Polonia Essays

  • Polish Americans in Chicago during World War II Historigraphy

    1601 Words  | 4 Pages

    Many Polish immigrants during the 1800's and early 1900's left Poland because "occupied, disremembered, and economically backward, Poland held little hope for the future except economic stagnation in an overcrowded population center." Poles fled their motherland in search of a better lease on life and "America offered the poorer Polish classes the possibility of a more accelerated pace of advancement than in the old country." Though Polish immigrants came to America to better themselves, they left

  • Hamlet and King Lear

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are a lot of similarities in two Shakespeare stories HAMLET and KING LEAR. I guess its because of the style in which Shakes peare wrote. William Shakespeare wrote three kinds of stories: comedy, tragedy and history. Both of these books are tragedies and they are very similar tragedies. In both of these stories there is a feud going on within the family. And in both the feud is between the children and their parents or relatives. Hamlet is looking for the revenge on his uncle for killing Hamlets

  • Polish Immigration Essay

    1727 Words  | 4 Pages

    national oppression Poland faced by its neighboring countries. Whatever the reason may be, from the beginnings of Poles immigrating to America, once arriving in the states, they created for themselves a Polish ethnic community, otherwise known as Polonia. This community was intricately constructed in which Poles held onto their Polish customs and traditions so they would not have to change their entire way of living even though moving to America

  • Polish Community Experience Paper

    669 Words  | 2 Pages

    I am part of Polish club, a new club that meets and discusses our experiences as mostly first generation Polish-Americans. Once I graduate college, I hope to get even more involved with the Polish community, such as attending more events held by Polonia of Long Island, Inc, and spreading knowledge about our beautiful and strong county to anyone I

  • An Essay On Irena Sendler

    844 Words  | 2 Pages

    Holocaust. She helped the children by finding safe and comfortable homes for them with non Jewish families. She later got widespread recognition for her courageous actions! Irena, had also gotten many awards, such as the Commander’s Cross of the order of Polonia highest civilian in 2003 and many others. Irena was a greatly appreciated and brave woman. Sadly, she died on May 12, 2008, in Warsaw, Poland. She was thanked by several thousands of people for her courageous act in this terrible time. She was 98

  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    752 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nacio el 6 de marzo de 1928 en Aracataca, Columbia , en el hogar de Gabriel Eligio Garcia, telegrafista y de Luisa Santiaga Marquez Iguaran. Siendo muy niño fue dejado al cuidado de sus abuelos maternos, el Coronel Nicolas Marquez Iguaran -su idolo de toda la vida- y Tranquilina Iguaran Cortes. El reconoce que su madre es quien descubre los personajes de sus novelas a traves de sus recuerdos. Por haber vivido retirado al comienzo de su padre, le fue difícil tratarlo con confianza en la adolescencia;

  • Ruta Quetzal Essay

    2178 Words  | 5 Pages

    I.Introducción I.1. ¿Qué es la Ruta Quetzal? Ruta Quetzal BBva es una experiencia formativa, un viaje de estudios y aventura que fue creada en el año 1979(Anexo 1) por Miguel de la Quadra-Salcedo (Anexo 2), y por sugerencia de S.M el Rey de España.Este programa tiene el objetivo de consolidar entre la juventud de 16 y 17 años los cimientos de la Comunidad Iberoamericana de naciones entre todos los países europeos, norteamericanos, africanos y asiáticos. Durante la expedición, los participantes además

  • Historia del Flamenco - Spanish Essay

    1116 Words  | 3 Pages

    Historia del Flamenco - Spanish Essay La música flamenca empezó con una voz y unas palmas, y más tarde se incorporó la guitarra. Es sólo en este siglo cuando se introdujo el zapateo. Hoy en día, las tres principales herramientas del flamenco son el cante, la guitarra y el baile. Casi todos los estilos o palos flamencos pueden interpretarse con o sin baile, habiendo bailes sin cante y temas puramente vocales, "a cappela". Hoy, el flamenco tiene muchas caras y es ejecutado de múltiples