Modern Love Essays

  • Modern Love Obsession

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    In both Modern Love a fictional piece and The Entire History of You, the underlying theme that runs through is obsession. The theme of obsession is explored uniquely in the respective pieces. In Modern Love, T. C. Boyle explores two forms of obsession- one through Breda’s obsession with cleanliness. This is seen in the scene after they watch the boy in the bubble and she says, “What a life, what a perfect life. Don’t you envy him?” with reference to his isolation from the outside and the speaker’s

  • A Modern Romantic’s View on Love

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    Love – a simple four letter word shrouded in mystery and many different meanings. Philosophers, poets, and writers have all tried to discern the significance or concept of love for many centuries. Plato, for example, was one such philosopher who in his work the Symposium (which means “Drinking Party”) wrote about “Eros” – the term for sexual love in Greek. The Symposium was written approximately around 384 and 379 B.C.E., and follows five elite Athenian men as they pronounce their admiration of Eros

  • Modern Love And Hannah Selinger's Use Of Love

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    My topic for the Anthology Project is love and lust. I chose this topic because I’m a sucker for romance. I love romance novels, movies and etc. I thought this topic would come easy to me, but I had a lot of trouble finding texts in the QCC database and especially finding books in the library because most of the ones I was looking for have been taken out already. I ended up having to go to the public library closest to me to find some of these texts. For texts such as “The Storm”, I wanted it to

  • Analysis Of Tagore's Love In Modern Life

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    to modern life. A fresh interpretation to religious idealism which has been the feature of India’s life and history is

  • T. C. Boyle's Modern Love

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    Love is just a man-made construct created to justify our decadence. Human are hedonistic animals: we always seek pleasure. Truthfully, we are inherently selfish, caring for only our own well-being, and even if we say we love without costs, we love because it gives us the utmost pleasure: the pursuit of happiness. Look at the magical world of Disney, all the princesses ‘fell in love’ to escape their dreadful lives, either being an oppressed slave to her step-family, having an obsessive mother who

  • Differing Depicitons of Love in Modern Film

    596 Words  | 2 Pages

    Love is such a small word that holds such a strong meaning. Many people in their lives, at some point, contemplate about love, dream about it, and even lose sleep over it. Why is it that so many people imagine what love is? This one word, with many meanings, is so problematic to explain and yet it is impossible to live without. The movies in the romance section of this course, each depict a type of love many of us might go through. The first two films, Water for Elephants and How Do You Know, explore

  • 'Modern Family And Emma Goldman's Marriage And Love'

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    Do we still consider Marriage and Love a meaningful tradition? Some people would say there’s more divorce going around the world then people actually getting marry, but there’s two points of views presented in “Modern Family” by Mona Charen and in “Marriage and Love” by Emma Goldman. One issue is traditional family is dead. Another issue is the cost of getting divorce. In the writing “Modern Family” writer Mona Charen tells how traditional family is dead and it’s been replaced with single-parent

  • Changing Perspectives on Love in Modern Women

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    Types Of Woman In Love? For many years now women have made great changes in their lives. Women have come so far from the past when they were simply just property, to now being almost equal to men. In today 's society if a woman wants something she can get it, but does that include love? Love is such a broad topic that has been written about for so long now you would think there would not be anything left to be said. On the contrary, because women 's roles have changed so much there is a whole

  • How the Trailers of Love Actually Represent a Stereotypical View of Modern Love and Relationships

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    How the Trailers of Love Actually Represent a Stereotypical View of Modern Love and Relationships Loveactually is a romantic comedy based in contemporary London during Christmas. It was written and directed by Richard Curtis and was released in November 2003. It was made by Working Title Films, which have an institutional ethos about romantic comedies. Working Title Films usually have a predominantly white representation of love and there are certain types of films such as Four Weddings

  • “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” as the Embodiment of the Modern Conscience

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    attended to its standards. This contempt for the conventional values of society became a prevailing theme of modern American literature, as writers like T.S. Eliot turned the focus of their works away from the portrayal and praise of upper and middle class society and toward their personal critique of this mode of life. Eliot's poem, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," embodies this popular modern theme by directing the reader's attention toward how an individual is subconsciously affected by the standards

  • What Is The Theme Of Modern Masculinity In The Love Song Of J Alfred Prufrock

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    T.S. Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock argues the necessity for men to embody a sense of traditional masculinity. He argues that if stereotypical manliness is not practiced by a man, he will figuratively “drown” (Eliot, 137) and be “almost ridiculous-/ [a]lmost, at times, [a f]ool.” (124-125) Eliot portrays this by following the speaker, Prufrock, during a night out and witnessing his incapability to achieve his goal as a result of not acting as a stereotypical male. Through repetition

  • Exploring Modern Love: A Personal Experience

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    give the Modern Love podcast a chance. I was browsing through the web trying to find something fun and interesting to listen to, then I stumbled upon the Modern Love podcast. What caught my eye first was obviously the title of Modern Love. Right there and then I knew that a podcast with a title as such would talk about some of the very relatable dating experiences that our generation faces every day, and be something to possibly find comfort with and know that you are not in this tricky love world on

  • The Modern Version Of Romeo And Juliet's Love

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    The modern version of Romeo and Juliet’s love is more believable than the on depicted in the original movie. This is because the modern version uses scenes such as the meeting, balcony and death scene to portray a sense of true love. From beginning to end many scenes in the modern movie have the ability to bring viewers to tears and make them feel as if they are apart of the couples love themselves. To begin with the meeting scene, the writers of the movie used a comical but heartfelt manner

  • Modern Man in T. S. Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

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    Modern Man in T. S. Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Thomas Stearns Eliot’s poetry has been of great influence in revealing to man his real identity during the last fifty years. To Eliot, the modern man is no longer the best creature ever created by God. He is neither a being supreme in everything. Nor is he the all-knowing, the most determined, and the sociable creature one might think of. How is this modern man depicted in his poetry is a question that would take time

  • Passion's Role in Modern Love Stories

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    Many love stories these days share some key features that develop into amazing stories. However, they also have their differences which set them apart from each other. Some stories take a significant advantage of an intriguing human element, passion. Passion is an intense desire for something or someone. For instance, Irene Nemirovsky in “Fire in the Blood” described how passion can change one’s life for the worse. Nemirovsky begins the story by describing a country wedding of a girl that wished

  • George Dickinson's Modern Love Poem Analysis

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    aabccb rhyme scheme then you can 't claim that the whole poem is written in that rhyme scheme. No-one, I think, would claim of a sixteen-line poem that "except for lines one and two it is a sonnet". (Having said that, I have seen George Meredith 's Modern Love sequence described as a sequence of sixteen-line sonnets, which is a non sequitur if ever I 've heard one.)

  • Modern Family, Everybody Loves Raymond And Full House

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    The three family sitcoms that I decided to watch were Modern Family, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Full House. Each of these sitcoms contain similarities and differences between the roles of each member of the family. The Modern Family series is a unique family sitcom because it presents many roles of parents and children that are overlapped. Jay is the main father of the series who divorced and remarried to Gloria. Since Gloria is around the same age as Jay’s two children, Claire and Mitchell, Gloria

  • The Love Story

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    The Love Story Some of the elements in the love story have changed over time. In the ancient world and during the Middle Ages, love stories did not have happy endings, and they focused on love outside of social and economic status. This was an innovation at that time, because most marriages were arranged and the partners were of the same social class. Beginning in the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, love stories began to have happy endings, because marriage was coming to be rooted in feelings

  • The Egoist

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    George Meredith was an English author, critic, poet, and war correspondent. He was considered to be a successful writer. He published several works of fiction and poetry. These works included: The Ordeal of Richard Feverel, The Tragic Comedians, Modern Love Poems of the English Roadside, and Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth among many others. Toward the end of his career, after the tragic deaths of his wife and son, Meredith received the Order of Merit. He was born in 1828 and died in 1909 (Casal)

  • Love Affair and Maturity of The Tramp and The Gamin in Charlie Chaplin’s’" Modern Times"

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    Love is displayed in many shapes and forms. Love can exist without it being acknowledged and the simplest things can draw two people together. Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times displays an unusual love affair. The Gamin and the Tramp share a love like no another. They both share a common dream that brings them together. This dreams unites them in a relationship. The Gamin and the Tramp idealize of the “American dream”. They witnessed happy a husband and wife and made a dream for themselves from