Newborn Essays

  • Essay On Newborn Screening

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    Newborn screening is the practice in which the harmful or potentially fatal conditions that can affect the infant's health or survival are detected. This process can prevent death or health problems and protect the infant against certain diseases and medical conditions. Newborn screening started in 1960's when many states in U.S.A. established a newborn test program for phenylketonuria (PKU) by using the Guthrie method, a system for the collection and transportation of blood samples on filter paper

  • Nurs

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    stressed? Are they bad parents because they do not stay or do they need to be more involved? The whole perspective of a child being in intensive care is hard, and especially for parents who do not know how to handle the situation of having their newborn baby in intensive care. There are many challenges that parents face; facing emotional problems is the biggest challenge. Not knowing how to handle the whole situation of seeing their new born child in a situation like intensive care is pretty hard

  • Personal Narrative: Lunch With My Grandfather

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    Lunch With Anyone If I could have lunch with anyone I would choose my Grandpa. When I was in fourth grade he unfortunately passed away. My sister and I were very close with him and it was very hard when he passed away. Although I was only nine, I know that was absolutely one of the worst things I have had to go through, and will go through. Since I haven’t seen him in about four years I would chose to have lunch with him. This essay will explain why I chose my Grandpa to have lunch with over everyone

  • Newborn Hypoglycemia

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    bonding, and exclusive breastfeeding success. According to Indira & Jyotsna (2015), “hypoglycemia is one of the most common metabolic problems seen in the newborn nursery.” Early newborn hypoglycemia and prolonged hypoglycemia can lead to mental retardation and brain damage (Indira& Jyotsna, 2015). A newborn is deemed hypoglycemia if their

  • Newborn Assessment

    1062 Words  | 3 Pages

    For decades newborns have gone through screening and assessments to determine where they are health wise after birth. The screening and assessments not only worry about the immediate moment, but also look for possible presence of disorders that could affect the newborn in the future. There are a number of different assessments and scales used after a newborn is born. The neonatal assessments and scales range from assessing behavior to determining whether there is a possible medical condition that

  • Hiv Testing in Newborns

    2979 Words  | 6 Pages

    This paper presents an ethical analysis of the mandatory newborn HIV testing law enacted in New York State. The law was passed as an effort to decrease maternal transmission of HIV, by treating infants born to HIV positive mothers immediately after birth with AZT. Newborn testing was promoted by the legislative and medical community following the overwhelmingly positive response from HIV infected pregnant women who were given AZT in the ACTG 076 clinical trials. Pregnant mothers who were given

  • Genetic Testing and Newborn Screening

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    into pathological diseases such as different types of cancer. Millions of babies are tested each year in the United States by a process known as newborn screening. Newborn screening can detect disorders that will occur later in life and try to treat them earlier in life. Disorders like phenylketonuria a genetic disorder that causes mental retardation in newborn babies as they get older if not treated early at birth and hypothyroidism a disorder of the thyroid gland. Phenylketonuria is defined as an inherited

  • Persuasive Essay On Newborn Photography

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    This new little bundle of joy in your newborn photography studio is a precious gift to these parents. It's an honor and a priviledge to be chosen as the person who will capture these first images. This time of their newborn will never happen again. It's vital that the photographer be concerned with newborn photography safety to keep the little one safe from harm while taking amazing pictures to commemorate this occasion. Why We're Concerned About Newborn Photography Safety As the photographer,

  • My First Newborn Assessment

    661 Words  | 2 Pages

    At Wildcat Hospital, I performed my first newborn assessment on a baby. I walked into the postpartum room and greeted the mother and family and asked if I could (along with another student) perform and assessment on the baby for the second time. This assessment was different from the initial assessment I performed four hours previously, because the second time around I had more control of the assessment. I listened to the heart, lungs, and stomach. I assessed the newborn’s respirations, reflexes

  • Letting a Newborn Cry to Sleep

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    rewarding to cry hard. His book, Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems, advocates letting a newborn cry for short periods before parents offer comfort. This tactic used for sleep training does not mean letting the baby cry indefinitely as some parents might think, but only for a short, specified period until he learns to fall asleep on his own. Is It OK to Let a Newborn Cry to Sleep? Child experts agree that newborn babies are too young to train to sleep on their own. Although many pediatricians and other

  • Hepatitis B Vaccine for Newborns

    889 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hepatitis B virus can cause an infection either in the form of a short, acute illness or a chronic, long-lasting condition that affects the liver. Hepatitis B can cause serious disease in infants, so pregnant mothers who carry the virus must try to protect their babies by being screened and having their babies vaccinated after birth. What Is Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B virus is an organism that infects the liver, causing either a short, acute illness or a chronic, long-lasting disease. A baby who gets

  • Early Intervention and Newborn Hearing Loss

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    Recently in the United States, there has been a drive at both the state and national level to provide universal screening for newborns to detect hearing loss. Although the idea of a universal screening in newborns is a new phenomenon, research has examined the impact of early intervention and screening for children with hearing loss. “Most professionals in the field feel strongly that early identification of hearing loss and early implementation of intervention enhances the child’s social, communicative

  • My Perfect Enchanting Aunt

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    obstacles. Well, her childhood memories make her different from all the adults and aunts’ living on this round planet, Planet Earth. When she was born on January 4, 1988 she was struck by a life threatening disease called Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn. This disease occurs when there is an incompatibility between the blood types of the mother and baby. Once this disease was in your body, it leads to anemia. Anemia is dangerous because it limits the ability of the blood to carry oxygen to the baby's

  • Newborn Bowel Movements - Normal or Not

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    A newborn baby's watery poop can surprise new parents, especially when the baby is breastfed. However, even veteran parents may be concerned about watery stool, which might be a sign that the baby has diarrhea. It is important, therefore, to determine if a baby's watery poop is normal or something to be concerned about. Newborn Watery Poop---What’s Normal and What’s Not Normal? 1. Normal. It is normal for a newborn baby to have watery or loose stools in the early months after birth when she is only

  • Breast Feeding vs. Formula Feeding for Newborns

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    Breast feeding vs. formula feeding newborns In today’s society mothers are faced with the decision whether to breastfeed or to formula feed their infant. Whether the infant’s family is on a tight budget some choose to breastfeed but while another mom formula feeds people say “she is taking the easy way out or she isn’t going to bond with her infant as much as breastfeeding mothers will”. There has been numerous debates on the social media sites to prove which one is better and mothers bashing

  • Newborn Infants with Severe Handicaps: Live or Die?

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    Terminating a newborn infants life because they will be unable to live a normal life due to severe handicaps, is a very controversial issue in our country. It is debatable weather a disabled infant's life is worth living, even if they will not be able to live the average lifestyle. Should newborn babies with severe disabilities live or die? A handicap individual is defined as "any person who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life

  • Steven Pinker Why They Kill Their Newborns Essay

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    abortion, and neonaticide (the act of killing a newborn), to be an immoral act. People in our society are prosecuted for murder every day, yet turn a blind eye to the murder that is promoted politically, economically, and socially by institutions and the individuals who run them. Although he silently favors a women’s choice, Steven Pinker conducted a piece, that originally debuted in The New York Times, over two decades ago called, “Why They Kill Their Newborns.” This essay is the motive behind Michael

  • Universal Newborn Hearing Screening: Needs and Implementation

    560 Words  | 2 Pages

    recommended a specific hearing screening protocol (1990). Until 1993, newborn hearing screenings were focused on high-risk newborns. However, the high-risk criteria screening missed half of the children with a hearing loss, resulting in late diagnosis and intervention. The JCIH 1994 position statement and the National Institutes of Health (NIH, 1993) expressed the need for universal newborn hearing screening. Universal newborn hearing screening can be defined as identifying all children with hearing

  • Birth Injury and Birth Trauma in Newborns

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    minor to severe nerve damage, the most severe us when it results in complete paralysis • Bone Fractures – a difficult delivery can sometimes cause newborns to be born with broken bones, the most common being a broken clavicle • Cephalohematoma - a collection of blood below the covering of a portion of the skull bone • Perinatal Asphyxia – when the newborn doesn’t receive enough oxygen, this c... ... middle of paper ... else’s negligence including medical malpractice from the doctor or nurse

  • Breastfeeding: A Time-Honored Nutrition for Newborns

    1111 Words  | 3 Pages

    Breastfeeding, as the name suggests, is the natural act of feeding newborns with the mother’s milk. It a practice that has been passed down from generation to generation since the beginning of our existence. It has proven to be an efficient and healthy way to feed newborns. Several research have shown numerous benefits of breastfeeding. For example, when it comes to the comparison of breast milk and formula milk, studies have shown that formula milk can be harder for babies to digest. This is due