Jaime Escalante Essays

  • Jaime Escalante

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    Story of Jaime Escalante View the movie Stand and Deliver (Menendez & Musca, 1988), which is based on the true story of Jaime Escalante, an individual who overcame ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic issues to become a highly successful mathematics teacher. Discuss the beliefs he held and the strategies he employed in his classroom that contributed to high achievement levels in his students. Relate this information to research on the subject. A Bolivian-born science and mathematics teacher, Jaime Escalante

  • Stand and Deliver

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    story of how teacher Jaime Escalante, played by Edward Olmos in his Oscar nominated role, takes a group of poverty stricken students in a run down school and defies the odds by not only getting them to learn but want to learn. Throughout the whole movie is the proof that being underprivileged does not mean less intelligent, Stand and Deliver shows that with hard work, the proper push, and desire, anything can be accomplished. The film begins with a new teacher, Jaime Escalante, arriving to Garfield

  • Stand And Deliver Stereotypes

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    mathematics teacher named Jaime Escalante in a low-class hispanic neighborhood. Convinced that his students have potential, he does everything he can to help his class pass the AP calculus exam. Once the exams scores are released, the proctors accuse the class of cheating because of their unusually high grades for their demographic. The acting of this movie is very convincing (though the cast of high school students do not look like high school students) as Mr. Escalante struggles to balance his burdens

  • Two Great Teachers, Who Is Better?

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    There is no doubt that both Jaime Escalante and Joe Clark are great teachers. They both achieved near impossible achievements for their school against all odds. They believed in their students when their students did not believe in themselves. But, what makes them so great? What are their methods? Which of these teachers is the better teacher? They are both astounding teachers, but I think Jaime Escalante is the better teacher. Escalante believed in all of his students. He did not get rid

  • Stand And Deliver Psychology

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    and each has their own unique personality. Personality is described as a relatively stable set of traits that aid in explaining and predicting individual behaviour. A personality that stands out in this movie is the student's algebra teacher Jaime Escalante. He is a driven man who leaves a well paying job in order to pursue his dream and to share his love for math. Jamie is a passionate, hard worker and he teaches his work ethic to his students as well. It is said there are type A and type B personalities

  • Stand And Deliver Essay

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    picture is Edward James Olmos, who portrays a math teacher named Jaime Escalante. Set in urban Los Angeles, Escalante teaches students in a low-income district. Most of his students are of color and of the Mexican race. This film revolves around a plot showing the rough life and discrimination against Hispanic teenagers in the state of California. Historically speaking, this discrimination once was a part of everyday

  • Similarities Between 'Stand And Deliver'

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    This past week I watched the movie Stand and Deliver. It has many similarities as Freedom Writers; however, it is not as well known. Stand and Deliver, a true story, follows the account of Jaime A. Escalante. Escalante is a new teacher at James A. Garfield High School who is determined to change the education system and challenge his students. The school’s students primarily come from lower to middle class families who are well below their expected grade level in academics and social standing. Being

  • The Importance Of Leadership In Stand And Deliver

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    change the future, (Musca and Menendez, 1988). Math teacher, Jaime Escalante played by Edward Olmos was passionate in changing lives, (Musca and Menendez, 1988). His dedication and determination was without rival. Escalante accepted a position as a teacher in a school that was on the verge of collapse, (Musca and Menendez, 1988). Surrounded by a negative atmosphere he rose above and brought his vision to the forefront. Escalante was not only a teacher but a visionary, he knew exactly what was

  • Stereotyping In The Gang's All Here

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    Stereotyping is a form of the psychological mechanism and all human beings are prone to stereotyping in one way or another. Stereotyping enables us to make sense of the world and all the information that is constantly bombarded on us. However, in most instances, stereotyping has been used as a hate tool that can effectively lead to segregation and ultimate domination of one community over another. Most stereotypes possess a negative connotation and stereotyping can lead to many disastrous crimes

  • Stand And Deliver Rhetorical Analysis

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    A fresh recruit to a discarded system is Mr. Jaime Escalante. In the film, Stand and Deliver, he had to adapt in his environment in James A. Garfield High School when, without prior notice, he was assigned to teach Mathematics instead of Computer. Quickly, as he set foot in the classroom, he had, most probably, a better discernment in human behavior. The reality of the high school he was employed in, he understood and tried to completely remove the universal gap between a traditional teacher and

  • I Just Wanna Have Ganas Essay

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    I Just Wanna Have Ganas In the film Stand and Deliver, Mr. Escalante was asked what the students in his AP Calculus class need to succeed, to which he replied, “ganas, all they need is ganas.” Ganas, the Spanish word for “desire,” is celebrated by Mr. Escalante as the one thing his students need to pass his class. Escalante’s simplification of what a student needs to succeed down to a single word displays the compassion and care he has for all his students. In “I Just Wanna Be Average,” Mike Rose

  • Stand And Deliver Movie Analysis

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    film uses this stereotype and exaggerates to create drama in the film. The film uses many tropes of the "ghetto" life to advance the plot, for example students are forced to sell drugs on the street to support their family, that depend on them. Mr. Escalante is portrayed as the savior character of these kids coming into their live through education, and eventually leading them into college. Having struggled in his own life he relates to the students and works himself into the ground for their success

  • Whats Going Wrong In Public School

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    ... middle of paper ... ...scalante is asking too much of his students, he boldly tells her that the students will rise to the expectations of their teacher. We need teachers like Escalante who could encourage students to and teach them a lessons which could help students in their everyday life. If he ( Escalante) wanted , he could have became just like the other teachers, or just become uncaring like the students. But what he does instead is nothing short of a miracle, he uses his understanding

  • Strain Theory And Strain Theory

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    Juvenile delinquency is a prevalent issue that society faces, regardless if the community is primitive or modern, rich or poor, and so on. Juveniles are juveniles under 18 years of age. Delinquent acts range from something as minor as being out past curfew to more serious acts like physical assaults. Strain Theory suggests juvenile delinquency is at its highest during ages 10-17, because of several factors: desire autonomy, financially dependency upon their guardians, and often experience a lack

  • Gender Stereotypes: Movie Analysis

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    of the year and the only thing they had to do was to keep the A. The teacher got involved in the students lives and showed them that they were valuable and that she cared for them. In the reading The Hollywood Model: Who Is The Good Teacher? Jaime escalante also did the same thing that LouAnne did in Dangerous Minds by getting involved in personal level, encouraging their intellectual growth and encouraging their families to keep their children at

  • Rick And Murty Analysis

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    Rick and Morty is considered one of the most bizarre and creatively written new cartoons on Adult Swim. In the show, an alcoholic scientist, Rick Sanchez, goes on countless adventures through space with his dimwitted grandson, Morty Smith. Beyond employing science fiction tropes, creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon also write episodes with overarching themes in mind. For example, this series also portrays Sartre’s Existentialism in the sense that, regarding the relativity of perspectives, it forces

  • Making a Difference in My Students’ Lives

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    difference in my life. I am so appreciative of them, and I want to do for other students what many of my teachers have done for me. That is why, after I obtain, both, my Bachelor and Master degrees, I plan to enter the teaching profession. Jaime Escalante, a great educator, once said, “The teacher gives us the desire to learn, the desire to be Somebody.” As a teacher, my goal will be to show students that each of them can be whatever they want to be, and not only are they capable of being good

  • Stereotypes In Stand And Deliver

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    The film I have chosen to do this essay on is called Stand and Deliver. It is one of my favorite movies because it shows how minority groups were affected in Hollywood films. I will explore in the essay how it reflects the typical Hollywood narrative. The stereotypes that are presented in it, how it relates to the status quo of Hollywood and how it challenges it as well. The first topic I would like to get in to lis just the basics of the movie. It reflects a Hollywood narrative because there is

  • Research Paper On Expectations And Education

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    Expectations and Education One of the most sought-after goals in the world of marketing is a high degree of consumer satisfaction. But in the world of education, satisfaction by itself should not be the criterion for success. If both satisfaction and performance are high, we have cause for celebration. If satisfaction is high and performance is low, as is currently the case in the United States, we have cause for serious alarm. According to Stevenson and Stigler in "The Learning Gap", American

  • Mutual Respect Between Students and Teachers

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    Mutual Respect Between Students and Teachers The relationship between students and teachers should be one of mutual respect. Students should listen to the teacher and try their best in the class. Teachers, on the other hand need to do their best to give their students a quality education and respect them as individuals. There should be a set curriculum, but teachers need to be creative in how they teach what is required. California is considered one of the lowest in terms of education standards