Hay Essays

  • Hay and its Unforeseen Dangers

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    alternative is hay. The first step of the process of hay production is the standing crop. The standing crops contain bacteria and yeasts. This is where potential mold growth begins (Smith). Once the crop has been cut the moisture of the plant is then decreased very quickly. This now allows a new group of microbes to begin to reproduce and spread. Hay that is apparently dusty but lacks visual evidence of mold, is caused by fungi growing in the cut hay that is drying out in the field. After the hay has been

  • Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Diary Entry

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    Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Diary Entry 19th June 1931: I sat on a broken down tree log, thinking of the good years, the swing of Hollywood, the extravagant theatres with their gold furnishings and the warmth and happiness of every stranger who walked by on the street. As I sat on the broken tree I noticed the sound of trickling water "splish, splash, splish". It soothed my mind, but it brought me back into the reality of my miserable life. I had already walked 8 miles in the

  • The Assets and Liabilities of Farms

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    Thinking of owning a farm? Farming is great for some people but it’s not for all. A farm has many assets and liabilities when it comes to finances. One of the assets of owning a farm is seeing the plants grow and making a profit off of those plants. The liabilities of a farm are the expense of seed, cost of employees, and the cost incurred for plant care. A farm can be very expensive but it can also be very profitable. A liability of owning a crop farm is the expense of seed. Seed prices can vary

  • Wesco International By: Andy Gunkel, Eli Sykes, Connor McVein

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    Wesco International is one of the largest hay exporters in the state of Washington. Founded in 1971, it was originally a wool exporter but made the transition to agricultural products with a specialty in hay distribution in 1973. Don Schilling, the owner and President of Wesco Int. has been with the company for over two decades and has seen the ups and downs in the industry. We chose to do our second project on Wesco because one of the group members, Eli, is an employee at Wesco International

  • Argument Essay: The Rabbits Need For Fiber

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    different amounts due to their gender and their ages. My buck that is almost 2 years old eats about a hand full of timothy hay per day along with a handful of his favorite pellets. What I have noticed is that fiber intake along with water intake play a huge role in how much they consume and how frequently. Without water, they will not eat much during that time period, without hay, they will not eat as much pellets. This is because they’re digestive system is set up like a horses and requires fiber so

  • Livestock Feeding Programmes

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    1) Identify (using pictures) and describe 10 or more common feedstuffs for farm animals (cattle, sheep and pigs). Roughages/Forages. Silage: Silage consists of green succulent forage that is harvested while retaining high moisture content, and stored under anaerobic conditions in a silo or ‘clamp’, whereby air is excluded. Modern methods, produce bails of silage, wrapped in plastic to exclude air in much same way, but are easier to handle and store. The fodder then undergoes a fermentation process

  • Contrasting Artistic Depictions of Iowa's Rural Landscapes

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    amount of artwork available to us as we do. With the extreme amount of diversity, it was quite difficult to narrow it down to two pieces of artwork that I wanted to compare. I chose the piece called Late Summer Corn by Gary Bowling and 1965, Round Hay Bales by Ellen Wagener. They depicted a similar midwest scene, but in two different mediums and ways. I selected these two works basically because they reminded me of home. Living in Iowa my whole life, being the daughter of a farmer, as well as living

  • An Alternative Ending to "Of Mice and Men"

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    winds. Clouds could be seen not far off in the north, reclaiming the sky rapidly. The mood was changing swiftly as dusk descended dashingly on the hills of the Gabilan Mountains. Lennie was sitting in the barn. He was quietly petting his dog in the hay. He sat there, gazing into its big puppy eyes and stroking it with his giant thumb, and holding it under the stomach with his paw like hand. Lennie was content; so were the other animals in the barn. The horses stood there and watched peacefully as

  • Personal Narrative Essay: Missing My Grandparentss Farm House

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    miss playing with Rascal and Ginger, a cheerful border collie and a protective mutt. I miss cruising around on the Kawasaki Mule with my brother and uncle. I miss riding on the wheel cover of the gigantic tractors while my uncle drove and count the hay bales in the fields. I miss playing pool upstairs with the entire family. I miss all the cats, even though I’m allergic to them. I miss everything about the farm house, especially the ones who owned it. My grandparents’ farm house in the little town

  • Slave Labor Monologues

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    escape. The act of escaping that I am referring to is the process of finding a way out of one task to perform a more elementary one. I have worked for my father ever since I could lift a hay bale. Over the years, he has forgotten how strenuous a task he has burdened me with. His failure to recall the anguish of baling hay throughout a day under a sweltering sun, causes his expectations for me to rise exponentially. The now ungodly pace my father sets me to work at forces me to push myself beyond what

  • Horse Camp

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    As I opened the door to the barn, I could smell the strong scent of hay and I heard a horse whinny. As soon as I saw a tall horse more than twice the size of me, a twist of nervousness formed inside me and I wondered how I would ever be able to ride that thing. As the councillors from the “Horse Camp” put the sattles on the horses and handed us our helmets. (I later learned that my horses name was Bailey.) We all walked our horses out of the big scarlet coloured barn and attempted to put their feet

  • Naomi Hay 'Outside As Inside' By Naomi Hay

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    Outside as Inside – Naomi Hay In contemporary Western culture there is in an increasing withdrawal into the mechanisation and artificializing of spaces, which causes difficulty with experiencing the natural environment. “Architects and designers of inhabited spaces construct barriers to the external environment that are both physical and psychological.” (Hay, pg. 1) In this paper titled ‘Outside as Inside’ Hay discusses the question of alternative modes of design thinking and it’s potential to opening

  • Hays Essay

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    Hays Article In his article “Applying the Old Testament Law Today”, J. Daniel Hays brings out many positive and negative reasons why some believers tend to ignore many Old Testament Laws and embrace others. Hays emphasize how different evangelical scholars use moral, civil and ceremonial laws to help believers know whether a particular Mosaic Law applies to them. (Hays, 22) Ironically, we were taught in church and Bible study different ways to apply Matthew 25:39, “Love your neighbor as yourself”

  • James Hays Analysis

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    In the article “Violence and the Rights of African Americans in Civil War-Era Indiana: The Case of James Hays”, Richard F. Nation main argument focuses on the treatment of African American during the mid to late 1800’s by the criminal justice system of America, especially that of Indiana. During this period in time African-American were “free”, but did not have the same rights as Caucasians had (Nation, R. F. 2004, pg.215 &216). The few rights that African-American had were easily violated in the

  • Hays Case Study

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    Self-Reflection using Hays ADDRESSING Model Multicultural issues in the workplace manifest in different ways from communication style to political views. The purpose of this paper is to use Hays ADDRESSING model to reflect and evaluate multicultural issues in workplace, such as language diversity, political views, gender, and sexual orientation as it relates to professionalism, privilege, and personal bias. Reflection The Hays model acronym stands for age, disability, religion, ethnic/racial identity

  • Hay Fever Research Paper

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    Hay fever is usually caused by recurring exposure to pollen. One of the most common chronic respiratory diseases is allergic rhinitis. Statistics from ABS prove that this particular condition is widespread amongst 3.7 million Australians in between the years 2011-12. Though this statistics shows the prevalence of hay fever the condition is mostly not recognised and understated. This is because individuals suffering from hay fever take over the counter medications and do not present themselves to

  • Did Yellow Journalism Cause the Spanish American War?

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    W. A. Swanberg argues that writers used crude exaggeration and sensationalism in the popular New York Journal newspaper to persuade the American citizens and President William McKinley to attempt to free Cuba by starting a war against Spain. William Randolph Hearst was the owner of this particular newspaper. Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were both big names in the United States and had the power to sway popular opinion with their wealth. Their habits, personalities, and ways of life did not have much

  • Flat Broke with Children by Sharon Hays

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    Sharon Hays argues that welfare reform policymakers were legislating moral prescriptions for women in poverty who were to take on Welfare aid. I think it could be argued that moral prescriptions on the lives of Welfare recipients was purposeful. Politicians felt Welfare needed to change and help recipients become more self-sufficient over time. This would save money as time went on but would also be a measure of success if less people were on Welfare as time went on. To make Welfare more temporary

  • Summary Of Carol Hay As A Victim Of Harassment

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    Carol Hay argues that victims of harassment have obligations to confront perpetrators. She accentuates that this is necessary to not only preserve and protect the autonomy and moral agency of the victim herself but also those of others. She posits that when one negates to confront perpetrators they cause harm to women as a whole. In this essay I will argue that Hay’s argument I. Exposition In this section I will summarise Hay’s argument that victims of harassment have obligations

  • Analysis Of John Constable's The Hay Wain

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    John Constable’s The Hay Wain was produced in 1821 by way of oil on canvas during the Romantic period of the 19th century. This work being one of Constable’s most notable works. Various elements and thought processes implemented in the painting make it an accurate representation of the Picturesque Romanticism style common of this period. The article “Constable, John” found in The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide mentions that Constable was an English landscape painter