Personal Narrative: My First Trojan War

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“THUD!” I woke up with a big jump. My Greek mythology book was lying on the ground. The next day, my class was having a test on the Trojan war. Of course I had procrastinated and left the studying for the day before the test. My mom then called me up from the basement to eat breakfast, when I saw a shiny object hidden under some dirt. I dug it up and that’s where my story begins. The machine was a dark purple color with a dial that had numbers. I then thought to myself, “Maybe this is a time machine and I can travel to whatever time I want!” So then I typed in one of the only things I knew about the war, when it started. I watched as everything whizzed past me going back thousands of years. As I stopped I was standing next to Odysseus and Achilles. I asked Achilles what had been happening and he said, “Haven’t you been listening, we have declared war on the Trojans!” As we fought in the war nothing changed. We couldn’t get into Troy because of …show more content…

The convincer did his job and said, “The Greeks, they gave up and left me behind, they left this as a gift.” All the Trojans believed him except two. They said it was to fool the Trojans so the Greeks could conquer them. No one listened. The Trojans couldn’t fit the horse through the stone wall so they pulled it apart. Boulder by boulder, rock by rock the wall came down, until the horse could come into the city. The Trojans had a big celebration and rejoiced of the “win” of the city. All of this time I got to watch from a peephole in the horse. At around midnight, the time came the sailors came back and after ten years at war, we conquered Troy and defeated the Trojans. As we were celebrating for the win, I remembered that I didn’t belong in this time, and I needed to get back! As quick as I could I grabbed the time machine from where I left it and typed in the year 2016 and returned to my time. I was back where I had ended next to the time machine.

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