Oil palm Essays

  • Palm Oil

    841 Words  | 2 Pages

    Palm Oil is a type of vegetable oil collected from palm fruit. Palm oil plants are originally from Western Africa, but can cultivate wherever there is heat and rainfall are sufficient. Today almost all of the palm oil is exported from Indonesia or Malaysia. Immense amount of untouched rainforest in Indonesia and Malaysia is slashed and burned each year in may lead the extinction of our beloved orangutans. Palm Oil is an extremely popular oil amongst manufacturers Cadbury, Chanel, Colgate, Earthly

  • History Of Oil Palm

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    The oil palm tree, scientifically known as Elaeis guineensis, is a member of the family Palmae and the subfamily Cocoideae, which also includes the coconut plant. The genus contains two main species, E. guineensis, which is known as the African oil palm, and E. melanococca, also known as the American oil palm. However, the latter is only valuable for hybridization. The male and female flower clusters occur on the same tree thus making it a monoecious plant. Though, the sexes are only differentiated

  • Palm Oil Impacts

    1201 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Palm oil is considered an essential ingredient for the production of foods and other products in which human use. Orangutan Project (2015) states that ‘palm oil is derived from the fruit of the oil palm tree’, and the ‘palm oil plantations are the main driver for deforestation in Indonesia’. The harvest of the palm trees for the production of palm oil affects the ecosystem as it can affect the environment. This investigation with highlight out the advantages of the palm fruit providing

  • Analysis: Palm Oil Is Everywhere

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    Palm Oil Is Everywhere (Literally) As my picks and crampons were jammed into the majestic and frozen waterfall, I was immersed in the wildlife. I was on an ice climbing trip, which was situated near the picturesque Denali National Park. As I was sitting on the nearby rocks for a lunch break, I started to eat my apple. I am used to seeing a lot of outdoor-y people bring energy bars or trail mix, the most energizing and least junky snacks. As I looked over at my Japanese classmate treat, I surprise

  • Palm Oil Video Analysis

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    What is Palm Oil? Palm oil is an edible plant oil which has become a common ingredient in many consumer products (Rainforest Rescue 1). Palm oil grows on trees in rainforests. In order for Palm Oil to grow the temperature must be moist and hot. Therefore, the rainforest and regions near the equator are prime location for the growth of this oil. Most of the Palm Oil trees are farmed and used as an ingredient in an item that is sold for commerce. Currently about half of the products, that people

  • History Of Palm Oil In Nigeria

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    Before the pre oil-boom period (before 1968), Nigeria was the leading World Exporter of palm oil. Her country producing about 34.14 % and was followed by Indonesia, Congo and Malaysia which were producing about 23.82 %, 19.15 % and 14.36 % respectively (Kibly, 1968; Commonwealth Economic Committee (CEC), 1966). However, in recent statistics, Nigeria has lost this position where its currently producing about 1 % and still struggling to maintain the domestic consumption as oppose Indonesia and Malaysia

  • Palm Oil Case Study

    1986 Words  | 4 Pages

    has been incredibly blessed with the palm oil seed. The impact of palm oil has transcended time, boundaries and borders as it has become to most widely used product for consumer good. Not one day goes by where the average consumer doesn’t utilize a product without palm oil. It is every, it is necessary and it is in high demand. This is where the role of the corporations come in. Wilmar International Limited is a corporation which has descended upon the palm oil industry with the purpose of essentially

  • Sustainability of Palm Oil Production in Indonesia

    772 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sustainability of Palm Oil Production in Indonesia Palm oil is the leading edible vegetable oil by production volume. It is an essential ingredient in the manufacture of a wide variety of products that are used globally every day, such as chocolate, soap, and cosmetics. It is also a common cooking oil in many countries, notably in Asia, and is used in other industries, including livestock and, increasingly, biofuels. Palm oil is produced from the fruit of oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis). Palm oil can be separated

  • Palm Oil Industry and Its Effects on the Indigenous Pleople of Ecuador

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    on the earth. The rainforest house many different species and support the lives of the indigenous tribes who depend on the forests for habitat, food, and way of life. The palm oil companies are spreading to many parts of the world, taking out regions of the forest in order to make room for their palm oil plantations. Palm oil is found in 50% of products we use every day from items like shampoo and conditioner to the food we eat (Rainforest Rescue 2013). If the rain forests are fragmented too much

  • Persuasive Essay On Palm Oil

    825 Words  | 2 Pages

    meals. These general products all have something in common; they include palm oil, a resource found in oil palm trees located primarily in Indonesia and Malaysia. Palm oil is a valuable resource that is contained in many everyday products. However, the mass consumption of this ingredient caused wide deforestation in wildlife’s natural habitat and is leading to the endangerment of several animal species. Sustainable palm oil is grown and harvested by companies on private land to avoid deforestation

  • Palm Oil Palm Case Study

    804 Words  | 2 Pages

    Donald, P. F., & Phalan, B. (2008). Review: How will oil palm expansion affect biodiversity?. Trends In Ecology & Evolution, 2(3), 538-545. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2008.06.012 The article addresses the ecological impact of palm oil plantation in Indonesia and Malaysia. The author conducts a descriptive study of how the increased demand for palm has impacted biodiversity especially indigenous animals such as orangutan. In order to assess the impact of palm oil plantation on orangutan’s habitat, the author conducted

  • Palm Oil Essay

    1249 Words  | 3 Pages

    Issue- Palm oil is one of the world’s most popular edible vegetable oil. Used in most consumer goods, this particular oil may be cheap but it comes at a tremendous cost to our environment. Palm oil has been connected to many environmental, animal, and human rights violations yet organsisations and companies all over the world continue to use this particular oil in just about everything, in fact this popular oil is in about half of all products on store shelves. Including products like laundry detergent

  • The Benefits Of Palm Oil

    1524 Words  | 4 Pages

    Palm oil is a kind of consumable vegetable oil and high in soaked that is from the palm natural product, developed on the African oil palm tree. Oil palms are initially from Western Africa, yet can withstand wherever warmth and precipitation are plentiful. Today, palm oil is refined all through Africa, Asia, North America, and South America, with 85% of all palm oil universally delivered and sent out from Indonesia and Malaysia; however more often than not utilizing supportable measures (Palm oil

  • Essay On Palm Oil

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    Palm oil is used in a wide variety of foods and hygiene products. It is an oil made from the pulp of the oil palm, usually the African oil palm. There has been a lot of controversy on the health effects that palm oil has; a recent study has shown that regularly ingesting this oil can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, while another shows no correlation between the oil and the risk of coronary artery disease (Loki). While the health effects are still being debated, there is no question that

  • Lungs Of The Earth Essay

    1267 Words  | 3 Pages

    n, communities, and villagers) have to play a part for preventing the peat fires especially in the districts and subdistricts of Riau. http://www.wri.org/sites/default/files/uploads/Picture6.png Illegal loggers and land clearing for small farmers Oil Palm plantation development, timber, and large holder of certified logging companies are closely related to forest fires. Trees are sometimes being destroyed in the fastest and cheapest way. Everything is uncontrollable when the forest in on fire, spreading

  • Company Profile and Background of BLD Planation

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    Development Sdn. Bhd., Kirana Palm Oil Refinery Sdn. Bhd., Grand Mutual Sdn. Bhd., Niamas Istimewa Sdn. Bhd. and BLD Resources Sdn. Bhd. The structure of the company is illustrated in the figure below: Source: Official website of BLD Plantation Website Figure 1 The Structure of the Company The following table shows the details of the subsidiaries: Subsidiary Company Profile Bintulu Lumber Development Sdn. Bhd. Incorporation date: 20 October 1975 Principal activities: Oil palm plantation, processing of

  • Sustainability in Indonesia´s Rainforest

    2489 Words  | 5 Pages

    the World, Society and Natural Resources, 19(1): 33-52 United Nations. 2011. Indonesia. [ONLINE] Available at: http://data.un.org/CountryProfile.aspx?crName=Indonesia. [Accessed 02 May 11]. World Growth, 2011. The Economic Benefit of Palm Oil to Indonesia, Palm Oil Green Development Campaign, 1-27

  • Palm Oil Research Paper

    1423 Words  | 3 Pages

    crops for products we do not need such as palm oil. Animals, Such as the orangutan, face the destruction of their homeland with us continuing to increase the production of palm oil. What could make this change? Decreasing the use of palm oil, an ingredient contained in multiple products we use daily, can help decrease the deforestation in the rainforest and allow animals such as the orangutan to thrive. Palm oil became relevant to us only years ago. Palm oil became a factor in our lives back in the

  • National Park Essay

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    is also the home for thousands of orangutans that have come to reside here. Without this forest, these animals would not be able to survive. Not only does the park have to deal with the growers who are legally planting palm trees, but also they have to deal the illegal oil palm plantations that are happening inside Tesso Nilo Forest complex. Between 2002 and April 2011 has showed that the encroachment of this park is still an ongoing process. The peaks of these encroachments show from 2006 to

  • Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart - The Clan's Beliefs and Christian Beliefs

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    of all the world and all the men and women who inhabit the Earth'. They believe that all men go for judgement before him when they die, and that all men who worship `false gods of wood and stone' would be thrown into a fire `that burned like palm oil.' If the lord saves their soul from sin they will have eternal life in heaven with god, who is also eternal. They bury the body of the deceased in the ground, but believe their soul goes up to heaven if they have accepted the lord in their heart