Slave Labor Monologues

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Slave labor is only tolerable when the work is easy, mine, sadly is not. Based off of this opinionated fact, I have come to the generalized realization that the best way to achieve true happiness is to escape. The act of escaping that I am referring to is the process of finding a way out of one task to perform a more elementary one. I have worked for my father ever since I could lift a hay bale. Over the years, he has forgotten how strenuous a task he has burdened me with. His failure to recall the anguish of baling hay throughout a day under a sweltering sun, causes his expectations for me to rise exponentially. The now ungodly pace my father sets me to work at forces me to push myself beyond what I am physically capable of accomplishing. …show more content…

These corpses may, at any point in time, contain either hundreds of wriggling maggots or be nearly featherless from the dead children’s brothers and sisters’ cannibalistic pecking games. When picking up the dead from the outdoor pens, bodies can normally be expected to contain a gaping hole in the sides from roosters attempting to snag a quick feast from inside the eggs within the hens. There is no greater joy for me than to be allowed to collect these spiritless carcasses and dispose of them. However, located in the hatchery building, the absolute epitome of horrendous yet tolerable job is a nauseatingly vile slob of a woman named Christina but for anonymity sake, we will refer to the wretch as a glutton. Glutton is the single version of Kermit the frog’s wife. She is the sole reason why I am starting to believe that laziness is truly a communicable disease. Whenever I am around her at the farm, a sense of incontestable loathing shoots throughout my body. Any sane human would strive to steer clear of this hell hole.
No. I have never thought about quitting from my job. No matter how difficult it can seem, the alternative to not working is becoming a useless slob that no one can ever depend on nor rely on later in life. Working at horrific job sites allows one to further their journey towards true modesty. Modesty is truly the hardest quality to possess without the proper work ethic. When someone works toward perfection, modesty is the first value they must

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