Plantain Essays

  • Plantain And Plantains

    1705 Words  | 4 Pages

    Plantains and Cassava Introduction: Plantains (members of the banana family), represent the number one fruit crop in the world, both in terms of production and commerce. Plantains are herbaceous plants which grow vigorously. Varieties of bananas vary in the size of the plant and the fruits, plant morphology, quality of the fruits and in the resistance to diseases and insects, yet most varieties cultivated are hybrids among these species. For the different ways of participating in food: cooked (green

  • Investigating the Effect of Light Intensity on the Size of a Plantain Leaf

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    Investigating the Effect of Light Intensity on the Size of a Plantain Leaf Title: To investigate the effect of light intensity on the size of a plantain leaf. Hypothesis: I predict that the size of the plantain leaves would increase as the light intensity decreases. Therefore, plantain leaves found in the shade will have larger surface areas than leaves found in an open area. Theory: Sunlight is an essential factor need to complete the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis consists

  • Problems with Hurricanes by Victor Hernandez

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    become the danger. The campesino points this out when he references flying fruits being deadly amidst the winds of a hurricane. “A mango smashing/ [someone’s] skull/ or a plantain hitting [their]/ temple at 70 miles per hour,” are his examples of the fruits causing death (Cruz 786, 20-23). The fruits he mentions, mangoes and plantains, are symbols of all sweet, beautiful things with their flowering blossoms and vibrant colors. Neither shows any signs or symbols of being dangerous, but according to the

  • La Bander The National Dish Of Dominican Republic

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    La Bandera: The National Dish Of Dominican Republic “La Bandera” (The Flag) Is the name of the National Dish of Dominican Republic, which represents its National culture, like the Flag. It became a National Dish in……….. and since then it has become an important national culinary representation for Dominicans in the US since an enormous emigration between the years of 1960-1990 became established as a diaspora in New York City. This dish has a blend of the indigenous Spanish, Africans, and even Taìno

  • Cuisines and Cultures from Columbia and Ecuador

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    or shellfish, onions, cilantro, and lemon juice (Lotha, 2014). Other popular dishes along the coast are dee... ... middle of paper ... ...getarian ceviche of chocho beans, cilantro, tomato, onion, salt, and lime. This dish can be topped with plantain chips or roasted corn. “Food of Ecuador on a daily basis includes seco de pollo, which is stewed chicken with rice and avocado slices” (Ecuador Food, 2014). Works Cited Food Journeys of a Lifetime: Top ten Great National Dishes (2013), Retrieved

  • Norway Vs. Puerto Rico

    910 Words  | 2 Pages

    Norway Vs. Puerto Rico Norway and Puerto Rico are two completely different countries, in so far as terrain, climate and native culture. Local phenomenon such as natural environment and climatic atmosphere has produced two very distinctive cultures. This is reflected in everything from regional cuisine and clothing styles to social events and the dictates of cultural norms. Moreover, the location of each country plays a very important role in its’ national cuisine and

  • Cuban Cuisine

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    then topped with pickles and mustard on sweetened egg bread. The pan con bistec is a thin slice of palomilla steak on Cuban bread garnished with lettuce, tomatoes, and fried potato sticks. One may also order a side of mariquitas, thinly sliced plantain chips, to accompany their hearty sandwich.

  • Puerto Rico’s Culture, History, and Food

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    Puerto Rico better known as “Rich Port” is 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers). It sits off the coast of southern Florida. It surrounds some of the deepest waters in the entire Atlantic Ocean. Also it is a part of the Greater Antilles. Puerto Rico is composed of year-round mild climate, and has many white, sandy beaches and extraordinary hotels. Puerto Rico is made up of four main land regions: the coastal lowlands, the coastal valleys, the foothills, and the central mountains. The largest city and capital

  • Haiti Reflection

    707 Words  | 2 Pages

    When the Country Haiti comes to my mind the first thing that I think of is the Plantain because as a kid I always got it confused. Is it a banana or what? But now when I think of it I choose to be more in depth with my thinking. As I got older I would see people talk about Haiti and all that was imagined were slums, poverty, and shattered souls. I even adopted the idea that people would always leave Haiti, and also how no one goes back. After seeing the pictures in the video it really changed my

  • The Effects of Trampling on the Abundance of Ribwort Plantain

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    A population of Plantago lanceolata (ribwort plantain) on the path was found to have higher trampling tolerance than populations away from the path; this reflected the sharp differences in the conditions of the plant at these sites. Ribwort Plant had generally a higher tolerance to trampling than any other plants as more were found on the path, but there were less compared with other plants as distance increased from the path. These results suggest that the competition level found on the path was

  • Ancient Ghana Research Paper

    549 Words  | 2 Pages

    delicious meal commonly called “Kelewele”, or fried plantains. Back then the technology was not as good as it is today, therefore if they wanted to use ingredients to make dinner, they would have to go out and gather them (“Ghana Culture” 7). After gathering them they would have to prepare the food. Lastly, you would serve your meal and remember the significance of the meal. In order to make the fried plantains, they would need to get the plantains. They had to be ripe and large to feed not only

  • African Food Research Paper

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    African food is as varied as American food, every country is separated by regions and ethnicity, which brings their own flavors to the table. Coastal countries are influenced more by commerce and trade and it is apparent in their cuisine by their use of spices from other parts of the world. Traditional African foods incorporate items which are readily available to them. So what I have learned is, traditional African foods do not necessarily rely on one type of protein, but the recipes are adaptable

  • Food And Food In Nigeria

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    This essay is about Nigeria and the food that they eat in Nigeria. I also included what kind of food is presented at the special celebrations, meal time, and how Nigerians gained access to the different spices that they use in their food. There are some interesting medical facts about the food that they eat in Nigeria. Also while reading this essay; there are some comparisons about the fast food restaurants that are in Nigeria and the fast food restaurants in America. Trade was responsible for changing

  • Personal Narrative: My Colombian Culture

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    Food is one of human beings favorite addiction. From the arepas, to arroz con coco (coconut rice) there are many different platters from my cultural background. Being Colombian and eating Colombian almost every day brings me closer to these aspects from my culture. The way I feel connected to my Colombian culture is through its food. Many of the meals that I have eaten in my life come from my Colombian culture. Whether I’m home, at my aunt’s house or a family party something that is being made connects

  • research paper on the comparison of mediterranean and ghanaian diet

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    Diets are part of the lifestyle of people. One’s diet may come as a result of upbringing, mindset, knowledge, taste, availability and season among others. This paper seeks to analyze the differences and commonalities, and finally determine which diet is better and in which context all from the point of view of the writer. This paper analyses the Italian Mediterranean diet and the Ghanaian West African diet on the bases of nutritional value, accessibility, family and government economics. First

  • Bribri Essay

    2045 Words  | 5 Pages

    Costa Rica, meaning “rich coast” in Spanish, was given its name for the wealth of gold found when it was first discovered in 1502 (Costa Rica, 1892). What the Spaniards may not have realized, is that indigenous communities even richer in culture had been occupying the land for thousands of years. To this day, Costa Rica is the home of eight separate indigenous groups, whose people make up 1,7 % of the country's population (Sévenier, 2003). The Bribri, the second largest tribe and the focus of this

  • Peruvian Culture Vs American Culture

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    originates from Medellin, which is located in the Antioquia region. It is a plate made up of rice, ground meat, pork rinds, plantains, fried eggs, chorizo, arepa, avocado and red beans. In this dish one can see the history of Colombia. For instance the pork rinds and chorizo came from the Spanish conquistadors. The avocado came from the Brazilians. The chorizo, pork rinds, and plantain are all fried in oil, a cooking method taught by the African slaves. In addition, one can see how the region influenced

  • Comparing the Density and Diversity of Plants in a Non-trampled Area

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    Comparing the Density and Diversity of Plants in a Non-trampled Area Plan: For my coursework I compared the density and diversity of plants in a non-trampled area of my school and a trampled area of my school. I wanted to see if the degree of trampling had any affect on the amount of plants. For this experiment I will use: · A key to identify the plants. · Two twenty five meter tape measures out at 90 degrees to do random samples. · A point frame quadrat. I am going

  • Urbanization and Ethnic Diversity in Congo

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    Maize and cornmeal flour, cassava flour and other cereals are the main staples supplemented by tropical fruits like pineapples and plantains, vegetables, beef, fish, pork and goat meat. The Congo River and the other rivers and lakes are an endless source of freshwater fish and shrimps that go into wonderfully spicy dishes made with locally grown hot peppers. These basic foods are served

  • Dominican Republic Research Paper

    673 Words  | 2 Pages

    a Spanish Colony many of its foods have a Latin American feel. Their dishes include lots of good food such as rice, beans, meat, and seafood. Influences from its mix of heritage make the food unique. Traditional Taìno dishes still include yucca, plantains, and potatoes and African recipes will also have more native ingredients. One of the most common food dishes there is called La Bandera, which in English means the flag. It is the most commonly eaten meal in the Dominican. It is served during la