Modern Family, Everybody Loves Raymond And Full House

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The three family sitcoms that I decided to watch were Modern Family, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Full House. Each of these sitcoms contain similarities and differences between the roles of each member of the family. The Modern Family series is a unique family sitcom because it presents many roles of parents and children that are overlapped. Jay is the main father of the series who divorced and remarried to Gloria. Since Gloria is around the same age as Jay’s two children, Claire and Mitchell, Gloria does not take on the typical “stepmother” role. Instead, Gloria tries to take on the role of being Claire and Mitchell’s friends. Jay takes on the traditional father role. One can see with the size of his house and his lavish lifestyle that he is a strong provider financially. …show more content…

Claire and Mitchell both are married and have their individual families within the show, meaning they also have parental roles. Claire is married to Phil and has three children of her own. She is a stay at home mom and takes on the disciplinary role in her family. Phil works as a realtor and takes on the friend role, where he parents his children while also wanting to be their friend. Their oldest child, Haley, takes on the rebellious teenager role. Their middle child, Alex, takes on a more responsible and studious role. Alex always tries to make her parents proud and seems to be the one who has her life put together the most in the family, even though she is often overlooked. Claire and Phil’s youngest child, Luke, is the baby of the family. He is extremely dependent on his mother and has a strong bond with his dad. Mitchell is married and has an adopted daughter with husband, Cam. Mitchell works as a lawyer and takes on the financial role. Cam takes on the nurturing role and stays at home with their baby,

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