H. L. A. Hart Essays

  • Law And Integrity Essay

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    Integrity is the focal point of Dworkin's philosophy of law. For Dworkin, law as integrity is the best conception that best fits the concept of law.[ See Ronald Dworkin, Law's Empire, (Hart Publishing, 2006), p 90 for a distinction between concepts and conceptions.] To word it in another manner, Dworkin's theory of law as integrity best justifies the legal practice. At this point, I would postulate that it is through an understanding of the reason behind Dworkin's assertion of law as integrity being

  • Hart's Theory

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    Hart's Theory When Hart began forming his legal theory a dominant view in legal theory literature was that law is best understood as the command of a sovereign to its subjects. The 'command' theory most actively propounded by, and identified with Austin, explained law as a matter of commands by a sovereign who is habitually obeyed by others, but who does not habitually obey others. There are regular patterns of obedience to these commands, and legal obligations exist insofar as the failure

  • Characteristics Of Legal Positivism

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    Jurisprudence is a subject area filled with numerous legal theories. One notable theory in this area is legal positivism, which is often subdivided into classical and modern positivism. These concepts shall be in explored in greater depth later but in sum, legal positivism refers to law as man-made and separate from the concept of morality. This essay shall explain and critically evaluate the main features of both forms of legal positivism. Following this, Ronald Dworkin’s concerns with legal positivism

  • Ronald Dworkin Law As Integrity Essay

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    that whilst his main opponents offer some substantial critiques of Dworkin’s theory of ‘law as integrity’, Dworkin does establish a convincing theory that tries to bridge the gap on judicial discretion that other notable theorists, including H.L.A. Hart, fail to achieve. ‘Law as Integrity’ and discretion ‘Law as integrity’ embraces a vision for judges which states that as far as possible judges should identify legal rights and duties assuming that they are created by the public as an entity, and

  • H. L. Hart And John Austin's Command Theory Of Law

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    In The Concept of Law, H. L. A Hart criticizes John Austin’s command theory of law and argues for a new framework that interprets laws as rules. As a legal positivist, Hart is motivated to separate the descriptive question of what is from the prescriptive question of what law should be. Despite this, he believes we must also consider the normative aspect to law, which is reflected in the obligation we feel to follow it. With the notion of obligation in consideration, Hart proposes a framework that

  • Legality and Morality

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    is an overlap between the two concepts. I will be making reference to theorists of both positive law and natural law, namely H. L. A Hart and Lon L. Fuller respectively and compare the two views on the above question. For the purpose of understanding, I will apply the two theories to the legal system in Nazi Germany. 2 Law and Morality H. L. A. Hart As a positivist, Hart believes that there should be a firm distinction between ‘law as it is’ and ‘law as it ought to be’, specifically law and morality

  • Mentoring Effects on High Risk Youth

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    A. (2012); Diehl et al., 2011; Leyton‐Armakan, J., Lawrence, E., Deutsch, N., Lee Williams, J., & Henneberger, A. (2012); Meyer, K. C., & Bouchey, H. A. (2010). The research examines social and psychological factors (Meyer, K. C., & Bouchey, H. A., 2010) empow... ... middle of paper ... ...95257 Roehlkepartain, E. C. (2012). Peter L. Benson: Spinning youth development toward hope and thriving. Applied developmental science, 16(1), 31-35. doi:10.1080/10888691.2012.642775 Spencer

  • International Sanctions Case Study

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    disregard national sovereignty and jurisdictional limit of the law. In order to understand the concept of sanctions this discussion analyzes previous writings by John F. L. Ross who questions the international nature of sanctions that often outlaw staying on the fence. The discussion further delves into the writings of H. L. A. Hart to assess the effectiveness of international law which is the legal basis upon which international sanctions can be based. The discussion concludes by questioning the efficiency

  • Path-Goal Theory in Leadership

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    standards (Northouse, 2012). In the path-goal theo... ... middle of paper ... ...n Pakistan. Journal of College Teaching and Learning. 6, (7), 31-40. Dixon, M. L. & Hart, L. K. (2010). The impact of path-goal leadership styles on work group effectiveness and turnover intention. Journal of Managerial Issues, 22, (1), 52-69. Malik, S. H & Hassan, H. (2014). Leadership behavior and acceptance of leaders by subordinates: Application of path goal theory in telecom sector. International Journal of Trade, Economics

  • The Differences Between Naturalism and Positivism

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    between the two ideologies, why making the distinction between the two is important. Various pieces of legal literature will be used in order to convey this point, such as pieces by Lon Fuller including the infamous debate between himself and H.L.A. Hart. To better understand the background of these jurisprudential philosophies, we will first explore their histories and explicate the details of their respective precepts. When one first thinks of natural law, the first word that often pops up in

  • Detailed Revision Notes on British Judicial Precedent

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    § In the Early 70's- Shown in the case of Joned v sec of social services- where an earlier decision in RE Dowling was wrong but refused to change it. § However from the 70's onwards they were more willing to use it- Miliangos case and Pepper v Hart. House of Lords and Criminal Cases.- Practice statement stated that Criminal law needs to be certain However it was first used in R V Shivuri which overruled the case of Anderton V Ryan . **** Also not neglect the fact that, It has been

  • Natural v. Positive Law

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    When an average person is asked ‘what is morally correct?’ most respond with an answer that requires each person to follow the laws of the country in which they are living. This is at least the case in modern American society, where your “moral standing” depends ultimately on whether or not you conform to the laws outlined by the government. Regardless of what one’s individual beliefs are, religious or not, morality is judged on how well you blend into your specific societies definition of what is

  • The Effects of Parenting Styles on Child Outcome

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    “There is no way in which parents can evade having a determining effect upon their children’s personality, character, and competence” (Baumrind, 1978). It is amazing that children who are raised in completely different environments can go on to possess similar characteristics later in life. But why is this the case? The functions that parents perform greatly influence how children develop. A tremendous amount of research has been done on the effects of parenting styles since 1966 when Diana

  • Qualitative Data Analysis Paper

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    M. (2013, January 16). Murders, shootings and gun sales per day: An average day in United States. Huffington Post. Retrieved from https://www. huffingtonpost.com/20 13/01/16/murders-shootings-and-gun-sales-per-day _n_2488664 .html Moore, M. H., & National Research Council, (. (U.S.). (2003). Deadly Lessons : Understanding Lethal School Violence: Case Studies of School Violence Committee. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Muschert, G. W. (2005). Rejoining rampage. Contemporary

  • Social Skills Training for Children with Autism

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    school and beyond. Direct instruction is defined as the use of a researcher or teache... ... middle of paper ... ...ctancies.’ Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 17, pp. 198-207. Laushey, K. M., Heflin, L .J., Shippen, M., Alberto, P. A., & Fredrick, L. (2009). Concept mastery routines to teach social skills to elementary children with high functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39(10), 1435-1448. doi: 10.1007/s10803-009-0757-9 Sancho, K., Sidener

  • Effective Communication for Human Resource Mangers

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    followed by a positive encouragement. According to De Janasz et al. (2006), these demonstrated components of feedback are considered effective. The above explanation of feedback ther... ... middle of paper ... ...ook Alessandra, A. J. & Hunsaker, P. L. (2005). “The art of asking questions” In I Journal Articles Chau, S. W. (2012). Correlates and consequences of feedback orientation in organizations. Journal of Management, 38, 531-543. Doi: 10.1177/0149206310375467. Friedman, B. A. (2009). Human resource

  • Egyptian Art and Culture

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    hidden.’"3 It was from the Nun that the Supreme Being wa... ... middle of paper ... ...Egypt, London, Thames and Hudson, 1993. Foster, John L., trans. Love Songs of the New Kingdom, New York, Scribner, 1974. Hart, George. The Legendary Past: Egyptian Myths, Austin, British Museum Publications University of Texas Press, 1990. Wilkinson, Richard H. Symbol and Magic in Egyptian Art, London, Thames and Hudson, 1994. Egypt/Africa Studies Crawford, Clinton. Recasting Ancient Egypt in the African

  • Greek Influence in Finnegans Wake

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    both classical mythology and the institution of family, Giambattista Vico. In the Greek creation myth (and also in Genesis), an unnammable god divided timeless and formless Chaos--"joepeter's gaseytotum" (FW, 426.21; 'Jupiter's gaseous universe,' L totum)-- into heaven and earth, the male Uranus and female Gaea. Uranus "the Rainmaker" (FW, 87.06) impregnates Gaea's clefts and rivervalleys with rainwater, spawning the powerful Titans, or the Giants, which are etymologically "sons of Earth." (NS

  • Parenting Capacity Evaluation Practices: Are They Efficient?

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    Parenting Capacity Evaluation Practices: Are They Efficient? Findings amongst marriages and cohabitation that end in dissolution have shown custody and access disputes to be the “single biggest issue in civil law” (Roesh, Zapf, Hart, 2010). The role of forensic psychology regarding this issue is seen in the form of parenting capacity evaluations, otherwise known as child custody evaluations. Although many dissolved marriages or relationships end without the need of such evaluations, it is important

  • The Significance for Economic Anthropology of the Work of Marx and Durkheim

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    . middle of paper ... ... The Rules of Sociological Method. NY: The Free Press. Durkheim, E., (1984). The Division of Labour in Society. NY: The Free Press. Hart, K., (2001), The Memory Bank: Money in an Unequal World. W. W. Norton & Company. Hicks, J., (1974), The Crisis in Keynesian Politics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Hann, C., & Hart, K., (2011), Economic Anthropology. Polity Press. Marx, K., (1948), The Communist Manifesto. NY: Norton & Co. Marx, K., (1867), Capital: The Process of Capitalist