Lovers in Japan Essays

  • Viva La Vida Poem Analysis

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    Although some people listen to a song without actually thinking or caring about what the lyrics mean, Mr. Falk's assignment has us pause from mindlessly chanting the lyrics to actually taking a moment to wonder what the artist really means by his words. Quite coincidentally, this is an opportune chance to appreciate good lyrics as one does good poetry. I believe that all songwriters write with great meaning, often hidden, which makes their music all the more interesting. There has been much speculation

  • Case Study: Cat Island, Aoshima, Japan

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    Feed your cat-lovers’ dream and travel around the world with these top destinations of cat lovers’ paradise. Cat Island, Aoshima, Japan In Japan, there is a remote island where cats outnumber humans five to one. For those who want to experience living on an island where cats rule over humans, the Aoshima Island in the Ehime prefecture in Japan is a cat-lovers paradise. The cats that live in the once thriving village were originally brought to the mile-long island to get rid of mice that pestered

  • Yukio Mishima's Novel The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea

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    contrasting traits of the Japan he was raised in and the country in which he died. Through the characters Ryuji and Fusako Mishima demonstrates the changing nature of Japanese culture. The stark transformation of Ryuji after his enchantment with Fusako in Mishima’s novel represent the struggle between the duality of the east and the west that existed in Post World War II Japan and Mishima’s life. The novel serves as an allegory to Mishima’s poltical beliefs regarding Japan and criticizes the western

  • History Of Homosexuality

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    dated back many years back in history, showing up in Ancient Japan. It is represented by the nanshoku which means “male colors”, 'color ' having a meaning of sexual pleasure (Wikipedia). In Ancient Japan, Homosexuality was viewed as a normal practice that many like the middle class adopted from the monastery (Leupp 53-54). It was a normal occurrence especially in the warrior class where if permitted, an adult man was to take a boy as his lover until he came of age and was to Homosexuality was viewed

  • Love And Sex

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    whirlwind of emotions. For every culture, religion and part of the world though it was different. Even social class came into play as those in high societies believes and ways were much different than those in the lower classes. Europe, India and Japan during their medieval times had all developed their own sense and believes of what love and sex represented to them and their cultures. They all had their own preferences when it came to sex as well as having different ideas on how sex and love related

  • Aspects of Japanese History in Some Prefer Nettles by Junichiro Tanizaki

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    Nettles by Junichiro Tanizaki to the historical accounts of A Modern History of Japan by Andrew Gordon. I will use Tanizaki’s story to personalize the factual history of Gordon’s book. A few aspects of Japan’s industrializing gave insight to the hectic political theater in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: imperialism, industrial capitalism, and growth of the national image. Imperialism molded politics in Japan due to the ability for it to convince the population to believe that the Empire

  • Stalins Spy was Richard Sorge

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    sparked his interest. This interest led him to China and Japan where he would have his biggest assignments. In 1933 he returned back to Germany. Richard made an agreement with a newspaper publishing supervisor, that for his cover he would be a newspaper editor in Germany. His next assignment was in Tokyo and his mission was to reveal Japans intent toward the Soviet Union, by setting up a network. He arrived in Tokyo that September. While in Japan he joined the Nazi party as part of his cover. He then

  • Review Of Nakae Chomin's A Discourse By Three Drunkards

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    weapons in Japan, the Gentleman says that, “If we adopt liberty as our army and navy, equality as our fortress, and fraternity as our sword and cannon, who in the world would dare attack us? ... if, on the contrary, we should rely exclusively on our fortresses, swords, cannon, and troops, our opponent would also rely on his” (p. 51). This means that he thinks if Japan uses weapons, their enemies will use weapons as well. In order to avoid violent conflict, the Gentleman proposes that Japan should address

  • Comparing The Dancing Girl And Haruo's Throu

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    contemporary movements favor use of character as extended metaphors; the main protagonists can be considered as allegory for Japan’s place in the political climate of the time. Although both pieces address the idea of Japanese national identity, Mori’s Japan had a more optimistic view of its destiny as a world power and embraced foreign ideas more than in Satō’s era of frustrated

  • Kawabata’s Beauty and Sadness and Murakami’s Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

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    End of the World both show how Japan has been internationalized as well as how it has remained traditional. Kawabata’s novel is traditional and acceptable, much like the haiku poetry he imitates, but has a thread of rebelliousness and modernity running through the web that binds the characters together. Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World is devastatingly modern, and yet has a similar but opposite undertone of old Japan, or at least a nostalgia for old Japan. In both novels a more international

  • What Are The Similarities Between Japan And The United States

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    JAPANESE RESEARCH PAPER U.S. Marriages and Japan Japan and United States have many similarities on the concept of marriage. But Japan and the U.S. do have numerous cultural distinction as well. There are many traditions and customs for weddings. Most weddings in America are based on religion, culture and social norms. Usually the brides in America wear white bridal dresses with a veil. Wedding cakes in America are seen as a symbol of fertility. After the wedding, newlyweds go off and leave for

  • Strangler, Star: Summary

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    Strangler, Star: A Woman, Sex, and Morality in Modern Japan by William Johnston is a very informative read that covers the life of Abe Sada in extreme detail from when she was a young girl to the aftermath of the murder and castration of her lover that she committed. Johnston’s stated reason for talking about this particular case is that it, in particular, had detailed records for him to use to discuss the social and political treatment of women in Japan at the time (3). This was emphasized largely in

  • Rotten Women Research Paper

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    Conclusion Boys’ love is a relatively new culture and due to the explicit sexual expression, it still has a lot of problems. Also the prejudices from inside Japan or outside have not disappeared. However, it is gradually accepted by societies and that can be seen in many manga or novels titled “Hujyoshi Kanojyo” (Hujyosi girlfriend), “Tonari no 801 chan” (My neighbor Yaoi-chan), and “Mousou syoujyo otaku kei”

  • Japan

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    Japan Table of Contents I. Geography a.) Land b.) Climate c.) Vegetation d.) Population and Culture e.) Natural Resources and Land Usage II. History a.) Post WWII-Present III. Economics IV. Politics and Government V. Military VI. International Relations VII. International Appeal The island of Japan (145,826 sq. mi.) is located in the North Pacific Ocean. It is bounded by on the north by the Sea of Okhotsk, on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Pacific Ocean

  • Comparing Ihara Saikaku And Tamenaga Shunsui

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    Peace and unification come to Japan in 1603 after the “warring states period.” The establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate creates a transition from the medieval daimyo rule to a fully controlled country with strict, male dominant order. Women, on the other hand, are expected to obey their superiors and live within strictly defined rules. Yet, in the works of Ihara Saikaku and Tamenaga Shunsui the authors depict rebellious women whose difficult fate pushes them to often obscene actions. However,

  • Gucci Case Study

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    presented by handmade material and moreover it also exists the first Gucci Gallery in the store” (Gucci 2012c). In this regards, Gucci supports its brand with non verbal support in Japan effectively because everything was designed according to the consumer’s tastes. Furthermore, the flagship store establishment in Japan is the main window for contributing to the reatiling understanding of luxury brands (Chadha and Husband 2006:75). Gucci South Korea is following its traditional flagship store concept

  • Catherine The Great Research Paper Outline

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    to undermine him with nobles that included her lover Gregory Orlov. When one of her fellow plotters had been arrested Catherine began to follow through with her plans carefully. At night on June 28th, Catherine set troops out to arrest peter. While successfully doing so, they forced peter to sign a document to leave the throne. Peter turned up dead within a few days of the arrest. He was killed by Alexei Orlov who was the brother of Catherine’s lover. Catherine soon became the empress of Russia

  • The Negative Effects Of The Pearl Harbor Impact Of World War II

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    United Stated Effect: In the Beginning on December 7th 1941 The United States Enter World War II After Japan bombed the Pearl Harbor Base .Coming out a Economic Slump from the great depression The United States Was Ready For War , Before the war the United States were shifting to the right side (conservative) . Soon as the united states enter war president Franklin D Roosevelt Put Japanese Americans on the west coast in internment camps . Baseball also comes into play as WWII went on baseball players

  • Japanese Literature

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    Medieval Japan proceeded the Heian period and spanned the years of 1185 to 1600. In contrast to the relatively peaceful times in the Heian period, medieval Japan was marked by changes of the government system into feudal structures and warfare, although the capital and imperial court culture still continued to exist. Political factions, such as the feud between the Taira and Minamoto clans, and the emergence of the warrior class of the medieval period clashed with the elegant imperial court of

  • Love, Marriage and Gender Relations in the Postclassical Era

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    infatuation, others used it as a means of attaining spiritual closeness, and a way of sexual gratification. The countries of Europe, India and Japan proved to be no different. With an emphasis on courtly love, Medieval Europe defined love by romantic gestures and refraining from intercourse, while India defined love in terms of a sexual and spiritual connection and Japan defined love as a means of acting upon desire in an elegant fashion. These vastly different meanings of love were reflected in marriages