Krusty the Clown Essays

  • Comparing The Simpsons and Aristophanes' Clouds

    1943 Words  | 4 Pages

    Tomorrow on the Simpsons, Homer will discover that Bart has stolen his credit card and charged $10,000 worth of "Itchy and Scratchy" merchandise. Having no hope for paying off this debt, Homer decides to go to law school because he cannot afford to hire a bankruptcy lawyer. The famous lawyer, who teaches classes, sends a crestfallen Homer home to retrieve his son, for Homer is much too thick-headed to possibly learn the ways of the courts. As Bart graduates from law school, he uses his newfound skills

  • Humor in The Simpsons

    627 Words  | 2 Pages

    Humor in The Simpsons I and many other millions of people across the world believe that The Simpson’s is the best programme on television because it is funny in more ways then one. The Simpson’s uses the family lifestyle that many American TV shows have used over past (e.g. The Adam’s family, The Flintstones) but The Simpson’s has proved it is a lot more popular because it uses many more different forms of comedy which work with people from all ages. Slapstick comedy is where someone

  • Simpsons's Impact On The American Culture Of The Simpsons

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    Americans are viewed in many different ways. Some of the more crass definitions of Americans are fat, lazy, and rude. All three of these words are also usually used to describe the main character of The Simpsons Homer Simpson. The Simpsons is a television program that parodies the life of the average American family. The show takes on many of the myths that are portrayed in American culture and society. Whether it’s about the community in American society, the American dream, or American family values

  • Gender Stereotypes In The Simpsons

    1010 Words  | 3 Pages

    Merriam-Webster defines Stereotype as, “to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same.” Cliff Notes defines Gender Stereotypes as, “generalizations about the gender attributes, differences, roles of individuals and/or groups.” Homer Simpson from the TV show “The Simpsons” he sometimes does set himself for living the American Dream, but in an funny and humor way of teasing it in a good way, not a bad way. According to IMDb, The Simpsons has been a running

  • The Simpsons Research Paper

    1645 Words  | 4 Pages

    As of the 12th November 2017, the Fox Network will have been running The Simpsons for a total of 28 years and will have aired 628 episodes, dropping another major milestone for primetime animation and sitcom television. From its early beginnings, the show has faced criticism and controversy, for its parodical social commentary of the world, and its views on politics and the news, in particular. This is an element of the show’s success that has never changed, during its 29 seasons. This essay will

  • Person Of Interest In Homer Simpson, By Homer Jay Simpson

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    Homer Jay Simpson was born on May 12, 1956, from then on he was raised on a farm by his parents Abraham and Mona Simpson until he was old enough to care for himself. His favorite places to hangout is at the local Kwik-E-Mart, the Krusty Burger owned by Krusty the clown, and Moe’s where he can find all his closest friends like his best friend Barney Gumball. He has a somewhat loving family on account that he is as dumb as a box of rocks, nevertheless he loves them, his wife Marge, whom he met at

  • The Success of the Simpsons

    2368 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Success of the Simpsons The Improbable Long-Term Success of The Simpsons When examining the history of modern prime-time television, there is a certain pattern that virtually every successful show inevitably falls into. After a period of initial success, perhaps lasting three or four years, the writing on the show becomes stale by using the same format and same jokes over and over. The viewing audience becomes bored, and eventually, the show fades into television oblivion. Or, as Jeff

  • My Favorite Cartoon

    504 Words  | 2 Pages

    My Favorite Cartoon ¡V The Simpsons Watching a hilarious cartoon on television may seem like the most relaxed thing in the world. However, ¡§The Simpsons¡¨ is not only a stupid funny cartoon to keep us laughing for joy but also a clever TV program mixed up with irreverence and slightly twisted morality. I¡¦m not saying that how much influence this show can bring to our reality. But I think it¡¥s very well written. Also it constantly reflects and spoofs our society. The whole story takes place in

  • Race Equality in The Simpson’s TV Show

    659 Words  | 2 Pages

    anything it would have to be world peace Bart- young Bart Simpson is known as a troublemaker and a menace by most of Springfield residents. He always manages to get himself into some sort of trouble. Bart’s role model and heroes are krusty the clown and Santa’s little helper. His best friend is his dad, homer. But Bart has his good sides too. He decided to be friend’s with millhouse who is seen as an outsider by the other kids at school. He once helped his teacher to kind love and he

  • The Simpsons

    1008 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Simpsons A sitcom is a situational comedy television series. Sitcoms usually use comic devices to make them funny like puns, violence and exaggeration. They use satire, farce, parody, jokes, gags and slapstick to entertain the audience. Sitcoms usually last 30 minutes if shown on commercial TV and they involve chracters having problems which they try to sort out. "Leaver it to Beaver" was about a typical, white middle-class 1950's family that had problems and worked together to work

  • Downtown Los Angeles Research Paper

    1954 Words  | 4 Pages

    THINGS TO DO Title tag: Downtown L.A. Things To Do | Hotel Indigo Downtown Los Angeles Meta description: Los Angeles is a city for every type of dreamer. Whether you are on a family vacation or romantic retreat, check out our pro-tip list to get you started. Los Angeles Convention Center | Two Blocks The LACC is one of the largest convention centers in the United States with over 720,000 square feet of exhibition space, 147,000 square

  • The Impact of The Simpsons on American Children

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    The Impact of The Simpsons on American Children The Simpsons is one of Americas most popular television shows for viewers under eighteen years of age. However, the ideals that The Simpsons conveys are not always wholesome, sometimes not even in good taste. It is inevitable that The Simpsons is affecting children. Matt Groening took up drawing to escape from his troubles in 1977. At the time, Groening was working for the L.A. Reader, a free weekly newspaper. He began working on Life in

  • Simpsons Family Therapy

    1982 Words  | 4 Pages

    Family Referral Today I received a referral from a family who is seeking help regarding their dysfunctional family structure. The Simpson’s are a nuclear family that is having difficulties living as a family. I have already spoken to Marge Simpson and agreed to find a way to get her husband and children to therapy. She has very high aspirations of attending therapy with her family because she has longed for a “normal” functioning family in which her husband and children interact in a much healthier

  • Post Modern Animation Essay

    2480 Words  | 5 Pages

    Post-modern animation is a very broad subject matter with a wide spectrum of components which constitute its definition. Post-modernism as a single unit in itself has such a wide application across various different platforms; from artistic, to cultural, economical and the most proliferant architecture; with numerous academic arguments aiming to define it, the easiest way in which to view it is as a movement, with particular elements that construct its meaning. In addition, animation too is so broad

  • Elements of Comedy in The Simpsons

    2440 Words  | 5 Pages

    Elements of Comedy in The Simpsons The TV show, "The Simpsons" is considered by many to be one of the greatest animated shows ever made. Incredibly popular with people of all ages, creator Matt Groening combined numerous elements of humor to produce a truly original program. His goal is to never repeat the same joke twice. The year 2000 will mark the 10th anniversary of the show (which adds up to a lot of original jokes), and highlights its achievement as primetime TVÕs current longest