October 2001 Essays

  • The Benefits of Human Cloning

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    to clone. Ever since Ian Wilmut and his co-workers completed the successful cloning of an adult sheep named Dolly, there has been an ongoing debate on whether it is right or wrong to continue the research of cloning (Burley). Recently, in February 2001, CNN conducted a poll that stated, 90% of American adults think that cloning humans is a bad idea (Robinson). Even though the majority of Americans are opposed to human cloning, there are many benefits that will come from the research of it. Advancements

  • September Eleventh

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    message is lost in the aftermath of September eleventh. The image no longer represents the image of a small town explosion almost a millennium ago, but rather rekindles recent memories of the events that shook the country only one month ago. While 2001 has proven to be a year of fear, anger, uncertainty and terrible destruction, the years between 1893 and 1904 were equally chaotic for the small mining town of Cripple Creek, Colorado. Tensions began to grow between mining companies and workers over

  • Fleet Safety At Abbott Case Study

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    vertical bars by the calendar year. The chart elements represents the two bars for each year with the number of vehicle accidents per that year reflected formulations of percentages for drivers with and without behind-the-wheel (BTW) training (Abbott,2001). The safety and health study of vehicle accidents and their study indicators where management supported fleet driving operations verus those who did not support the BTW training. The Abbott case study reflects in exhibit #3 behind the wheel training

  • Case Study Endeavor House

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    Endeavor House Review Welcome to our Endeavor House review! Endeavor House became part of the Pinnacle Treatment Centers family in 2011. Pinnacle Treatment Centers was founded in 2006 with the acquisition of four treatment centers. Today Pinnacle has about 30 facilities over eight different states and they treat over 8,000 adults on any given day. Additionally, Endeavor House is CARF accredited and their programs range in length anywhere from a week to a few months depending on each client's needs

  • Time in Jane Austen's Novels

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    “time” is used 84 times, about half as often. Actually, that trend line is fairly representative of most of Austen’s novels. And certainly the novel Emma is fixed in time. It is, after all, the story of a year, from an October of naïve ignorance to a following October of knowledge and wedded bliss. In other words, not surprisingly, things have happened over time. Yet time is not always a happy advantage for the characters. Note, for example, some of the collocates for the word time. These

  • Creative Writing

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    It was 9:00 on a dark and dreary night in October when Mindy and Mandy crept slowly up the stairs to check on their little brother Max. Mandy was very upset over the fact of having to check on her little brother when she wanted to sleep. However, Mindy wanted to make sure he was asleep, and she dragged Mandy along for company. “He’s supposed to be asleep! And he should be asleep by now! Why bother?!” Mandy complained as she dragged her black purse up the stairs. Mindy tried to ignore Mandy as she

  • Persuasive Essay On Viciousness In School

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    state of mind about school" (Della Piana, Gordon, Keleher 2001). It is unexpected that educators could be harming the fate of their understudies when offering them some assistance with being their actual objective. This is the reason so much thought goes into discipline strategies. Rivals of zero resistance accept there are elective and less intense arrangements, particularly with regards to minor "honest schoolyard shenanigans" (Shuster 2001, p.1). Karen Slick, an Ontario attorney and essayist expresses

  • Lenin And Problems After The October Revolution

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    Lenin and Problems After the October Revolution The initial difficulties faced by the new Soviet Union were to severe that its survival seemed almost miraculous. The remains of the czarist regime left Lenin to face a country wrought with war, devastated economically. Russia's involvement in World War I, followed by its Civil War, wide spread famine and a change in political and social ideology were the problems confronting Lenin after the October Revolution. Lenin did succeed in ending

  • The Power of Blogging

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    ideas? Please comment with some (appropriate!) suggestions. Sunday, October 03, 2004 Still don't have any good ideas for that essay. Btw, all your suggestions sucked; you guys really let me down...j/k =)... Anyway, I think I might write about diaries. But it seems to boring. Whatever, I will try it out and see how it goes. Monday, October 04, 2004 Essay on dairies is not going very well. Tuesday, October 05, 2004 I give up on diaries. They are too boring. I need a new topic

  • The Life Of Anne Frank

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    sending them? We assume that most of them are being murdered. The English radio says they're being gassed."-- October 9, 1942 On Her Old Country, Germany "Fine specimens of humanity, those Germanns, and to think I'm actually one of them! No, that's not true, Hitler took away our nationality long ago. And besides, there are no greater enemies on earth than the Germans and Jews."-- October 9, 1942 On Nazi Punishment of Resisters "Have you ever heard the term 'hostages'? That's the latest punishment

  • Wall Street Crash of October 1929

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    Wall Street Crash of October 1929 The roaring twenties saw a great deal of prosperity in the United States economy. Everything seemed to be going well as stock prices continued to rise at incredible rates and everyone in the market was becoming rich. Two new industries: the automotive industry, and the radio industry were the driving forces of this economic boom. These industries were helping to create a new type of market that no one had ever seen in history. With the market continuously

  • Along Came A Frontage Road

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    and bringing it back home. Not at all did he suspect to encounter anything more but indeed he did. Nicky and his father went looking for a pumpkin at as place that he describes as “a piece of land so devoid of life and interest that from January to October, I’m certain, no one sees it at all”.

  • A Review Of The Outsiders Club

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    A Review of "The Outsiders Club" Screened on BBC 2 in October 96 MA Diploma Disability Studies INTRODUCTION I decided to write a review on the social group known as The Outsiders. The group's main aim is to enable disabled adults to form personal relationships, including specifically sexual ones (Shakespeare 1996), either with each other or with non-disabled members. The group has been in existence for several years, and has attracted a great deal of attention, including reaction from present

  • Home Sweet Home

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    A belief that people share, regardless of their cultural or ethnic background, is "Home Sweet Home". This saying implies that our home town, province, or village is usually the sweetest place, since it is bonded with the most beautiful and unforgettable memories of our childhood. This belief is most meaningful to people who have to live in exile or have do a lot of traveling. People usually have the same comment when asked about their feeling towards their hometown, "There is no place like home

  • Ariel Castro Effect

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    From Michelle, to Amanda, to Gina, former school bus driver Ariel Castro abducted three girls for more than a decade. In the basement in Cleveland Ohio, the three girls: Amanda, Michelle and Gina were in hell for ten years and could not escape. The three girls did not know each other and when they were in captivity for that long of a time, they would start to get to know each other well. Ariel was born and raised in Puerto Rico until his mother found out that his father was cheating on his mother

  • Redefining The American Dream

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    portray the dynamic effect of the American Dream. The American Dream today is significantly different that it was fifty years ago. Today Americans work longer work hours, spend 40% more time watching T.V and 40% less time with their children (AGO 2001). “The avarice of mankind is insatiable,” claimed Aristotle when describing how the appetite of mankind is never satisfied (Durning). As every desire is satisfied a new one rises up to take its place (Durning). This is true for all people; we want

  • Use of Humor to Describe Historical Events Illustrated in George Orwell's Animal Farm

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    simple-minded. The novel depicts the Russian Revolution, retelling the story of the emergence and development of Soviet communism in the form of an animal fable. Each event that occurs in Animal Farm has a historical parallel. The Rebellion is the October 1917 Revolution, the Battle of the Cowshed is the subsequent Civil War. Mr. Jones and the farmers are a representation of the loyalist Russians. The hens revolt stands for the brutally suppressed 1921 mutiny of the sailors. Napoleon’s deal with Whymper

  • The Russian Revolution at the Kronstadt Navel Base

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    Ibid., 190 - 191. 30. Ibid., 202. 31. Ibid., ix. 32. Ibid., 204. 33. Avrich, Kronstadt 1921, 78 - 81. 34. Ibid., 75 - 76. 35. Ibid., 5. 36. See, for instance, David Schaich, Kronstadt 1921: An Analysis of Bolshevik Propaganda (Unpublished, 2001), http://halogen.note.amherst.edu/~daschaich/writings/academic/kronstadt1921.html 37. Figes, A People's Tragedy, 768. 38. Avrich, Kronstadt 1921, 3. 39. Ibid., 229. 40. Getzler, Kronstadt 1917 - 1921, 46. 41. Ibid., 246. 42. Ibid., 252.

  • Was the 1905 Revolution a ‘dress rehearsal’ for the events of either February or October 1917?

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    essential components in considering why the events of 1917 were not prepared in 1905. Although 1905 did, undoubtedly paved the way for the revolutionary era of 1917, no-one could have predicted the outcome of the February Revolution nor the conclusion of October. In examining the comparison of the 1905 events with the similar situation in 1917, it is vital to look at the backdrop circumstances in order to directly compare the revolutions. The combination of the social disruptions generated by the Russo-Japanese

  • Term Essay

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    This essay asks for the comparison of the three historical monographs, which offer different interpretations of the same or related topic. This essay will focus on writings about the Russian Revolution (1818-1919) particularly concentrating on the October Revolution in 1917 and the leadership of Vladimir Lenin during this period. The goal of this essay is to examine how three historians, from three separate schools of thought, have interpreted these events and how their particular political views,