Pain scale Essays

  • Pain Rating Scales

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    half of the twentieth century, pain came to be understood as an experience which can be reported only by the sufferer. Although certain physiological responses or behaviors prompted by pain may be observed, modern medicine has produced no single parameter to represent our understanding of what we know to be pain. Pain has come to be viewed as a subjective phenomenon with many features, of which severity or intensity is, as Melzack comments, “the salient dimension of pain.” It is intensity which has

  • Pain Scale Level 5 Assignment

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    Assignment one Knowledge criteria Pain scale Before we can correctly or effectively treat a client one of the first things we need to do is to complete a subjective assessment. The dictionary describes subjective assessment as: “Those facts presented by the client that show his/her perception, understanding, and interpretation of what is happening.” 1) It is interesting that the dictionary uses the words, “perception”

  • Pain Assessment Essay

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    placement was regarding pain assessment and management. Pain was defined as an unpleasant experience from the sensory and emotional aspects that usually involved the tissue damage in the body (Fields, 2007). Pain was classified into acute or chronic. Acute pain was a direct biological response to inflammation, tissue damage, or disease. Acute pain usually lasted less than one month. Acute pain was usually accompanied by anxiety and emotional distress. Chronic pain comprised of pain that lasted longer

  • The Clinical Assessment of Pain

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    assessing the patient’s pain level. In 2001 a system was developed by a group of critical care nurses that has been widely accepted in many healthcare systems in the US and Canada. The Adult Nonverbal Pain Scale is an assessment tool that uses five specific categories in pain assessment. However, the accuracy of this system is a matter of debate between healthcare providers and patient representatives. In this paper I will examine and compare the various methods of pain assessment used by healthcare

  • Essay About Love in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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    relationship. If their relationship should end, the man should feel no grief. If the woman rejects the man initially, he should still feel no grief. In either situation, the man should simply start a relationship with another woman. “But in that crystal scales let there be weighed/ Your lady’s love against some other maid/ That I will show you shining at this feast, /And she shall scant show well that now seems best” (I.ii.103-106).  Benvolio's definition of love shows the audience two things about Benvolio:

  • I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

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    #     Quote      Reaction 1 pg. 8 Chap. 1: "The sounds of the new morning had been replaced with grumbles about cheating houses, weighted scales, snakes, skimpy cotton and dusty rows. In later years I was to confront the stereotyped picture of gay song-singing cotton pickers with such an inordinate rage that I was told even by fellow blacks that my paranoia was embarrassing. But I had seen the fingers cut by the mean little cotton boils, and I had witnessed the backs and shoulders and arm and legs

  • Temperature and Respiration in Crickets

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    + C6H12O6 6CO2 +6H2O + (J) I will do the experiment safely by making sure that the water will not be too hot or too cold, this is a safety precaution for me as well as the crickets. As we don't want to cause the crickets too much distress or pain. It will be a fair test and accurate because I will: v Use the same crickets v Same mass of crickets v Let the crickets return to room temperature v Reset the measuring device after each experiment v Do each experiment 3 times to

  • What Makes a Champion?

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    they never give up on their dreams. A true champion has VISION... Vision, by the way, is something I happen to have dealt with in my lifetime. My identical twin sister, Aly, and I were born two-and-a-half months prematurely. Barely tipping the scales at two pounds each, we were placed into incubators, where an over-exposure to oxygen left me visually impaired. (Aly was in a different incubator, so her vision has been unaffected.) Considered legally blind, I have no vision with my right eye, and

  • Three Forms of Irony in Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    is no lie to be found in that. One can look back on the porter's hidden truths at the beginning of the scene, Porter: "Knock, knock! Who's there, i' the other devil's name! Faith, here's an equivocator, that could swear in both the scales against either scale; who committed treason enough for God's sake, yet could not equivocate to heaven: O! come in, equivocator." (II,iii,7-11) ... ... middle of paper ... ....  Criticism on Shakespeare s Tragedies . A Course    of Lectures on Dramatic Art

  • Dear Patrick,

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    have altered our bodies throughout the centuries with fashion, flashing womanhood like a neon sign. How we have created ourselves through dress, over and over again. There is one piece in particular that catches my attention, a long gown sewn with scales and feathers, myriad, iridescent, with the torso sculpted as a snake's belly. I don't know what to make of it. There is something in me that resists. I cannot identify myself with her. It's like looking into the mirror, that moment of confusion. That's

  • Self Taught Guitarist

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    information that could keep any guitarist of any level entertained for weeks. One of the websites is also very interactive, meaning that you can post your own music on the web site for others to see and play. The topics range from beginner’s lessons to scales and even reading music! Both websites use tablature to show their audience different compositions, practice exercises and other user postings. Tablature is a series of six lines which represent the six strings on the guitar. Each line has a specific

  • Comparison of Scales of Justice and Gattaca

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    Comparison of Scales of Justice and Gattaca The texts “Scales Of Justice” and “Gattaca” are two texts which allow the reader to witness a variety of interpretations and explore the relevant issues that are visible within contemporary society. Such issues as corruption within the police force, racism, sexual harassment, discrimination and manipulation of power are shown to give different interpretations of issues which plague today’s society and potentially our future. “Scales Of Justice” shows

  • Cryogenics: Is It Worth Waiting For?

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    help cure, because cold bodies perform functions slower (Kavaler 16- 17). Measurement of temperature is extremely important in cryogenics and the temperatures must be exact. The standard for scientific temperature measurement is the Kelvin scale. On the Kelvin scale absolute zero has a value of zero degrees on the thermometer. In theory no substance can be lowered to or below zero degrees Kelvin or absolute zero. Temperatures in cryobiology range from zero degrees Celsius--water freezes--to just above

  • Daniel Fahrenheit

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    Florentine thermometer scales varied no two were the same; makers marked the low point on the scale during the coldest day in Florence that year. They marked the high point during the hottest day. Fahrenheit wanted thermometers to be reproducible during the year and realized the trick wasn't using the coldness or hotness of a particular day or place, but finding materials that changed at certain temperatures. For seven years Fahrenheit worked on an alcohol thermometer scale, based on three points

  • Here Lizard Lizard

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    however, the snake lost its four feet altogether. The only sign that snakes ever had four feet is a remaining hip located within the rib cage. Paleontologists and herpetologists alike find it difficult to retrace the ancestry of snakes. Because of their scales, eggs, and subtle features of the skull, some scientists believe that snakes are descendants of lizards. However, this still does not explain how snakes lost their legs. In 1970, a three-foot-long creature, Pachyrachis Problematicus, was discovered

  • Protection From Abuse And Neglect

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    Protection From Abuse and Neglect I have recently been elected in a new statewide project in Minnesota to create and provide leadership in a small scale voluntary association for children . The focus of the small scale association is based on the United Nations General Assembly that adopted a Convention on the rights of the Child. It is a program to provide information and knowledge on the substantive right for "Protection from abuse and neglect" designed specifically for children. The right states

  • Monarch Butterfly

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    caterpillar is ringed with yellow, black, and white on each segment and has a pair of black fleshy tubercles at each end (Emmel, 1999). Monarchs smell with their antennae while they taste with their feet (Wexler, 1994). While the male monarchs have scent scales on their wings and "hair pencils" on their abdomens which secrete a scent (Emmel, 1999). The male scent is used during mating. The copulation of a male and female monarch can last from thirty to sixty minutes which is about average for most butterflies

  • The Effect of Concentration on the Rate of a Reaction

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    experiment. The first thing we did or we do in any experiment involving acid is put on safety goggles so we do not ruin our eyes. Ø We then went and gathered up the equipment to complete the experiment. The list is below: Ø A Balance (scales) Ø A gas syringe (100 cm cubed) Ø 3m Hydrochloric acid Ø A conical flask. Ø A clamp stand Ø A Beaker Ø A Measuring cylinder Ø Three grams worth of marble chips Ø Stopwatch · We measured twenty millilitres of Hydrochloric

  • The Different Ways Organizations Can Be Structured and Operated

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    and managing financial resources. The advantages and Disadvantages of this structure are as follows: Advantages: In depth Development of expertice Clear career path within function Efficient use of resources Possible economies of scale Ease of coordination within function Potential technical advantage over competitors Disadvantages: Slow response time on multifunctional problems Backlog of decisions at top of hierarchy Bottlenecks due to sequential tasks Restricted

  • Actionmap Case Study

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    Should ActionMap start with visualization? Why or Why not? ActionMap should not start with map visualization as their key feature/differentiator because other platforms are like and already doing an effective job of using interactive maps to related issues and related legislation to locations. Or, that uses maps to visualize red or blue states, voter turnout, and the effect of the Affordable Care Act on the number of people insured. While sites like