Compare And Contrast Bhagavad Gita And Dante

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The duration of life in a material reality is substantial, but insignificant to all the living bodies in the tangible world are subject to a phenomenon of reoccurring past and once again develop other bodies in another realm. This idea of one life coming after another is a continuing occurrence in the literary world of religious themed texts. Across continents and cultural standpoints, east and west, across time, a thousand years, there are two characters who both begin a journey away from the confusion filling their minds. In the epic Bhagavad Gita and Alighieri from the works of the Scribe Veda Vyasa and Dante, respectively, both works near a thousand years apart connect together to the theme of levels in life is portrayed by the physical life and the extraneous or exotic life, and how these all connect to one another.
The first of these levels: physical life or the material …show more content…

But Lord Krishna says to Arjuna “If you turn from righteous warfare/your behavior will by evil/for you will have abandoned both/your duty and your honored name”, meaning that Arjuna’s cowardice will bring evil and his “honored name” will be lost and forgotten (Bhagavad Gita 1290). Arjuna is in fear of ending their lives, a plaguing uncertainty that is his fault they’ll perish away at his sword and he’ll just be as evil as the men who stole the throne away from his rightful claim. Lord Krishna is saying that it is Arjuna’s duty to fight for virtuous and moral reasons and forsaking his post to fight against the evil, and Arjuna will become what he is fighting against – evil. Arjuna’s external and internal actions are plaguing his eternal being at stake, as Lord Krishna continues with “People will speak of your disgrace…suffers a fate much worse than death”, meaning that shame will carry on in the next life he lives, forever haunted by the

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