Lego Mindstorms NXT Essays

  • Creating a Robotic Garbage Truck with Lego Mindstorm

    956 Words  | 2 Pages

    Includes Source Code Robotic Garbage Truck Abstract For my final project I decided to build a robot garbage truck that can drive by itself on a ?road? and pick up garbage. This garbage truck would also be able to distinguish from trashcans and anything else that might be in its place. This robot is a one-of-its-kind creation that has to my knowledge never been tried before. So I could replicate a real garbage truck as much as possible, I researched how garbage trucks work and how they have

  • Creating a Robot to Tie a Knot with Lego Mindstorm

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    a bracelet. Unfortunately, the process of tying a knot alone was too much work to try and move on to an entire bracelet. I had neither the time nor the insight to build a flexible and usable 'arm.' I tested and modified a design from the Lego Mindstorms book, but found that I could neither open nor close the hand. I continued to further modify the design to be able to grab and let go of string but the result was extremely bulky. Also I could not find a plausible and spaceconstrained way

  • Technology has Shaped My Life

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    Throughout my life, I have endeavored to seek answers beyond my own experiences and have tried to assist others as they venture into their own strange territories of learning. Inquisitive and curious, my four year old bespectacled face was always pressed into a book, intently reading and learning more about the world. I amassed hundreds of books of which I read repeatedly, giving me a jump start on my learning process, one that few others had. Whenever I discovered something new, I would continuously

  • Robotics in Education

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    intended to inform a research-type person of summed knowledge. Not much relevance to the teaching or learning of robotics as a method. - Baum, Dave. Dave Baum’s Definitive Guide to Lego Mindstorms. Emeryville, Calif. : New York : Apress, 2000. This e-book is a comprehensive overview of the LEGO® Mindstorms robotics set. Most of the book is used on explaining the various parts to the set. Included are ideas and reasoning behind specifics of the set related to childhood development. Projects

  • Creating a Vending Machine with Lego Mindstorm

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    Creating a Vending Machine with Lego Mindstorm Abstract: Vending machines have come a long way, since their introduction to human society thousands of years ago. Although the basic concept of a vending machine has not changed, modern day technology has significantly enhanced them. Our vending machine is no different. Although our vending machine is not top of the line, it is also not such a bad one either. We started out with building the five main components of a vending machine: the dispenser

  • Preliminary Design of a Robot

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    the robot will still be able to move for convenience. Just like the RCX, it will have computer connectivity, except that it will have a wired connection for higher speed and lower cost. Materials and Prototype Design Parts List: Many standard Lego parts 3 Motors 8, 16, 24, and 40-tooth gears One Touch Sensor 1 RCX 1 Black Crayola Marker My robot is divided into 3 basic parts (not including the RCX brick). Below the RCX, brick, I have the standard wheel structure with the standard gear

  • Research Paper On Toast

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    that uses a toaster to make toast, butters it with spray butter and makes a CD player play the song "Yeah Toast" would be both useful and entertaining. Using the Lego Mindstorms and MAC NQC to program them such a robot could be possible. Using the suggested design and programs for the Roboarm in the Definitive Guide to Lego Mindstorms as a starting point I built the robot and modified it for the toaster. During testing of the motors, it was discovered that Toast-O-Bot is not strong enough to press

  • Case Study

    1591 Words  | 4 Pages Case Study Lego Mindstorms The non-commercial website has been an enormous success providing Lego with a strong presence on the Internet. However, implementing a website capable of handling sales transactions requires a great deal more than a non-commercial site. The firm has implemented an ERP system which may provide some technical support for the website. The details of the ERP system are unknown at this time; however, the goal of implementing the system was to optimize

  • Irobot Robot Project

    1614 Words  | 4 Pages

    Includes Source Code Lego Navigation System Abstract My project was to create a robot out of a Lego Mindstorms construction set that was capable of “knowing” where it was. The robot would head out on a random path, remember and update its location, and return to its origin on a straight line. The challenge of this project was not so much a matter of constructing the robot, but of creating a working program in the week and a half time limit. The project goal was met on the last day, thus

  • Robotic Dog Research Paper

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    other people. Unfortunately, sometimes parents discover that either they or their children are allergic to the dogs. In addition, some parents dislike all pets and complain that they are too much of a hassle. These conflicts may be solved by a Lego Mindstorm robot that performs tricks like a pet dog. First of all, the robot has no fur that may trigger allergic reactions and provides entertainment for children. It may still help children attract attention and give

  • Creating a Prototype Security Gate with Lego Mindstorm

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    idea to improve this current procedure. We have thought of installing a special code or device in cars so that every time it stands in a security gate, it sends a code to the security gate, and if it’s the right code, allow the car in. Using Lego Mindstorm, we made a prototype of such a car. We downloaded a NQC code into the RCX of the car(s) and security gate. The NQC will only let the car with the right code in, but it will sound an alarm for all the cars that do not have the correct code. This

  • Creating a Personal Electronic Home Room Security System Robot with Lego Mindstorm

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    Personal Electronic Home Room Security System-Bot Question: Is it possible to create a personal electronic home room security system with Lego’s Mindstorm kit? Hypothesis: If I use the Lego’s Mindstorm kit, I hypothesize that any type of security system is possible with legos because the freedom of using as many RCX blocks as possible allows room for larger and more complex robots, though the program NQC does have some limits to it. Background Research: Ever since the beginning of civilization

  • Robotics Hum Study Guide

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    related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Our lesson plans are based off of Carnie Mellon University's curriculum for robotics and engineering. LEGO Mindstorms kits and EV3 Programming will be our main platform for designing and constructing stable robot builds with higher level commands and integrated sensors. Aside from LEGO builds and programming challenges, be prepared to confront

  • Service Providing Robots

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    Many years ago, service-providing robots have been considered no more as fictitious thoughts made by deranged scientists and professors. In recent years, people have seen it become a reality. Within the past few years, many robotic products have come out that provide services for humans. Demand for these products have increased dramatically since then. One such robot is the Roomba, by iRobot. One author stated, “Uh oh. Somebody’s going to have to clean this up, I thought, looking down at the