Favorite Character Essays

  • Favorite Character In 'Harold And Maude'

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    Favorite Character: Maude The text defines characterization as, “the author’s presentation and development of the traits of the characters.” (WEAL, 60) It is important to understand that characters are the heart of a book and good characterization is essential in order to make them real to the reader. Imagine for a moment, reading a book and having a hard time to connect with any of the characters, this would instantly make the reader lose interest in the story. In order to keep the reader’s hooked

  • Favorite Character

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    A character from a story that I like the most would be Huckle Berry Fin from “ The Adventure of Huckle Berry Fin.” My character is strong, fearless, witty, and independent. In the story Huckle Berry and best friend Tom Sorier go and run away from home. I picked Huckle Berry because he was my favorite book when I was little also I admired his independence. Now let me tell you about my cool favorite character. As a little boy I admired Huckle Berry because he was a teenage boy that lived by himself

  • Enders Game

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    finishes the battle he realizes that everyone is cheering behind him. When he asks why they tell him that all of his missions were real ones against the buggers and that he had just destroyed all of the buggers. My favorite character in this book is Ender. He is my favorite character for many reasons. One reason is that he is really smart. He has a photographic memory and he has a 200 IQ. He also could out smart adults when he was 5. Another reason why I like him is because he likes to play video

  • Community and the Rocky Horror Picture Show

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    devices while the cast made a toast to a newly married member. My being chosen to be sacrificed made me feel as if I really belonged there and would never be shunned. I was also very pleased by the fact that I was chosen to be sacrificed by my favorite character, Eddy who was being played by Dustin Martinez that night. After the toast was finished we did our oath and were allowed to go back to our seats and the show began. In the Rocky community everyone is celebrated for who they are. Individuality

  • Importance of Costumes in As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and Henry IV, Part One

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    from certain destruction at the hands of Haman. The fair queen Ester tricks the villain, and Haman betrays himself before the king. Each year the story is read aloud amidst great celebration. The children, and even the adults, dress up as their favorite character in the story. Each time Haman’s name is uttered, everyone makes as much noise as they can to blot out his evil name. According to Jewish tradition, the adults should become so intoxicated on Purim that they can not distinguish Haman from the

  • Television and Media Violence - TV Violence and Common Sense

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    Television Violence and Common Sense It is obvious that children are affected by television. They often pretend to be their favorite character, reenact scenes from movies, and wear clothes featuring their media heroes. As a child, I pretended to be one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles while practicing my fighting skills on invisible bad guys. Although these things are usually a healthy part of growing up, it would be foolish to assume that children are not affected in a negative way by

  • Grapes Of Wrath - Jim Casy Chracter Analysis

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    John Steinbeck passionately describes a time of unfair poverty, unity, and the human spirit in the classic, The Grapes of Wrath. The novel tells of real, diverse characters who experience growth through turmoil and hardship. Jim Casy- a personal favorite character- is an ex-preacher that meets up with a former worshiper, Tom Joad. Casy continues a relationship with Tom and the rest of the Joads as they embark on a journey to California in the hopes of prosperity and possibly excess. Casy represents

  • Jane Eyre

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    Chapter Ten My favorite character at this time in the novel, is Jane Eyre. A new chapter in her life was about to begin when she was accepted for the position as a governess, for a small child at Thornfield Hall. She has come a long way from her days abandoned by her cruel aunt and treated poorly by her cousins. After her school days at Lowood, she wanted a brighter and more independent life for herself. She has had the strength to be strong and confident through it all. The characters that I disliked

  • Sense And Sensibility Book Review

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    Book Report - Sense and Sensibility 1.) In Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility, the title is a metaphor for the two main characters Elinor and Marianne. Elinor represents sense and Marianne represents sensibility.We find out early that Elinor does not share her feelings. When Edward comes into the story, there was an immediate attraction. She tells no one of her feelings. It was just assumed that they are meant for each other. When Edward has to leave, Elinor says nothing. Edward does promise he

  • The Scarlet Letter

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    popular maybe because generations of readers can interpret it and see subtle meanings that somewhat reflect their own lives. Each of us, has goodness like Hester Prynne, cowardice like Dimmesdale, and even a little evil like Chillingworth. My favorite character in this book was Hester Prynne because even tough she has done wrong, she remains happy, solid, and sane. In the following essay I plan to critically analyze the novel’s protagonist, Hester Prynne. Hester Prynne is a young woman who was

  • The Success of Wemmick in Great Expectations

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    while he works in the filth of Newgate. Wemmick is alone in his success of separation when compared to others such as Jaggers and Pip. Such dedication to keeping good values alive gives Wemmick so much integrity that he immediately becomes a favorite character. The castle in Walworth has a drawbridge, a cannon, and a fountain. We see the effects of these defenses first when he raises the drawbridge "it was very pleasant to see the pride with which he hoisted it up and made it fast; smiling as he

  • JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

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    of the races that inhabit this world have their own territories and are distinct from one another. My favorite character in this book is Sam Gamgee. Sam is the son of Ham Gamgee, and is also Frodo’s curious gardener. Sam turns out to be one of the crucial characters in the success of the quest. Not only does he accompany Frodo; he also risks his own life for Frodo. Sam is my favorite character because he is faithful to his friends, keeps his promises, and protects his companions. This book is very

  • child development

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    Grade: 11 Household #: 5 Siblings: 3 Other : Middle child 1. Your favorite nickname? Fritz 2. Do you have any pets? Yes, two rabbits. 3. What is your favorite color? Black & pink 4. What is your favorite scent? Vanilla & strawberry 5. What's your favorite drink? Red Wine 6. What food do you hate? Liver (not liver spread) 7. What was your favorite subject at school? Social Studies & English 8. What was your least favorite subject at school? Math & Physics 9. The strangest thing you've ever

  • Mercedes Lackey

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    (Letters about Literature) for one of my favorite books, and since I didn’t feel like writing to the judges on your Dragons Bane Trilogy, I decided I would write my letter as if talking to you. As I said before, we have to write a letter explaining our favorite book, so, to explain the Dragons Bane book , I guess I should tell what made it the best. First, of course, it was written by you, my all time favorite author, and also it’s fantasy, which is my favorite genre, but it goes deeper than that,

  • My Favorite Cartoon

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    My Favorite Cartoon ¡V The Simpsons Watching a hilarious cartoon on television may seem like the most relaxed thing in the world. However, ¡§The Simpsons¡¨ is not only a stupid funny cartoon to keep us laughing for joy but also a clever TV program mixed up with irreverence and slightly twisted morality. I¡¦m not saying that how much influence this show can bring to our reality. But I think it¡¥s very well written. Also it constantly reflects and spoofs our society. The whole story takes place in

  • My Favorite Character Essay

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    A favorite character can come from different types of media. For me it takes a lot to remember a character in any form of media. It takes even more for me to love a character. During my childhood I would read constantly, most of the books to me are just a blur now. There are a few characters I can recall but unfortunately none really captured my imagination the way the characters JK Rowling made. They are the most dynamic characters I have had the bliss to grow up with. While the main protagonist

  • My Favorite Horse Show

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    As the first rays of the sun peak over the horizon, penetrating the dark, soft light illuminates the mist rising up from the ground, forming an eerie, almost surreal landscape. The ground sparkles, wet with dew, and while walking from the truck to the barn, my riding boots soak it in. The crickets still chirp, only slower now. They know that daytime fast approaches. Sounds, the soft rustling of hooves, a snort, and from far down the aisle a sharp whinny that begs for breakfast, inform me that

  • My Favorite Restaurants

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    My Favorite Restaurants As far back as I can remember, I have always liked going out to eat. Two of my favorite restaurants are Jake’s and McDonald’s. Though both are places to dine they have their differences in their ambiance, waiting, and expense. When deciding where to go to eat, I have three things to think about. I must consider the atmosphere or where I want to go. The amount of time I have is another consideration. The amount of money that I am able to spend is a big influence. The

  • Descriptive Essay: My Favorite Meal

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    I have a lot of good memories of my senior prom. The Hilton's California ballroom, the dancing, and socializing with friends were some of the memories. But most of all, the food was the best memory of all.  The food served at Castlemont High's senior prom was colorful and delicious.  One could not help but to see, smell, and eventually consume the food.   The meal consisted of hors d'oeurves, the main course, beverages, and dessert.  All of these delicacies combined made the

  • Napster

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    As I sat in front of my computer downloading my favorite song from Napster, I started to think about how hard it must have been to write a song so sublime with the way the words flow from one another, and how talented one must be to do so. I started to think how hard people work on their music for themselves and their fans, and how their fans don’t realize what they are doing every time they download a song off the internet. What they don’t realize is that it is messing over the people who worked