • Mildred Pierce and His Girl Friday:Portrait of Working Women in the Pre- and Post-World War Period

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    Mildred Pierce and His Girl Friday: Portrait of Working Women in the Pre- and Post-World War Period His Girl Friday and Mildred Pierce are two films from the 1940's that deal with the position of women within the workforce in the time prior to America's involvement in the war, and after the tide turned in the Allies' favor respectively. This has a great deal to do with the ways in which these women--Hildy and Mildred--are portrayed. The two films are of drastically different genres and plots

  • Online Teen Forum Review

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    to receive a limited amount of traffic. A search using the forum’s search feature revealed that since the beginning of the year there have been 33 posts. While some of these posts were written by adults, I also a detected several that appeared to have been written by teens. The forum does not require members to post their age; however, in older posts I noted that several teens mentioned their age. Posters are only able to be identified by as much information as they are willing to share, so it

  • Post-Traumatic Stress In Relation To Holden Caulfield

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    Post-Traumatic Stress In Relation To Holden Caulfield Introduction Throughout life, an individual may endure emotionally and physically straining moments causing the person to become downhearted, and or irate. These feelings are normal, but may however become a problem when these feelings prohibit someone from living a ‘normal’ life. An estimated 5.2 million American adults ages 18 to 54, or approximately 3.6 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have PTSD (Narrow, Rae, Regier). This

  • Post-Modernism

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    integrated into how American society thinks. America seems to be trying to learn more about the ingredients of her melting pot. These efforts can be best understood by examining post-modernism. Post-modernism is especially important to breaking down stereotypes such as those that exist surrounding the black family. To understand post-modernism we must first understand modernism. Modernism is the philosophy that began with the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was an era when science and art flourished. European

  • Online Music Distribution In A Post-Napster World

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    1) What trends in networking in the 1990’s and early 2000’s drove the popularity of Napster? What other technologies contributed to Napster’s success? Before the 1990’s, if people want to listen to music, they just visit a music store and pick up a CD and then put it into a stereo equipment. However, the development of MP3 file format gradually changed the way people listen to music. This format lets everyone download music easily and it can be converted to CD as well. But, there is still a problem:

  • Resolver el Caso 3M

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    con una organización que tenía mucho tiempo de no lanzar productos innovadores o marcar diferencia en mercados como en la anterioridad. McNerney tenía que encontrar y diseñar estrategias que buscaran la innovación que alguna vez obtuvo con el famoso “Post-it” pero también dándole la importancia al capital económico que 3M poseía y necesitaría para invertir en innovación. Una de las primeras estrategias ocurrió en sus primeros años como CEO de 3M, la cual fue recortar el 6.6% de la fuerza laboral que

  • The Economic Effect on Japan during Post World War II

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    The Economic Effect on Japan during Post World War II Japan’s economy was greatly affected by the atomic bombs dropped on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan’s economic recovery as a result of this incident transformed Japan’s economic growth which has become known as the “Economic Miracle.” The bombs caused Japan to reconstruct many more facilities in which the economy moved forward. The Economic Planning Agency, which used to be known as the Economic Stabilization Board, helped Japan to become one

  • The Extinction Event and Life in the Post-Apocalyptic Greenhouse

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    The Extinction Event and Life in the Post-Apocalyptic Greenhouse The biggest mass extinction of the past 600 million years (My), the end-Permian event (251 My ago), witnessed the loss of as much as 95% of all species on Earth. Key questions for biologists concern what combination of environmental changes could possibly have had such a devastating effect, the scale and pattern of species loss, and the nature of the recovery. New studies on dating the event, contemporary volcanic activity, and

  • Post Colonial Interpretations of Shakespeare’s The Tempest

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    Post Colonial Interpretations of Shakespeare’s The Tempest “…do we really expect, amidst this ruin and undoing of our life, that any is yet left a free and uncorrupted judge of great things and things which reads to eternity; and that we are not downright bribed by our desire to better ourselves?” – Longinus Since the seventeenth century many interpretations and criticisms of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest have been recorded. Yet, since the play is widely symbolical and allegorical Shakespeare’s

  • Public Schools Vs. Post-Cold War Military Spending

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    Public Schools vs. Post-Cold War Military Spending Even though the Cold War era is a distant memory, encased in glass forever like some museum piece, our government is still spending as if the Soviet Union was in its prime. If the arms race is a forgotten memory, then why is the military still spending 86% of what it was spending during the Cold War. It’s not that us Americans do not want a solid military, we just believe that our military is wasting billions of dollars at the expense of our children’s

  • Post-colonialist Perceptions of Lewis’ Out of the Silent Planet

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    Post-colonialist Perceptions of Lewis’ Out of the Silent Planet The Italian artist Michelangelo Buonarroti viewed the goal of sculpting as the manipulation of a marble block until the figure within is set free. Just as a carving artist seeks to release its piece from rock, a literary artist desires his art form to be carved from an obscure idea into clear apprehension. The most beautiful of these art pieces are placed in a museum of their own right, the literary canon. A great part of literature’s