Gigantism Essays

  • Gigantism Essay

    610 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gigantism is a rare disease that seems to cause extreme growth of a person’s height, bones, muscles, and organs. It occurs when there is too much activity in the pituitary gland, creating a tumor. The tumor is typically large and it invades the brain tissue. Gigantism normally begins during early childhood and before a child’s bone growth plate closes. This disease is not very common and has only appeared in about 100 people throughout United States history. There are numerous symptoms to having

  • Bioethics’s Hot Topic of Growth Hormones

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    Bioethics’s Hot Topic of Growth Hormones In the article “Does Shortness Need a Cure?” Ronald Bailey, the author, indicates Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of growth hormone use offers a treatment plan for those who are short in stature. Bailey also acknowledges bioethics as a seriously debated topic in the medical field. Bioethics deals with the studies of “moral issues in the fields of medical treatment and research” (Caplan). Bailey touches on the topic of bioethics as it deals

  • Signs and Symptoms of Gigantism

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    negatively. The study of biology is further sub-divided into sections and the most important being genetics that studies the genetically composition and effects to human life. For instance, gigantism which is an abnormal growth caused by the excess hormone growth at childhood before the bone plates closes. Though gigantism is rare, it is caused due to some factors among them; Noncancerous tumor of the pituitary gland, Neurofibromatosis, McCune-Albright Syndrome (MAS), Carney complex and Multiple Endocrine

  • Essay On Ectodermal Dysplasia

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    What happens during the 9 months of embryonic development, can and will determine how the rest of a child’s life will go. A change or mutation can alter the baby’s development in the womb. No, I’m not talking about a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, type of mutation. A mutation is the changing of the structure of a gene, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes. Mutations can cause different outcomes

  • Polydactyly: A Genetic Disorder

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    Genes are the building blocks of heredity. They are passed from parent to child. They hold DNA, the instructions for making proteins. Proteins do most of the work in cells. Sometimes there is a mutation, a change in a gene or genes. The mutation changes the gene's instructions for making a protein, so the protein does not work properly or is missing entirely. This can cause a medical condition called a genetic disorder. Polydactyly or " many fingered", is a genetic disorder in which humans and animals

  • Disorders of the Endocrine System

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    Diabetes Insipidus is the less known form of diabetes. It is often accompanied by excess urine outflow, intake of fluid, and an increased thirst. Bedwetting due to lack of control and frequency, and an unusual concentration of urine is included. There are four types of DI, and each are completely different in treatment and causes. Most commonly, the cause is the lack of vasopressin, which concentrates urine to reduce its output. It is called pituitary DI because it is usually caused by the destruction

  • Deep Sea Exploration

    838 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the past age, there were many explorations into the deep sea. Scientists originally descended in order to find the kraken and the giant squid. In the modern era, scientists travel to the deep to discover slightly smaller creatures. Microbial organisms are the most abundant life form on Earth. Scientists drill for microbes on the ocean floor where ancient remains still exist. Other scientists no longer look for life, their interest is in minerals that can produce pharmaceutical drugs. In fact,

  • Acromegaly Essay

    2190 Words  | 5 Pages

    Acromegaly and gigantism are due to overproduction of Growth hormone (GH) usually caused by a GH-secreting pituitary adenoma— a disorder of unequal skeletal, tissue, and organ growth. The incidence of acromegaly is 5 cases per million per year and the prevalence is 60 cases per million. High GH and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF1) levels lead to comorbidities including arthritis, facial changes, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and heart and respiratory failure. If the condition is not diagnosed

  • Fish Persuasive Speech

    635 Words  | 2 Pages

    We absolutely astounded you with our first selections of 25 rare sea creatures in parts one through three, and you have come back seeking more mind-blowing discoveries! We have finally returned with our final part four, bringing you the top nine most incredible species of sea creatures that you never knew existed! Number Nine: The Mola Mola The impressive mola mola is a bony fish known as the world’s heaviest fish species, weighing up to 2,200 pounds. Often called the ocean sunfish, this species

  • The Song Of The Dodo Analysis

    507 Words  | 2 Pages

    Given a good majority of them were due to harmful human activities, a good amount were located on islands. He spoke of scientist who studied the islands and all the effects islands do for the species. David wrote about gigantism and how it can negatively affect them, he spoke of acquiring aquatic features on land animals and it's bad impacts. MOst end in the death of the animals and eventually the whole species. However he then brought up the extraordinary discovery of islands

  • HGH In Sports Cheating

    710 Words  | 2 Pages

    Is Using HGH in Sports Cheating In discussion of HGH, one controversial issue has been being is using HGH in sports cheating ?. On the one hand, some people argue that using HGH in sports is cheating because it gives the person an advantage to gaining muscle, running faster, and getting stronger without putting in the time. On the other hand, some people contend that using HGH in sports is not cheating. Bbecause if it is hard for you to gain muscle or get stronger it will compete with other athletes

  • Bone Diseases

    827 Words  | 2 Pages

    genetic bases, as in families who have extra fingers or toes or in the disease osteogenesis imperfecta, in which children have such brittle bones that many are fractured. Disorders of growth and development include several kinds of dwarfism and gigantism. Bones or limbs may develop deformity as the result of known causes, such as the infection poliomyelitis, or unknown or variable causes, such as curvature of the spine (SCOLIOSIS) or CLUBFOOT. Infections Infections of bone, called osteomyelitis,

  • Ligers Informative Speech

    757 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ligers Informative Speech The clip you just saw is from the popular movie 'Napoleon Dynamite.' Many of you have probably seen it before but I bet you never thought about any of it as being factual, did you? Well, even though the description was a bit off, ligers really do exist. According to Encyclopedia Americana, ligers are a hybrid cross between a male lion and a female tiger (also known as a tigress). It is nearly impossible for them to exist in the wild because most lions live in Africa

  • John Gunther and brain tumors

    801 Words  | 2 Pages

    Do you have an abundant knowledge of brain tumors and cancer? Have you or a loved one ever had a brain tumor of any sort? If so, they are very harmful and deadly. Over the course of time with the improvement of technology, treatment will be easier and symptoms won't be as noticeable. Brain tumor research has improved exceedingly, therefore, if John Gunther’s son was alive today, he most likely could have been successfully treated or cured of his brain tumor without the struggle of a death sentence

  • The Strain Character Analysis

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    Master's current body that once belonged to Jusef Sardu. We have heard that name a few times from Season One and now it makes more sense. In the source material, this story is told in the beginning of book one. We see Sardu, a man suffering from gigantism, walking the streets, gathering children to hand out candy to. After he is consumed by The Master's 'soul' and is turned into him he still seeks out children, that begin to go missing, presumably to feed on

  • Modernism vs Neo-Traditionalism

    1055 Words  | 3 Pages

    components, flat roofs and lack of ornamentation. Kunstler argued that such buildings have seized to have any meaning that they destroy social arrangements and do not consider natural resources. He blamed modernism for ruining the cities with corporate gigantism, failing to creat... ... middle of paper ... ... supposed to provide for both. People who despise modernism, probably do not know what it is supposed to be. Post-modernism seems to be more or less of an answer. It finally lets modernist buildings

  • Coral Reef Habitat

    1031 Words  | 3 Pages

    At the Aquarium of the Pacific, many different oceanic habitats are presented. These exhibits give the public an idea of the different environments our own oceans hold, providing a hands-on learning experience in the comfort of their own city. The two habitats that interested me are the coral reef and deep ocean. Both the coral reef and deep ocean are very different from each other, having varied ways of survival for the plethora of plants and animals that call those places home. In the coral reef

  • Twin Towers Research Paper

    1394 Words  | 3 Pages

    The iconic Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, designed by architect Minoru Yamasaki, served as a symbolic structure for the triumph and awe of human ability, an icon for the a post-industrial world, and the technological sublime. Often referred to as the birthplace of the Information Age, the World Trade Center was praised for being a a spectacular icon of global capital and modern engineering, yet also widely criticized for its lifeless design. I will discuss the symbolic importance of the

  • Genetic Engineering Persuasive Essay

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    in the DNA; genetic disorders, medical speculations and disintegrating diseases can be prevented. Through gene cell therapy, in which a desired gene is inserted, several human genetic health conditions can be cured, such as albinism, dwarfism and gigantism. Scientists are purely aware that genetic engineering plays a significant role in our society, innovating technology that leads to the classification of stem cells (embryonic and somatic), which are able to develop into any body organ, as well as

  • chernobyl

    1300 Words  | 3 Pages

    4300 square miles of ground in the now Ukrainian landscape is fenced off from all human activity due to a single event almost 28 years ago: the meltdown and destruction of the Soviet Union’s Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor. In effect, a huge amount of radiation was released over a very large portion of western USSR. Thousands of residents were evacuated in the days and moths that followed because of the fear of radiated Fallout now covering the Bread Basket of the Soviet Union. With no human habitation