Gaudiya Vaishnavism Essays

  • Compare And Contrast Bhagavad Gita And Dante

    870 Words  | 2 Pages

    The duration of life in a material reality is substantial, but insignificant to all the living bodies in the tangible world are subject to a phenomenon of reoccurring past and once again develop other bodies in another realm. This idea of one life coming after another is a continuing occurrence in the literary world of religious themed texts. Across continents and cultural standpoints, east and west, across time, a thousand years, there are two characters who both begin a journey away from the confusion

  • Argument Of Faith In Lord Krishna's Bhagavad Gita

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    Bhagavad Gita leaves the end ambiguous, as to which of Lord Krishna’s arguments convinced Arjuna to fight his own, if the arguments managed to convinced him that is. Bhagavad Gita does not give an explicit answer in the end, so it is plausible that Arjuna is still filled with doubts about going to war with his family. However, in the 18th discourse, verse 66, Lord Krishna presents a philosophical and a svadharmic argument which crystallizes all his previous arguments of dharma and karma which clears

  • Morality and Spirituality in The Book Bhagavad Gita

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    In the book Bhagavad Gita, Krishna teaches Arjuna how to reach the highest stage of spirituality, and ultimately the divine God. Krishna gives Arjuna a clear road map to follow so he can reach this goal. Yoga is the main tool to obtain spirituality and it takes a lot of hard work and true determination to do so. The main part of reaching spirituality is to depart this world and sense objects, and build strong morals. Upon giving up worldly desire, one cannot but seek the Devine and by seeking God

  • The Great Scripture of Hinduism

    694 Words  | 2 Pages

    Upon the reading of chapters 1-6 of the Great Scripture of Hinduism, The Bhagavad Gita (the 'Lord's Song';), I am completely and utterly fascinated. The story's emphasis on selfless acts, devotion, and meditation is like no other I have ever encountered before. Through the narration of Sanjaya and the conversation of Sri Krishna (Vishnu incarnate) and Prince Arjuna, the principles of Hinduism are eloquently illustrated. In this story, the Lord Vishnu, whose duty it is to protect the universe from

  • Essay On Surat

    642 Words  | 2 Pages

    RELIGIOUS PLACES IN SURAT India is a country which believes in the principle of unity in diversity. India houses many religions, cultures, traditions and customs. Some of the religions practiced in India are Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Surat is the second largest city in the State of Gujarat which houses many of the sacred religious places. Some of the religious places at Surat are listed below: 1. Agam Mandir 2. Ambika Niketan Temple 3. Ambaji Temple 4. Khwaja Didar

  • Ethnography

    1331 Words  | 3 Pages

    When I was a kid my parents always took me to Nathdwara to take the blessings of Lord Krishna every now and then because my parents are so religious. So by going there several times I am also attached to that place. Actually Nathdwara is situated in Rajasthan state and I live in the state called Gujarat and in the city called as Ahmedabad. It takes six hours drive from my city to Nathdwara and this is the only nearest place where I could get mental peace. This is very important place for me and my

  • The Symbols Of Budhanilkantha Temples In Nepal

    1091 Words  | 3 Pages

    Vishnu Temples in Nepal Budhanilkantha Temple Budhanilkantha, also known as the Narayanthan Temple is located at the base of Shivpuri Hill and is one of the most important temple worshipped by Hindus. 5 meters long sleeping statue of Hindu god Vishnu lies in a reclining position inside a recessed tank of water representing a cosmic sea of almost 13 meters long. The statue depicts the deity reclining on the twisting coils of the cosmic serpent Shesha (multi headed king of the serpent deities known

  • Essay On Hindu Culture

    1407 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Look at Hindu Culture Today, Hinduism stands as India’s primary religion. In fact, India houses 90% of the world’s Hindi population and 79.8% of India’s population follows the Hindu religion, according to the 2011 census. It is thought by some to be the oldest religion in the world and the “eternal law” (Fowler). This culture is truly one as defined by Edward Taylor: “A complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capability and habit acquired by man

  • History of The Annavaram Temple

    800 Words  | 2 Pages

    ANNAVARAM TEMPLE LOCATION Annavaram Temple is situated in Annavaram, a village situated on the banks of the Pampa River in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. The main feature of Annavaram is the shrine of Lord Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy situated on the Ratnagiri hills. This temple stands second only to Tirupati in terms of holy visitors in Andhra Pradesh. HISTORY OF THE TEMPLE A tale goes behind the origin of the hill and how the Lord came to exist in that place. Meruvu, the Lord

  • Case Study: Swaminarayan Temple

    1635 Words  | 4 Pages

    1. What is the name of the temple that you usually attend? The temple that I attend is Swaminarayan Temple. Also, Justin its located in Clifton, New Jersey around five minutes from my house. 2. What does your temple look like in the outside and inside? It looks like regular building, built like a usual temple peach color on the outside and a variety of different colors in the inside. 3. Were you born in the Hinduism religion? If not, how did you find your self-accepting this faith? Yes, great

  • Hinduism Chapter 2 Summary

    1312 Words  | 3 Pages

    Chapter 2: The Different Aspects of Hinduism The Gods and Goddesses Since Hindus generally believe in the existence of Brahman, or the supreme creator, and other minor divinities, Hinduism cannot be considered as a religion based on polytheism. Believers claim that the gods and goddesses in this world (e.g. Lakshmi, Indra, Vishnu, Mitra, Varuna, Siva, Saraswathi, Brahma, Parvathi, etc.) are just manifestations of Brahman, which is the highest god. In addition, these gods are commonly worshipped as

  • Jnana Yoga And Hinduism: A Study Guide To Hinduism

    1359 Words  | 3 Pages

    The “Aryans, or Noble Ones, and the religion they brought with them comprised the first evolutionary layer of Hinduism” (Novak 1). The Aryans used “a burnt offering to the gods, performed by priests specially trained to chant sacred hymns” as the centerpiece to their rituals (Novak 1). The “first principle to be learned in speaking of God, the Hindus insist” is “to learn what to leave out” (Smith 59-60). In Hinduism there is not just one god but multiple gods and goddesses, some gods and goddesses

  • ethnographic paper

    1036 Words  | 3 Pages

    I am very religious and a huge believer in God, since childhood. My grandma has played a big role making me religious person. I remember in my childhood my grandma used to take me to the temple with her every day. From that time, I am attached very strongly toward the god. There was temple close to my house in India. I used to go to temple with my grandma two times a day morning and evening. These two times in temple saints (Hindu monks) do the “Aarti” (Aarti is waving lighted wicks before the sacred

  • The Hindu Poem: The Upanishad

    749 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Upanishads are a series of mystical poems that are classified as religious Hindu texts written in Sanskrit. In the Upanishads, there are 108 authentic poems, but as a whole there are 150 poems which were written from 800 B.C. to the late fifteenth century A.D. The poems being interpreted in this paper are Isa, Kena, Katha, and Chandogya Upanishads, which shows the representation of Hindu values and the idea of Brahman/Atman. In this paper, I will be looking at each Upanishads selection and look

  • hinduism vs. jainism

    1114 Words  | 3 Pages

    Many people believe Hinduism to be a polytheistic religion. This is due to the fact that there is so many gods that they can worship in. But in all actuality it is really a monotheistic religion that spawns off of one god to form many different gods or ideas to worship. The entire religion of Hinduism is based off of Brahman. Brahman is the idea that all reality is a unity. I will explain the concept of Brahman and four others and hopefully make Hinduism easier to comprehend. Some have viewed Hinduism

  • Karm Karma Meaning

    1443 Words  | 3 Pages

    There 's a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone. Sylvester Stallone said “There 's a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone”. Karma is pronounced ˈkärmə. It is a world to describe the fate due to their previous actions. If someone’s actions displayed to be of positive and goodness then good things will happen. If the person is hateful and bad, then

  • Reflection Paper On Hinduism

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hinduism When I first started to read about the Hinduism religion I was not sure what to expect. I have heard about the religion but did not know much about it. What I learned about it was fascinating and caused me to reflect on just how different the religions of the world are. We do not know when Hinduism was founded by whom. It has been said to have always existed. It has been traced to the olden Indus Valley civilization. In Hinduism some of the things I found most fascinating

  • Psalm 42

    4556 Words  | 10 Pages

    If the book of Psalms be, as some have styled it, a mirror or looking-glass of pious and devout affections, this psalm in particular deserves, as much as any one psalm, to be so entitled, and is as proper as any to kindle and excite such in us: gracious desires are here strong and fervent; gracious hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, are here struggling, but the pleasing passion comes off a conqueror. Or we may take it for a conflict between sense and faith, sense objecting and faith answering. I

  • Hare Krishna Cultural Center

    1269 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hinduism is recognized as the oldest religion and the third most popular in the world not only because its extended number of practitioners around the globe but also because the deeply influence that has created in other many religions. Hindus go to their Temple or Mandir, which is their place of worship in order to offer their prayers to their gods; every temple is dedicated to a specific deity or god. Different from other religions, Hinduism has no funder and its origins are not clearly defined

  • Compare Hinduism And Idolatry

    727 Words  | 2 Pages

    In a Christian household it is not uncommon for people to wake up and read their bible and pray as an act of worship to God, but in Hindu households they have a different way of worshiping. Some Hindus will have an image in their house which they will wake up in the morning and honor as a form of worship to a specific God. This act of worship is detested by Christians as well as other monotheistic religions. They call it idolatry. Although it is looked down upon by monotheistic religions idolatry