The Speed of Light Through Perspex

604 Words2 Pages

The Speed of Light Through Perspex


Light travels at different speeds through different mediums. The speed

of light in air is 300,000,000m/s. When light enters an optically

denser medium, it bends towards the normal (refracts). You can work

out the refractive index of by dividing the sine of the incidence

angle by the sine of the angle of refraction and then working out the

ratio of the two.

Sine i

Sine r

From this refractive index you can work out the speed of light through

the chosen medium by dividing the speed of light through air by the

refractive index.


Refractive index


Apparatus list:

Ray box

Power pack

Perspex D-Block


Paper with degree markings.



· Set up apparatus as shown in diagram.

· Shine light ray through D-Block.

· Mark out position of incident ray and refracted ray.

· Measure angle I and angle r.

· Repeat a number of times changing the position of the ray box each


To make it a fair test I will use the same apparatus every time and

make sure that the d block doesn't change position when I carry out

the experiment. I will repeat each reading twice to get an average,

making the experiment more accurate.


I think that the refracted ray will be refracted towards the normal

because Perspex is a denser medium than air. I believe that Perspex

will slow down the speed of light entering into it. I am confident

that the ray of light will refract towards the normal because I have

performed a number of experiments which are similar to this one. After

collecting results and working out the refractive index by using sine

i/ sine r, I think the answer will be a number close to 1.5 which is

the refractive index of glass. I think it will be a number close to

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