Index numbers Essays

  • A simple index number

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    A simple index number Index numbers is a number that expresses the relative change in price, quantity, or value from one period to another (1). Price index number = cost of basket in current period x 100 cost of basket in base period An index number provides a quantitative description of change over time - how much increase? How much decrease? Market researchers are also using index numbers are also using index numbers to compare a research result with an overall norm, to measure

  • Sustainability Essay

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    Generational conflicts, political strife, environmental regulations, stakeholders in big oil, and many more hurdles affect the push to fully sustainable economies around the world and even here in America. In a world where coal, oil, and natural gas are limited, countries are gobbling it all up as fast as they can before other poorer countries come on the grid. Even though America and other countries gobble up these resources the life of the people is still a struggle to meet basic needs. Sustainability

  • Clinical dentistry

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    Indices and Charting Specific Objectives: 1) Define the purpose of dental indices, such as DMF-T, DMF-S, Gingival Inflammation Index and Plaque Index. Dental indices are important tools used in examinations to provide a numeric score that quantifies the magnitude of the disease measured. DMF-T: The number of teeth that are decayed, missing, or filled, the DMFT index, is a total score of all affected teeth and provides a caries experience score for an individual. DMF-S: A count of tooth surfaces

  • Investigating Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers

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    what newspaper they read. T o investigate the reading age I will use the "Gunning Fog Index" readability test, I also tried the "Flesch Readability Test". And then decided which test was more accurate, and suitable for the result I needed. To find the average word length I took the first 100 words of an article and made a tally chart of the word length. Then I took the total a divided is by the number of words in the paragraph (100), this gave me the average word length. From these results

  • The Simon Effect: A Case Study

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    that start button, a window will appear in which the experiment will take place. To begin, press the space bar. A small fixation dot will appear in the center of the screen, it is necessary to stare at the dot. Place your left index finger on the V key and your right index finger on the M key. A fraction of a second later a red or green square will appear to the left or the right...

  • The Meaning of the Phrase, Beating the Market

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    return than the market average. The market average can be calculated in many ways (some of which are shady and used to make it look like someone has exceeded market returns), but usually a benchmark like the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average index is a good representation of the market average. If your returns (which you can learn how to calculate here) exceed the percentage return of the chosen benchmark, you have beaten the market - congrats! 2. A company's earnings, sales or some other

  • Hashing and Randomizing

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    original string. Hashing is used to index and retrieve items in a database because it is faster to find the item using the shorter hashed key than to find it using the original value. It is also used in many encryption algorithms Hash functions: Hash functions are mostly used in hash tables, to quickly locate a data record (for example, a dictionary definition) given its search key (the headword). Specifically, the hash function is used to map the search key to the index of a slot in the table where

  • School Library's Database- Original Writing

    595 Words  | 2 Pages

    Library's Database- Original Writing I will produce a database for the school library. The school needs a database because they are currently using an out of date card index. The card index is useful but there are some problems with this method of recording of who has taken what book from the library. The problem with the card index is that the person who took a certain book out the library might lose his/her card and forgets he has taken that book out then that boy/girl can’t take a book out again

  • Newspapers

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    The front page of a newspaper provides a great deal of information on various subjects. Most newspapers include a weather forecast, an index or brief description of articles inside the paper, and a small sports scorecard to accompany the local and national news. Newspapers also concentrate on how to grab the attention of readers. They most commonly use a larger, darker type of print, mixture of color, and/or pictures on the front page of the paper. A newspaper’s job is to update people on the happenings

  • Censorship in Literature and Music

    1863 Words  | 4 Pages

    throughout Europe. The Church's monopoly over the written word was destroyed. Responding to this new technology of freedom, the Church developed a number of control mechanisms. The most obvious, and perhaps famous of these was the Index librorum prohibitum (Index of Prohibited Books). The Index listed hundreds of banned authors and books.3 Less famous than the Index but absolutely central to the rise of censorship, was Church and government use of exclusive printing privileges, which granted favored printers

  • Refraction of Light

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    between the two media. The amount of bending depends on the indices of refraction of the two media and is described quantitatively by Snell's Law. (Refer to diagram below) The index of refraction is defined as the speed of light in vacuum divided by the speed of light in the medium. In this experiment, the index of refraction for the perspex is 1.50. Snell's Law relates the indices of refraction of the two media to the directions of propagation in terms of the angles to the normal. It

  • The Life of Mass Murderer, Henry Lee Lucas

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    childhood of abuse and neglect. If there is a case that proves a person's childhood is reflected in their later actions this could certainly be one. He was never taught that life had any value and perhaps this led him into a life of crime. (killer index) Henry Lee Lucas was born on August 23, 1936, in Blacksburg Virginia. Lucas's mother was an abusive prostitute who forced both her disabled husband and son Henry to watch her performance of sexual acts on strangers. Henry's father was missing both

  • Database

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    The Database Databases are becoming as common in the workplace as the stapler. Businesses use databases to keep track of payroll, vacations, inventory, and a multitude of other taske of which are to vast to mention here. Basically businesses use databases anytime a large amount of data must be stored in such a manor that it can easily be searched, categorized and recalled in different means that can be easily read and understood by the end user. Databases are used extensively where I work. In fact

  • The Speed of Light Through Perspex

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    it bends towards the normal (refracts). You can work out the refractive index of by dividing the sine of the incidence angle by the sine of the angle of refraction and then working out the ratio of the two. Sine i Sine r From this refractive index you can work out the speed of light through the chosen medium by dividing the speed of light through air by the refractive index. 300,000,000 Refractive index Experiment: Apparatus list: Ray box Power pack Perspex D-Block

  • Catalog of DIESEL String Functions

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    sum of the numbers val1, val2, ..., val9. $(+, val1 [, val2, ..., val9] ) If the current thickness is set to 5, the following DIESEL string returns 15. $(+, $(getvar,thickness),10) - (subtraction) Returns the result of subtracting the numbers val2 through val9 from val1. $(-, val1 [, val2 , ..., val9] ) *(multiplication) Returns the result of multiplying the numbers val1, val2, ..., val9. $(*, val1 [, val2, ..., val9] ) / (division) Returns the result of dividing the number val1 by val2

  • History of the Universal Decimal Classification System

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    articles, news items, other related documents, and how to access them. Thus, they required a more detailed system. Fortunately,Dewey agreed to allow them to apply his system to the International Index they had conceived, and by 1895 they had amassed and classified 400,000 cards for their Universal Index. Their system caught on after presenting it to a conference held the same year. Otlet and LaFontaine were required to augment Dewey’s system with numerous devices that they later described as synthetic

  • Self Taught Guitarist

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    and other user postings. Tablature is a series of six lines which represent the six strings on the guitar. Each line has a specific note which are E, A, D, G, B, and E from the bottom up. Then, numbers are placed on the lines to represent when and where your fingers have to be on the frets. The numbers represent the frets (frets are like keys on a piano) on the guitar and range from one all the way to twenty-two or twenty-four, depending on the guitar that you use (some guitars have twenty two

  • Snow Goose Overpopulation

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    populations number in the millions. The third sub species is the Greater Snow Goose. They nest in the same marshes as the others except they migrate down the Atlantic Coast into the Carolinas and that vicinity. All three species have exploded in numbers since the 1950’s. Researchers have done a lot of study on the numbers and the degradation but may need to do more studies on the impact to other species and look for other options to control the populations. Population Trends The numbers of all "light"

  • Data Envelopment Analysis ( Dea )

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    for use with multi-output and multi-input treatments. Additionally, DEA can be extended to construct dynamic indices by use of the Malmquist Index technique. However use of this technique depends upon access on an inclusive set ‘output’ and ‘input’ variables necessary to model the relevant technology. Input vs. Output Oriented Indices When constructing an index the decision must be made to included inputs and/or outputs of wellbeing in the list of indicators. Inputs constitute any variable which contributes

  • Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman as Social Commentary

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    Loman's longing to be successful controlled his life and ruined his family.  Willy also represents a large piece of society. He portrays the people in our culture that base their lives on acquiring money.  Greed for success has eaten up large numbers of people in this country.  It's evident in the way Willy acts that his want of money consumes him.  This constantly happens in our society; people will do anything to crawl up the ladder of success, often knocking down anyone in their way.