Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Essays

  • Education In Cabarrus County: Community Responsibilities

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    Cabarrus County is a one of the surrounding counties of Charlotte Mecklenburg with a population of 187, 226 according to the 2013 census. Not only do I teach in Cabarrus County, I live in the area and my sons attend the local schools. My sons have actually attended Northwest Cabarrus Middle School which is where I teach and have taught for twelve years therefore I observe the schools in our area through the lens of a teacher, parent and community citizen which can be good and bad. The size and

  • Why the Textile Workers in the South Spread so Quickly

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    largest industries in the south. Starting in the late 1800’s with small local looms, and spreading to become corporations who controled the south and whose influence stretched internationally. One of the first textile industries came to Gaston County North Carolina, and its huge success led to the opening of mills across the Carolina’s and Virginia. As these industries grew they began to control more and more of its employees lives. These huge corporations were permitted to take advantage of individuals

  • The Life and Times of Earl Victor Patterson Sr.

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    referred to, represents the common denominator between my "ancient" past and today. Additionally, his life most directly highlights the aforementioned family themes that have characterized the Patterson family for ages. Pop was born in Alamance County, North Carolina, on December 15, 1890. Born to Eusebius ("Sebe") and Etta Albright Patterson, he was the oldest of seven children. He had one full brother, W. H. Patterson, and one full sister, Sarah Etta, who died in infancy; he also had three half brothers

  • The Adventures at Hyco Lake

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    It was no surprise to me when my dad decided to buy a lake house on Hyco Lake, right outside of Roxboro. We got a really good deal on the house, so my dad decided that Hyco Lake was the perfect spot. Hyco Lake was constructed in the 1960's by Carolina Power and Light as a cooling reservoir for the steam electric generating plant. The Lake was filled in 1965 after Hurricane Hilda came through and filled the reservoir. The power plant located on Hyco Lake heats the water, but cooling units were

  • Sidewalks Persuasive Essay

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    In the community of Boiling Spring Lakes (BSL) the population has grown rapidly. In 2013 there were 5,614 people, also the city is 23.3 square miles. We rank the 17 out of the top 50 safest cities in North Carolina. Although BSL is ranked 17th city out of 50 cities of being safe (City Facts). This city has a major safety problem. The problems in BSL are that children and adults are always walking in the traffic that may cause an accident some day. Also, children when waiting for the bus stops by

  • The Measure of One's Life

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    scope of accomplishment and influence. He's been an educator, a school principal and teacher and a political leader who's met with presidents and the political elite of our country. In 1987 Gov. Jim Hunt awarded him the Order of the Long Leaf Pine (North Carolina's highest civilian award) for a lifetime of service, and his house is a treasure trove of awards, mementos and photographs. Yet, for all the awards, all the accolades, Witherspoon seems most proud of the lives he has touched and the children

  • Public Meeting Observation

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    9:00 a.m., I attended a New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting. The regular meetings are held twice a month at the New Hanover County Historic Courthouse, Assembly Room 301, at 24 North Third Street in Wilmington North Carolina. Commissioners in attendance were Woody White, Chairman, Beth Dawson, Vice Chair, Jonathan Barfield Jr., Thomas Wolfe, and Brian Berger was absent. Also in attendance was Chris Coudriet, County Manager, Wanda Copley, County Attorney, Shelia Schult, Clerk to the

  • A Bittersweet Life

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    Mr. President”. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda, 1988. Print. Carl Sandburg. Ed. Frances Bolin. New York: Sterling, 1995. Print. Poetry for Young Readers. "Carl Sandburg." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Biography in Context. Forsyth County Public Lib., Winston-Salem. Web. 10 Nov. 2013. Reuther, Galen. Connemara: The Carl Sandburg Home. Charleston: Arcadia, 2006. Print. Images of America. Rogers, W. G. Carl Sandburg, Yes: Poet, Historian, Novelist, Songster. New York: Harcourt, 1970

  • Civil Rights Movement: The Plessy V. Ferguson Case

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    movement people were blinded by the view that we weren't equal and that is completely wrong. Three court cases were a great involvement with the civil rights movement, some of them are: Plessy v. Ferguson, Loving v. Virginia, Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, they created a big impact in the civil rights movement and a bigger impact in history. The first case that made a impact is the Plessy v. Ferguson case. In this there was a black man who sat in a white mans cart on a train

  • Russell Gold Mine Analysis

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    got to be warriors. Just a single North Carolina mine stayed in operation: the Silver Hill Mine amongst Lexington and Denton. It created zinc, lead, silver, and gold. With the Confederate Army always needing ammo, excavators quickly burrowed the lead and silver to cast shots. Expelling the silver and gold from the lead was costly and tedious; a great part of the silver stayed ahead of the pack. It's said that numerous a Yankee officer kicked the bucket from North Carolina's silver and gold slugs.

  • The Carolina Gold Rush

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    documented discovery of gold in the United States! Fifty years earlier…in North Carolina! In 1799 young Conrad Reed, a 12 year old boy, found a big shiny rock in Little Meadow Creek on the family farm in Cabarrus county North Carolina. Conrad lugged it home but the Reed family had no idea what it was and used it as a clunky door stop. Thinking that it must be some kind of metal, John Reed, Conrad’s father, took it to Concord North Carolina to have a silver smith look at it. The silver smith was unable to

  • James K Polk Dbq

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    the New World. In the late 1750’s the Polk’s (along with the family of seventh president Andrew Jackson) moved into the Carolinas as a part of a swarm of national migration. Several decades later on November 2nd 1795 James K Polk, future president of the United States, was born to Samuel Polk (slaveholder and farmer) and Jane Knox in a farmhouse in Mecklenburg, North Carolina. Though Sam and Jane Polk adhered to the Presbyterian religion James was not baptized. This was the outcome of a heated argument

  • The social issue of homelessness in NC

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    The Social Issue of Homelessness in North Carolina People drive or walk past a homeless person almost every day without thinking twice about the plight of that person or they may even unconsciously turn their heads the other way in disgust. Homelessness simply put, means without a home - therefore homelessness is an equal opportunity state that can happen to anyone. Even though we have seen some economic prosperity over the years, statistics show that the number of homeless remains very high.

  • James K. Polk Research Paper

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    the whole human family.” James K. Polk was an important part of American history because he led America to victory in the Mexican-American war. Polk was born in Pineville, a small town in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, on November 2, 1795. For the first 10 years of James K. Polk life he lived in rural North Carolina. He then moved with his family, following his grandfather, to Frontier Tennessee. It was a difficult journey for them, travelling nearly 500 miles by wagon. They moved so they could try their

  • Main Characteristics Of Balance Scorecard

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    The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a technique execution administration device - a semi-standard organized report, bolstered by configuration routines and mechanization instruments that can be utilized by directors to stay informed concerning the execution of exercises by the staff inside of their control and to screen the outcomes emerging from these activities. Main characteristics of balances scorecard is: • Its emphasis on the vital plan of the association concerned. • The choice of a little number

  • Stterilization And Sterilization

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    could not pass on the traits again; at this time Carrie already had one daughter. She was seen as a perfect candidate for Virginia’s new movement. This case went to trial an... ... middle of paper ... ...the Mississippi appendectomy. Also in the North teaching hospitals would do hysterectomies on poor black women so their medical residents could practice (Roberts, 2000). Conclusion It is very sad to see that sterilization went on for so long. Many people, including myself, are in the dark of the

  • Dia de los Ninos - The Day of the Child

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    complimentary bilingual brochures about Dia. Funding also provided mini-grants to help establish or enhance local programs at eight libraries: El Paso (TX) Public Library, Hennepin County (MN) Library, Public Library of Charlotte-Mecklenburg County (NC), Queens (NY) Public Library, Riverside County (CA) Library System, Broward County (FL) Library System, Providence (RI) Public Library and Phoenix (AZ) Public Library.

  • Cause And Effect Of The Boston Massacre

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    In the 1760s, many colonists were becoming frustrated with Great Britain. After the French and Indian War, where the colonists fought with the French settlers for control of the Ohio River valley, Great Britain began enforcing new taxes on the colonies. These taxes included the Stamp Act, which levied a tax on the paper used to print newspapers and official documents, and the Townshend Acts, which taxed goods such as glass and paint that only wealthy colonists could afford. To help enforce these

  • Jim Crow Laws: Segregation Laws In The United States

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    Jim Crow Narrative Compare and Contrast His 221/Assignment 2 Jason Black June/12/2016 We have all heard of the segregation laws or should I say the isolation laws that are formerly known as "Jim Crow" in some people’s eyes symbolized a proper, way to show an entire race how they should be submissive to whites. The Jim Crow laws were statewide as well as local within the southern states of the United States they were implemented and supported between 1876 and 1965

  • Essay On I Love Lucy Show And Justice For All

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    And Justice For All "Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education." -John Fitzgerald Kennedy It is the fall of 1950. Harry S. Truman is the President of the United States of America. The "I Love Lucy Show," starring Lucille Ball, enters its first television season. As the world revolves around them, two young girls are winding down from summer vacation and preparing for the arrival of school. Tina and Lynn have lived in the same neighborhood