Photosynthetic pigments Essays

  • Photosynthetic Pigment Essay

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    Determining Photosynthetic Pigments using Chromatography and Spectrophotometry Photosynthesis is a widely studied topic among the world of science due to its importance for life and its many uses. Photosynthetic pigments reflect and absorb different wavelengths of visible light based off their polarity. In this experiment, we studied photosynthetic pigments, first, by determining polarity and then, by measuring the amount of light of a given wavelength that a pigment absorbs. We used two methods

  • Photosynthetic Pigments Essay

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    The Importance of Photosynthetic Pigments in Nature Photosynthetic pigments are essential for life because they allow photosynthesis to occur by capturing sunlight which is then used alongside carbon dioxide and water to form organic compounds such as glucose and oxygen. The pigments allow the conversion of light energy to chemical energy which other organisms can benefit from. Oxygen is utilised by other organisms in aerobic respiration. The different pigments present in the chloroplasts allow a

  • Algal Pigments

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    Algal Pigments All photosynthesizing plants have certain pigments in them by which they capture sunlight. All plants have in common the photosynthetic pigment of chlorophyll, but the other accessory pigments as different. These accessory pigments can be the same between two red algae, or two green algae. In this lab a red, green and brown algae will be used to extract the photosynthetic pigments from. We will also be extracting the photosynthetic pigments from Coleus sp., which is a red

  • Separation of Photosynthetic Pigments by Paper Chromatography

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    Separation of Photosynthetic Pigments by Paper Chromatography Introduction Chlorophyll is in fact only one pigment in a group of closely related pigments commonly found in photosynthesising plants called photosynthetic pigments. This can be demonstrated by extracting the pigments from leaves with acetone and separating them by means of paper chromatography. With a bit of luck five pigments can be identified: chlorophyll a (blue-green), chlorophyll b (yellow-green), xanthophylls (yellow)

  • Paint Essay

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    three substances inside of paint are the pigment, solvent, and the binding medium. To make is simple, pigments are the color

  • Analysis of a Narrative in a Painting: Raft of Medusa by Théodore Géricault

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    Choose one narrative work (any medium) and discuss the storytelling techniques employed by the artist and how effective these were in communicating the narrative Narrative art is the term given to artworks that conveys a story. In narrative art, “the artist chooses how to portray the story, represent the space, and how to shape time within the artwork.” There are different types of narrative arts such as monoscenic narrative, simultaneous narrative, continuous narrative, to name a few. A monoscenic

  • Ink Essay

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    Tien of China. This allowed writing to be done on silk rather than with bamboo pens on strips of bamboo. Bamboo is heavy, bulky and awkward, but for all its virtues, silk is expensive. They used a mixture of coloured earth, soot and plant matter for pigments, again mixed with gums for a binder. Actual printing consisted of ink being drawn onto moveable slabs outlined with letters and signs. Then in 1440, when Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press with moveable type, was beginning to be

  • Permanent Stains: How Permanent Is A Permanent Marker?

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    what gives a permanent marker its permanence and color. “Pigments do not fade like dyes nor do pigments bleed through paper.” (Allison, page 1). A dye is a coloring material that is dissolved in a solvent, such as water, to become a water soluble substance. On the other hand, a pigment is an insoluble substance. “Technically, a permanent marker need only meet these two qualifications to be considered permanent: it must use dyes or pigments, and it must adhere to most surfaces and/or be water resistant

  • Renaissance Imperialism

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    It even changed the architecture as Middle Eastern buildings became a more common sight, directly influencing the creation of Renaissance markets, such as Venice. The exchange between cultures can also be seen in the art work of the time. New pigments were imported that added lapis lazuli and cinnabar to the artist’s palette, giving paintings the telltale bright blues and reds of Renaissance works. More exotic imagery was added by throwing in the high arches and domes of eastern architecture or

  • Disadvantages Of Hair Dyes

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    only a few shampoos. Ammonia also allows the colour to easily enter the cortex by raising the pH of the hair sufficiently so as to open the cuticle and allow the colour to enter the cortex of the hair. In addition, ammonia neutralizes the existing pigments to a greater degree, which happens when ammonia is mixed with peroxide. Disadvantages: Although, the colour swells the cuticle to easily enter the cortex, there is significant protein and moisture loss. This is how the hair is damaged during colouring

  • Paints Essay

    709 Words  | 2 Pages

    PAINTS Introduction of Paints; Paint is a fluid that dries to form a continuous solid film when spread over a surface or substrate. Paints and coatings are not useful products by themselves, but they make other products better, more durable, more attractive, safer, and more saleable. Paints can be used for the following functions: *DECORATIONS; Paints can be sued as a coating to decorate a surface or substrate. *PROTECTIVE; Paints can be designed to protect the surface from Ultraviolet rays, humidity

  • Essay About Tattoo Inks

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    used in making tattoo ink were “colored sand, charred nuts, bricks and soot from a burnt Bible”(Hammonds,Sandi, paragraph 1). Vegan and organic tattoo inks are known to be the safest and highest quality of tattoo ink due to the concentration of the pigments. When anyone decides to get a tattoo, they usually think the ink will last forever. Unfortunately, time is always not on our side when it comes to us getting older and having tattoos. Blake Schwaller- a tattoo artist, states, “With each splitting

  • Fungi Essay

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    1.0 INTRODUCTION Fungi have been significant in both past and modern biotechnological processes (Bennett, 1998). After World War I, a traditional fungal biotechnology has begun and developed into yielding of enzymes, antibiotics, hormones, citric acids, vitamins, and fungicides (Demain, 2000). This list will continue expanding as we moved in this modern century. Fungi definitely bring lots of benefits in pharmaceutical and economic industries. For instance, pharmaceuticals and personal care products

  • The Analysis of Spinach Pigmentation During Photosynthesis (biology Lab Report)

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    to a sugar called glucose and oxygen" (Campbell, 37). Pigments are substance that absorbs visible light. It depends on pigment of which wavelength of light is absorbed. The wavelength that reflects makes them appear to be colorful. Pigments are useful to plants because of the interaction with light to absorb certain wavelengths. During the lab, the analysis of spinach pigmentation during photosynthesis was performed to separate plant pigments with paper chromatography. The paper chromatography

  • Ancient Egyptian Art

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    To understand ancient Egypt, one must understand ancient Egyptian art. Studying ancient Egyptian art, one can understand how they lived, worked and what they believed in including religion. The ancient Egyptians also believed in the afterlife so tomb painting, was also an important part of ancient Egyptian art. The ancient Egyptians made their paintbrushes from either coarse palm leaves or knotted rope that was beaten at one end to form stiff bristles. Paint was made from finely ground minerals

  • Peroxidase Essay

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    materials. Sometimes they combine on structural area with heavy metals, are examined to have comparatively unsatisfactory results on the nearby environment because of its inhibitory and toxic response (Mohan et al., 2005). About 10,000 diverse species of pigments and dyes are used in industries, which show that an annual use of almost 7×105 tonnes in world. Dyes are intractable and toxic materials, they oppose biological breakdown (Souza et al., 2007). Many industries like papers, textiles, gasoline, and

  • History of Nail Polish

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    friendly. Some of the chemical components consist of: film forming agents and resins such as nitrocellulose, tosylamide and formaldehyde. Also, plasticizers are used for flexibility and solvents to keep the polish in a liquid form, along with different pigments for colors and shine. There are many more components that go into nail polish that will be explained later in this paper. Nail polish may seem like a simple invention in today’s world but think about the process inventors went through to make it

  • Photosynthesis Experiment

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    through the observation of floating disk. Experiment #2: The purpose of this experiment is to test which colors work best and float while under a different light source. Experiment #3: The purpose of this experiment to test the chromatography of plant pigments the alcohol test strip test will be used. Procedure: Experiment 1: Oxygen Production I added ½ tablespoon of baking soda to 4 cups of water. I added a small drop of liquid soap to the water and stirred to mix. I used the end of a straw and cut out

  • Analysis of the Absorption of Green Light Versus Red Light Absorption in Spinach Leaves

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    in Spinach Leaves The goal of the experiment was to determine if green light had less ability to absorb than red light in spinach leaves. This was done by separating the photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotene and xanthophylls) from one another using paper chromatography. The separated pigments were then analyzed for their absorption spectrum using a spectrographometer. When the data was graphed it clearly showed the higher rate of red light absorption over green light

  • How Does Wavelength Affect The Rate Of Photosynthesis

    668 Words  | 2 Pages

    carbon dioxide, water, and light, whilst the output consists of glucose and oxygen (Encarta Encyclopaedia 2000). At night, photosynthesis stops and plant-cells consume oxygen as animal cells. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants, algae and photosynthetic bacteria converts sunlight into chemical energy through the absorption of wavelengths. The processes of photosynthesis occur in two stages of Light reaction (Light dependent) and Dark reaction (Light independent). Light reaction results in a series