John Gunther and brain tumors

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Do you have an abundant knowledge of brain tumors and cancer? Have you or a loved one ever had a brain tumor of any sort? If so, they are very harmful and deadly. Over the course of time with the improvement of technology, treatment will be easier and symptoms won't be as noticeable. Brain tumor research has improved exceedingly, therefore, if John Gunther’s son was alive today, he most likely could have been successfully treated or cured of his brain tumor without the struggle of a death sentence.

There are two main categories of brain tumors as to the seriousness; Malignant, and Benign. A Malignant tumor can grow and spread aggressively, and overpower other healthy cells by taking their space, blood, and nutrients. A Benign tumor is less serious than a Malignant, however, it can still cause many problems in the brain by pressing on nearby tissue. They are typically slow growing and rarely spread to other parts of the body. Benign brain tumors can be considered Malignant if they are located in areas of the brain that control vital functions like breathing. Unlike benign tumors, the cell structure of a malignant brain tumor is largely different than normal brain cells. Malignant tumors tend to grow faster and can be more invasive than benign tumors. They are also are life threatening. Tumors are classified as grades one through four. The more aggressive a brain tumor is, the higher the score. Another type of tumor is the pituitary tumor. A pituitary tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in the pituitary gland. It’s about the size of a pea and it’s located at the center of the brain behind the nose and eyes. "Malignant and Benign Brain Tumors."

Moreover, the symptoms of brain tumors depend on their size, type, and lo...

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