Only Fools and Horses Essays

  • Comparison of Sitcoms

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    in America where they had a team of writers to produce a single sitcom. The 3 sitcoms I have picked are Only Fools and Horses, Fawlty Towers and Porridge. Only Fools and Horses was first shown on the BBC in 1981 and started with a total of 3 main charters and 5 regular sub-characters. The 3 main characters they started out with were Del, Rodney and Granddad Trotter. Only fools and horses have 7 or 8 series in all with quite a few special feature length episodes like the one where they go to

  • Representation of Gender in Television Sitcoms

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    Representation of Gender in Television Sitcoms “Men behaving badly” and “Only fools and horses” are both exceedingly hilarious sitcoms, Only fools and horses was shown on the BBC and Men behaving badly shown on ITV (but later moving to BBC with a later time), when it first hit our screens. Although they eventually began to fade out the sitcoms, well at least off of the standard channels of one to five. Now days the BBC and ITV only produce special episodes around Christmas time and on other special

  • Fools Crow Book Report

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    In not only Pikuni culture but many others, people are challenged and pushed to become themselves, and the book Fools Crow demonstrates it perfectly. The main character White Man’s Dog or Fools Crow is faced with many situations in which he could prove himself. He is not the only one of the Pikuni people that is coming of age. Along with him he has Red Paint, Fast Horse, Heavy Shield Woman, And Yellow Kidney that experience some sort of coming to age along with White Man’s Dog. White Man’s Dog

  • Analytical Response: Yellow Kidney And Fast Horse

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    Fools Crow Creative response Section 1 We travel for many nights to raid the Crow tribe. We are going to be prepared to jibe. Our young ones are one with the horses. After they gather and take the horses they will feel no remorses. They mantle them up and all the horses take flight. The colt tries to catch its mother in the moonlight. A Crow youth rider tries to head off the colt. The mother stops and the colt meets ending his bolt. The youth crow stops. I pull my knife and ride non-stop. The

  • Fools Crow by James Welch

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    Fools Crow by James Welch We turn back the clock as Welch draws on historical sources and Blackfeet cultural stories in order to explore the past of his ancestors. As a result, he provides a basis for a new understanding of the past and the forces that led to the deciding factor of the Plains Indian tribes. Although Fools Crow reflects the pressure to assimilate inflicted by the white colonizers on the Blackfeet tribes, it also portrays the influence of economic changes during this period. The

  • Short Story/film Analysis

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    stories all have jealousy, in some it is more clear than others. Jealousy lead two of the characters to make a fool of themselves, and it cost another character his life. In the first story, Charley took his wife Lucy on a second honeymoon, or Golden Honeymoon, as it is titled. While they are in St. Petersburg Fla., Mother was at the doctors office and began a conversation with a lady, only to discover that she is Mrs. Frank M. Hartsell, Lucy's ex-fiancee. This made Charley uncomfortable because he

  • Creative Writing: The Canterbury Tales

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    them to you for three cows.” said the handsome prince. “Um, well, I only have,” said Paisley hesitantly wondering what lie would fool the handsome prince, “one

  • Personal Narrative: My First Trojan War

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    dirt. I dug it up and that’s where my story begins. The machine was a dark purple color with a dial that had numbers. I then thought to myself, “Maybe this is a time machine and I can travel to whatever time I want!” So then I typed in one of the only things I knew about the war, when it started. I watched as everything whizzed past me going back thousands of years. As I stopped I was standing next to Odysseus and Achilles. I asked Achilles what had been happening and he said, “Haven’t you been

  • An Examination of the Significance of the Fool in King Lear

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    An Examination of the Significance of the Fool in King Lear A Fool is used in plays as a professional jester or clown whose function it was to amuse the king and his followers by his jokes and witty remarks. The Fool enjoyed the freedom to speak on any subject and to comment on persons and events without any restraint. The Fool’s function was purely to provide entertainment and to amuse people. Shakespeare’s objective in introducing the fool in King Lear is to provide comic relief in the

  • Fools Crow Essay

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    In James Welch’s novel Fools Crow, the diversity of Native American culture and identity unfolds against the backdrop of the blackfeet tribe in the early 19th century. Through the main character, Fools Crow, and various other characters, Welch illustrates the profound diversity and complexity within tribal nations, echoing the essential understanding that there is no generic American Indian. From the outset, Welch portrays a diverse range of characters within the Blackfeet tribe, each with their

  • Essay Comparing The Lottery And The Rocking-Horse Winner

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    Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence. Although both of these stories contain themes that offer stories of luck, both stories approach themes and a false sense of common values. The stories also explore these ideas in very different ways. In “The Rocking-Horse Winner” the story depicts values from a family, which is flawed by negative family and relationship values and in the story “The Lottery”, they examine the unjust and family traditional values and practices. In “The Rocking-Horse Winner”

  • The Makings of a Good Lawman

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    There was never a Horse Marshal Dillon was backed down in a saloon by Mr. Ken Creed he is purposefully letting everyone know that he made the Marshal back down. Matt Dillons sense of self-reliance is that In Sutler he took it upon himself to gather information and created roadblocks along the route to and from the fort in order to catch Dale. In Prairie Happy Marshal Dillon remained calm while the city of Dodge was moving around trying to protect themselves the Marshal was the only one that thought

  • Who Is To Blame For Paul's Death

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    Dead? (Critical Analysis of blame in The Rocking Horse Winner) The death of Paul in, Rocking Horse Winner by D. H. Lawrence is a death that has many layers to it. Did Paul die as a result of what he was doing, or was the seizure something that was always going to happen? It is hinted in the story that Paul had fever symptoms, which is likely what actually killed him. However that fever was probably caused as a result of over work on his rocking horse and possibly from the emotional battle Paul was

  • The Evolution of Women in Literature

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    Modernism, first introduced in literature in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, is the breaking of tradition and boundaries that have developed in society. Women have been seen as “lower” than men in society and have been treated as such. In Victorian society, women are seen as the keeper of the home while men are still the head of the house hold. Women are supposed to prepare all the meals, take care of the children, support their husbands without question, and clean the house. Through the

  • The Contrast of Two Great Short Stories: The Rocking Horse Winner and The Lottery

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    I. Introduction The setting in the stories The Lottery and The Rocking-Horse Winner create an atmosphere where the readers can be easily drawn in by the contrasting features of each short story. This short essay will tell of very important contrasting aspects of settings in that while both stories are different, both hold the same aspects. a. “The Lottery” is a short story about an event that takes place every year in a small village of New England. When the author speaks of “the lottery” he

  • Similarities Between The Aeneid And The Odyssey

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    pieces of literary art, written in different eras couldn’t tell us better of Society’s teachings.The Odyssey by Homer tells Odysseus’s long, perilous journey home after the trojan war. Chapter two of The Aeneid by Virgil tells the story of the Trojan Horse from the perspective of Aeneas, a trojan who goes on to found Rome. William Golding’s Lord of the flies is about the clash between two “tribes” of british boys stranded on a deserted island, left to govern themselves. These works of literature reinforce

  • The Magician's Nephew Book Summary

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    strong and Aslan, the lion, went and talked in a private group. Digory was told to meet with them. Strawberry, the horse, could now speak and was named the leader of the winged horses. understand, so he took Digory over to the group. Digory was brought there to tell everyone how the evil queen got into the land of Narnia. He did and he was forgiven. After this event, Polly and the horse owner came to the group. The owner is somehow recognized by the lion but nobody knows how. His wife is soon brought

  • Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Comparing the Miller's Tale and the Reeve's Tale

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    than life. She was a girl of eighteen years of age. Jealous he was and kept her in the cage, For he was old and she was wild and young; He thought himself quite likely to be stung.  Not only are their ages apart, but they share no similarities in their lifestyles, pointing to the fact that he is a dimwitted fool. (MiLT 89) The other quiting of the Reeve in the Miller's Tale is when, once  again, the carpenter is portrayed as a dullard by being totally oblivious to the situation; Allison, his wife

  • Are Mr. Bennet's Future In Jeopardy In Pride And Prejudice

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    example I saw was when Mrs. Bennet forced Jane to ride a horse to Netherfield so she could stay the night. The second, both Mr. and Mrs. Bennet's behavior at the Netherfield ball. Lastly, the fact that the Bennet's allowed Lydia to go to Brighton and their behavior after she ran away to elope. For these reasons I believe that Bennet parents are putting their daughters future in jeopardy. From the beginning of the book we come to understand the only thing Mrs. Bennet cares about is marrying off her five

  • The Rocking Horse Winner Character Analysis Essay

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    The main protagonist, Paul, in the short story “The Rocking Horse Winner”, written by D. H. Lawrence, is a young boy who figures out what extremely good luck he possesses after being told by his mother that his father’s misfortune was the reason for their low income. As Paul continuously hears the “whispers” around the house that sound “there must be more money”, he tests his luck by gambling for horse races in attempt to help his mother with her financial issues. In terms of qualities, Paul is a