Lake Simcoe Essays

  • Fragmentation In The Asylum

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    Humans are naturally curious about mysteries and the desire to piece together clues in order to create cohesive stories. In John Harwood’s novel, The Asylum, he portrays the use of fragmentation when Georgina is uncovering her past, and throughout her quest to escape the asylum. In the novel, Harwood effectively demonstrates how the purpose of the fragmentation is to create mystery in order to engage the reader throughout the book. Georgina’s past is given to the reader in incomplete narratives,

  • The Birthmark Symbolism Essay

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    The Birthmark and Symbolism Cloudy headed and conflicted describe Georgina, one of the main characters in Nathaniel Hawthorne 's “The Birthmark.” In this eerie short story Georgina, who is seemingly perfect, is convinced by her husband, Aylmer who is a scientist obsessed with perfection, that the small birthmark on her face is her only source of imperfection. While others have told her that this birthmark is a sign of magical endowments, Aylmer is disgusted by the sight of the birthmark, referring

  • A Proposal to Protect Drinking Water Quality

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    procedure allows much-unutilized chemical to soak into the soil and eventually leach into the ground water. If applied right before a rain, the chemical can also be washed into rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. The first widespread problem with chemicals in the water was with the chemical DDT. Fish in rivers and lakes first picked up DDT. These infected fish where then eaten by eagles and hawks which as a result laid eggs that could not hatch. This caused a dramatic reduction of numbers in these

  • How Lost Lake has Influenced My Life

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    How Lost Lake has Influenced My Life One day when I was five years old I recall my grandfather asking "Steve, why don't, you go with us to Minnesota next week?" My grandfather was a very important person to me, until he died in 1986. I spent every possible moment of my life either with him or thinking about him. Everything he loved, I loved, and vice-versa. Being bored with my present lifestyle in Peoria and excited about traveling with my grandfather, I took up his offer. After a day long car

  • Interview of an E.M.T.

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    I had the opportunity to interview an E.M.T. The E.M.T. I chose to interview was my friend Matt from the Highland lakes squad. I chose to interview him because it is easier for me to talk to someone I know than someone I don't know, and also I wanted to find out whats its like being an E.M.T.. Q: Why did you become an E.M.T.? A: I enjoy helping people, and I felt that I wanted to be able to do more than just basic first aid and CPR. Q: What does it mean to be on call? A:

  • Footsteps Of Time: Eb Whites Once More To The Lake

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    Footsteps of Time E.B. White's essay, Once More to the Lake demonstrate his own security in consistency from growing up on into adulthood. White begins to set the stage mid way through the first paragraph, mentioning that he and his father "returned [to the lake] summer after summer- always on August 1 for one month" followed up by the fact that "has since become a salt-water man," longing to one day return to the "holy spot." This trip back to the lake brings back a great deal of memories, as if there

  • Fishing

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    productive. The location will depend on what kind of fish one wants to catch. Once a species has been determined, a location should be easy to find. Again let’s say the target is black bass. Several types of bass can be caught in fresh water creeks, lakes, rivers, and ponds up to certain latitudes. Any of these fresh water sources should hold bass if it has been stocked, if it has a tributary, or if it has been established for a number of years. It is important to make sure that the location you are

  • Oceans

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    world's population still lives under the misconception that the ocean is a hungry abyss, eager to devour all their waste. These beliefs, however, are all untrue. The average depth of the oceans is only a little more than a mile, when in fact, some lakes exceed this depth rather handily. Although the size of the ocean is often pondered, the thought that it may one day be gone, is never even considered. The vast majority of all life in the ocean, inhabits only 1/25 of these waters, but it is these

  • Maine

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    elevation is about 600 ft. All of Maine was once covered by glaciers, the last of which receded about 10,000 years ago. Because of the glaciers, much of Maine is covered with stones, boulders, and clays. Many of the hills and mountains have been rounded, lakes have been formed, and river courses have been changed. Although glaciers covered all of Maine, there are nevertheless substantial physiographic differences in the regions of the state. Maine can be divided into three major natural regions: the White

  • Effects of Eutrophication on Humans

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    oxygen depletion and problems in water treatments. Eutrophication is currently happening to many of the Canadian Lakes including Lake Winnipeg. Since 1969, it has been observed that Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) has been the reason for the 90% hike in the algal blooms.Cyanobacteria causes a smelly odour and releases toxins that are detrimental to humans and some other organisms. When the lake is enriched with phosphorus, cyanobacteria thrive due to nitrogen-fixing. Due to the unfair advantage cyanobacteria

  • Francis Bacon's New Organon Analysis

    1433 Words  | 3 Pages

    This paper will be discuss what Francis Bacon believed was possible by following his reforming of the sciences as discussed in the “New Organon” and he shows this in his novel titled “New Atlantis”. To discuss this I will focus on the section from pages 71-83 which is the section where a Father of Salomon’s House describes to the narrator how Salomon’s house works and what they have achieved there. The paper will be broken into four parts just like it is in the text, the first part will be over the

  • Michigan

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    important automaking centers. Michigan is a leader in food processing and steel production. Service industries, such as health care and retail trade, employ many people in the state. Lansing is the state capital. Michigan touches four of the five Great Lakes--Erie, Huron, Michigan, and Superior. The state's 3,288-mile (5,292-kilometer) shoreline is longer than that of any other state except Alaska. Michigan consists of two separate land areas, called the Upper Peninsula and the Lower Peninsula. The two

  • Adaptation and The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

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    Adaptation and Natural Selection In Merriam-Webster Dictionary, adaptation is defined as a “modification of an organism or its parts that makes it more fit for existence under the conditions of its environment.” Also, natuaral selection is defined, “a natural process that results in the survival and reproductive success of individuals or groups best adjusted to their environment and that leads to the perpetuation of genetic qualities best suited to that particular environment.” As each species will

  • The Hardships Facing Vietnam War Soldiers in Tim O'Brien’s Going after Cacciato and In the Lake of

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    The Hardships Facing Vietnam War Soldiers in Tim O'Brien’s Going after Cacciato and In the Lake of the Woods The Vietnam War was, mentally and physically, one of the most brutal the United States has ever participated in. Our soldiers had to undergo daily miseries and sufferings which wore on them in body and mind. Dysentery was a common cause of physical wasting. Other diseases combined with the continuous rain and mud caused flesh to rot and made daily life that much more insufferable. Long

  • Personal Narrative - To Leave or To Stay

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    thought that I had to leave everything I owned and everything I loved and then go somewhere else to start a whole new life scared me. What about all the friends I had? What about the relatives… my dog? What about the beautiful Bulgarian mountains and lakes and the Black Sea, and my little garden in the back yard. What about my whole life up to that point. Would I still be able to come back to it? Would it be the same? Would my friends still be my friends and remember me? I was confused and scared. There

  • Phosphates and dissolved oxygen

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    Phosphates are present in many natural waters, such as lakes and streams. Phosphates are essential to aquatic plant growth, but too much phosphate can lead to the growth of algae and results in an algae bloom. Too much algae can cause a decrease in the amount in dissolved oxygen in the water. Oxygen in water is affected in many different ways by phosphates Phosphorus is usually present in natural waters as phosphate(Mcwelsh and Raintree, 1998). Phosphates are present in fertilizers and laundry detergents

  • Lily Pond Research Papers

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    abandoned mine lands. However, long-term mining impacts on ecosystems and ecosystem recovery are not well understood. Studies show that mining activity increases sediment erosion and exposes large amounts of heavy metals that can runoff into nearby lakes. Increased sedimentation and heavy metal pollution can have long-term impacts on surrounding ecosystems. Water and vegetation resources from the surrounding area are used to help power the mine which can result in high levels of deforestation and water

  • Nicaragua

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    Isabelia, reaches an elevation of more than 6890 ft, cut the highlands from east to west. In the west is a great basin, or depression, containing two lakes, Nicaragua, the largest in Central America, and Managua. The two are connected by the Tipitapa River. A chain of volcanoes, which are a contributory cause of local earthquakes, rises between the lakes and the Pacific coast. In the east, the Caribbean coastal plain known as the Costa de mosquitoes (Mosquito Coast) extends some 45 mi. inland and is

  • The History of the Panama Canal

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    opposition of his sea-level canal due to his very popular reputation. He was sold on the idea of a sea-level canal and would not listen to the ideas of others such as French engineer, Adolphe Godin de Lepinary. De Lepinary's idea was to create two large lakes on either side of the mountains. In order to do this they would have to dam the Chagres River on the Atlantic side and the Rio Grande River on the pacific side (Considine). Although as time went on more than just a poor director held back the finalization

  • A Day at the Lake

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    abroad the marvelous lake designed by years of change. It is a therapeutic retreat hidden from the world we entertain. Soft winds caress your neck as one nears the out-lying woods that surround this satisfaction achieved dwelling. As soon as the beautiful trees with fall colors start to dispel their leaves, it is as if a blanket is covering the forest for a nice nap. There is a road with winding turns, telescopic mountain passageways, and marvelous tunnels to enter the lake. Mirroring the gates