Forage Essays

  • Do Humans (Homo sapiens) Maximize the Number of Food Items Per Foraging Run? A Test of the Marginal Value Theorem

    820 Words  | 2 Pages

    Abstract Organisms such as starlings and honeybees appear to forage based on the marginal value theorem. This experiment tested whether humans could forage in like manner. An equal number of students took long and short routes to the foraging patch and collected simulated food items in a way that simulated diminishing marginal returns. Data on travel time, foraging time, and number of food items collected were collected. The data differed significantly from the calculated optimal values. This

  • Essay On Foragers

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    Foraging Research Project Global Foraging Movement Children have been foragers for centuries, gathering berries on their way home from school, pockets overflowing and sore stomach from eating too many. But as fresh produce in supermarkets become increasingly expensive, and the want for local sustainable food more popular, adults around the world are putting on their Wellies in search of some wild treats. In the 21st century you only hear ‘free’ attached to terms and conditions so when people discover

  • Effective Leadership in Fish: Finding Nemo

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    How does the group of fish in Finding Nemo coordinate their movements to smoothly make various shapes with minimal communication? All these movements are contributed to what is called collective movement, however the mystery behind the origins and reasons for collective behavior in groups of fish has baffled many. It has been traditionally thought that fish were leader-less, but they tended to stay in groups; either a shoal or a school. Even though they have different meanings they are used interchangeably

  • Alfalfa: The Queen of Forages in North America

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    Introduction “The Queen of Forages” is one title that alfalfa has earned in North America. Since its introduction in 1750s in the Americas alfalfa has grown to be the number one forage legume produced in North America. Alfalfa can be green chopped for silage, baled dry, baled as baleage, or used as pasture. Lucerne another common name for alfalfa has the highest feeding value of any other forage legume crop. High in digestible energy and protein makes alfalfa a valuable feed to livestock.

  • Tulalip Tribe Research Paper

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    Tulalip tribe is Indian tribe admitted by federal government, which is located on the Tulalip reservation in the mid-Puget Sound area bordered on the east by Interstate 5 and the city of Marysville. Tulalip tribe is a place where government allow the Snohomish, Snoqualmie, Skyimish, and other allied bands living in. the Tulalip tribe’s land cover 22,000 acres. The Tulalip tribe has abundant nature resources to supply their people’s normal life such as “marine waters, tidelands, fresh water creeks

  • Factors Affecting Feed Intake of Beef Cattle in Grazing System

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    Cattle Production. Oxfordshire, CABI. Seré, C., H. Steinfeld, et al. (1995). "World livestock production systems: current status, issues and trends." Van Soest, P., D. Mertens, et al. (1978). "Preharvest factors influencing quality of conserved forage." Journal of Animal Science 47(3): 712. Young, B. (1981). "Cold stress as it affects animal production." Journal of Animal Science 52(1): 154.

  • Mule Deer Case Study

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    competition. Traditionally, resource partitioning was evaluated by species temporal avoidance, spatial separation and dietary differences (Stewart et al. 2010). Six different outputs influence mule deer behavior; density of roads, quality of forage, quantity of forage, quality of cover, quantity of cover and interactions between livestock, elk and mule deer (Edge et al. 1990). Habitat choice by mule deer can be a result of direct and indirect competition with elk and livestock, influencing their distribution

  • Wheat Field 3

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    The producer had continuous wheat on all the fields, which affected the decisions we made regarding what was planted when. In field one we decided to plant wheat continuous one more time, so we can get this field on a wheat, fallow, sorghum rotation. This will also give us the opportunity to deal with the field bindweed and kochia problem during the times of fallow. We also wanted the producer to have an income this year from something other than his corn. These 80 acres will then be fallow for a

  • AGRO435 Midterm Exam

    855 Words  | 2 Pages

    production, thereby cycling nutrients from the crops through the animals and back out onto the land; (III) livestock can serve as the sink for agricultural byproducts; and (IV) ruminant livestock encourage the establishment of perennial grass and legume forages as a primary feedstuff.” (Sulc, R. Mark, and Benjamin F. Tracy) There are many reasons to integrate crop and livestock enterprises. One of the most common reasons to integrate these crop and livestock enterprises is to stabilize economic returns and

  • The Importance of Fire in Ecosystems

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    which provides less forage for wildlife. While terrestrial wildlife is benefited by fire, large fires through the increase in sediment flow negatively impact aquatic ecosystems. Fire is essential in maintaining biological diversity in the Northern Rocky Mountain forests. Nutritional Effects Fire affects nutrition of wildlife in the short-term by increasing the quality of their diets or by alteration of plant content. Long-term benefits are the maintenance of habitats in forage producing conditions

  • Omnivore's Dilemma Summary

    851 Words  | 2 Pages

    wild foods” John McReynolds says,“There’s a right to forage,” says McReynolds, “though at the same time, the forager has an obligation not to trespass on private property and to respect nature”. This is saying that people can not control where people chose to forage/hunt for their food. Foraging is legal but it is up to the person who is foraging/hunting to determine if it is legal or not. It is not a person’s responsibility to pick where the forage/hunter goes to hunt their food,, it is their job to

  • Organic Honey Production

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    "Organic is a label indicating that the food or other agricultural product has been produced through approved methods that integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity, where synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering may not be used" (National 2013). Thus Organic honey is the honey that is produced from completely organic sources; beginning from the plant that the bee

  • What is Agroforestry?

    2218 Words  | 5 Pages

    What is agroforestry? Many people do not know what exactly agroforestry is. The answer is simple. Agroforestry is the combination of trees, crops, and/or livestock into a system which focus on the interactions between the components rather than the components themselves (Sharrow 1997). It is mostly practiced in developing countries where its ability to be used to produce several different outputs is critical to the farmers. Agroforestry is not practiced on the same scale that monoculture agriculture

  • Laminitis Essay

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    higher), the environmental conditions (stressed grasses have higher amounts of NSC), the season (spring has largest content of NSC) and time of day (afternoon). The factors mentioned above as well as the curing process will affect the NSC content of forage. The longer hay has being dried the lower the NSC, soaking hay can also remove a large amount of the NSC content.

  • Case Study: Feeding Management In Dairy Cows

    2255 Words  | 5 Pages

    Author : Nawa Binti Najib Title : Feeding Management in Dairy Cows INTRODUCTION Dairy cattle are cattle that are bred for milk production purposes instead of meat and then used for dairy production. Most of Bos taurus or temperate dairy cattle are known as the popular breeds for dairy, such as Friesian-Holstein which rank the first among the dairy breeds. In Malaysia, the imported temperate dairy cattle reared in Malaysia can cause many problems such as can cause heat stress to the cattle since

  • Bracken Fern Essay

    800 Words  | 2 Pages

    2.2 Bracken fern (western bracken) Bracken fern (Pteridium aquiline var. pubescens) are deciduous and grow from brown to black woody rhizomes, forming large often dense patches. The leaves emerge from erect fronds and are pinnately compound, scattered, erect, coarse, narrowly or broadly triangular, to 2 m in height. Fronds (leaves) are pinnules (ultimate segments), entire in the apices of the pinnae, lobed toward the stalk. Reproduction is by spores produced in sporangia lining the under surface

  • Difference Between Sheep And Goats

    726 Words  | 2 Pages

    Writing Assignment 11 1. Cattle, sheep, and goats are all ruminant animals. This means that they are able to rely heavily on forage and do not need very much concentrate feed. 2. The three major species used in the range livestock industry are cattle, sheep, and goats. 3. The higher the level of agricultural development, the more likely it is that cattle will be kept to produce a single salable product, either meat or milk. 4. The lower the level of agricultural development, the less important cattle

  • Foraging Decisions

    1856 Words  | 4 Pages

    The way an animal behaves is immensely influenced by its surrounding environment. The process by which an animal acquires its food in its habitat can be affected by several elements, both biotic and abiotic. When foraging, it is essential that animals consider food selection and availability, risks of predation, and competition with other animals for the same food source. Among the diversity of factors upon which foraging decisions are made is the risk of predation and habitat structure. According

  • Grazing System In Agriculture

    1049 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction The beef industry is the largest sector of the Irish Agricultural sector. In Ireland grassland accounts for 91% of agricultural land. Grazed grass is currently the cheapest feed source available for beef cattle in Ireland. The utilization of grass by grazing should provide a sustainable livestock system as grazed grass is the cheapest source of nutrients for the animal. It is 60% of what an animal will eat in its life but only 30% of the cost. As said grass is the cheapest feed available

  • Persuasive Essay On Wild Horses

    951 Words  | 2 Pages

    West’s Great Basin can be severe...This creates a massive problem for the rangeland because the horses are putting unmanaged pressure on forage all day, every day, for the entire year. Eventually, that landscape reaches a threshold where native high-forage-value plants lose the ability to compete with unpalatable, undesirable, or nonnative species.” When the high-forage plants are eaten by the wild horses, this leads to invasive species moving in and taking over the once valuable land. This isn’t to