Familial Essays

  • Familial and Marital Relationships in Beowulf

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    Familial and Marital Relationships in Beowulf Two Works Cited    To the reader of Old English Beowulf the familial and marital relationships are not so very obvious, especially when one is concentrating all of one’s mental energies on translating the thousand-year-old vocabulary of the poem. The following essay is intended to clarify those relationships while proceeding sequentially through the poem. First of all, Scyld Scefing, historic king of the Danes (Scyldings), had a son Beow(ulf) to

  • Familial Dysautonomia Research Paper

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    Familial dysautonomia affects the development of sensory neurons. It affects two important nervous systems: the autonomic nervous system, which controls a persons involuntary actions, and the sensory nervous system, which controls a persons senses. It starts at birth and shortens a victim’s life span drastically. (Genetics Home Reference) At birth, children with familial dysautonomia are diagnosed by a distinct set of symptoms. (FD Facts) Poor muscle tone and lack of tears are two symptoms that can

  • Fatal Familial Insomnia Essay

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    Disorder Fatal Familial Insomnia Fatal familial insomnia is a genetic disorder. It manifests itself by many symptoms due to the degeneration of a certain part of the brain, the thalamus. The disease also results in the formation of amyloid plaques. This is the build up of a waxy substance made of proteins associated with polysaccharides. The disease is a result of a mutation of a normal protein that is associated with brain tissue. This is the prion protein. In the case of fatal familial insomnia,

  • Storytelling in Eavan Boland's In a Time of Violence

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    responsibility as a reteller of stories, thereby appropriating to herself the power to strengthen familial bonds, question conventional histories, and create new legends for women of the future. The single poem that best represents the controlling ideas of In a Time of Violence is a short poem entitled Legends. This poem is concerned primarily with the relationship of stories and legends to familial bonds among women; in this case, the bond between a mother and her child. The poem begins by, in

  • Going Towards a Postpatriarchal Family

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    devaluation of familial relationships. As large numbers of women have moved into the workplace, familial relations of all sorts have been colonized by what Virginia Held critically refers to as the contractual paradigm. Even the mother/child relationship, representing for Held an alternative feminist paradigm of selfhood and agency, has been in large part "outsourced." I believe that an Arendtian conception of speech and action might enable us to assert anew the grounds for familial relations. If

  • Adopted Heritage in Alice Walker's Everyday Use

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    smaller communities and families, deeply felt traditions serve to enrich this common heritage. Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" explores how, in her eagerness to claim an ancient heritage, a woman may deny herself the substantive personal experience of familial traditions. Narrated by the mother of two daughters, the story opens with an examination of one daughter's favoring of appearances over substance, and the effect this has on her relatives. The mother and her younger daughter, Maggie, live in an

  • Comparing Gertrude and Ophelia of Shakespeare's Hamlet

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    and Gertrude. They are similar in a surprising number of ways. This essay proposes to elucidate the reader on their likeness or similarity. It is quite obvious that both Gertrude and Ophelia are both motivated by love and a desire for quiet familial harmony among the members of their society in Elsinore. Out of love for her son does Gertrude advise: Dear Hamlet, cast thy nighted color off, And let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark. Do not for ever with thy vailed lids Seek

  • Comparing 1984 and Brave New World

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    Nineteen Eighty-Four and Huxley’s Brave New World. Both authors suggest that a lack of familial bonds, the repression of human individuality, and the repression of artistic and creative endeavors in order to attain a stable environment renders the achievement of a perfect state unrealistic. The lack of familial bonds, in both novels, contributes to the development of a dystopian society. This lack of familial bonds is evident through genetic engineering, the use of names, and a commonly used drug

  • Nineteenth Century Views on Charity as Depicted in Charlotte Bronte’s Life and Novel, Jane Eyre

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    school years. To know why charity was significantly one of Bronte’s main focuses in the novel, we will look at the conceptions that the Anglicans and other Christian groups had of charity in the nineteenth century, as well as a history of Bronte’s familial background. The Anglicans and other Christian groups viewed charity differently in the nineteenth century. Each religion had and preached its own concept. We learn that the Anglicans’ views are more in opposition to charity when Cheryl Walsh indicates

  • Family Albums: A Practical Analysis

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    Since their inception in the 1860s, family albums have played an important role as the promoters of familial ideology and treasures of familial memory. ‘Most family photograph albums in containing a great variety of items, both identified and unidentified, from different periods and of varying quality,’ held together by their collective identity with the family (Schoeman, 1996: 8). The function of familial photography is to ‘fix perception and memory, represent a method of preserving memories, document

  • Genetic Testing and Screening

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    tests to screen for these genes is becoming possible for a much larger number of diseases. Some of the current DNA tests available diagnose Adult polycystic kidney disease, Alpha-1-Antitrypsin deficiency, familial adenomatous polyposis, hemophilia, Huntington's disease, myotonic dystrophy, and familial breast cancer susceptibility (Munson, 1996). Many more tests are well on the way to being developed. With the possibility o... ... middle of paper ... ...e water. We must carefully look at the benefits

  • Essay on Personal Freedom Song of Solomon

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    Search for Personal Freedom Song of Solomon Personal freedom is the ability to ignore societal and familial influences to find the true sense of self. Individuals are truly liberated when they are physically, mentally, and spiritually free. The search for personal freedom is exemplified in Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. The main protagonist, Milkman achieves personal freedom through attainment of knowledge, by confronting his family, and by overcoming the prejudices of society. Knowledge

  • Confucian Filial Obligation Essay

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    The Confucian Filial Obligation and Care for Aged Parents ABSTRACT: Some moral philosophers in the West (e.g., Norman Daniels and Jane English) hold that adult children have no more moral obligation to support their elderly parents than does any other person in the society, no matter how much sacrifice their parents made for them or what misery their parents are presently suffering. This is because children do not ask to be brought into the world or to be adopted. Therefore, there is a "basic

  • Jane Eyre: An Orphan’s Success Story

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    and both die within a month of each other (37; ch. 3). Because Jane is still a young child when this occurs, she knows no other life but of that as an orphan. Mr. Reed, her uncle who informally adopts her, wants Jane to be brought up in a positive familial environment. After his death, however, Mrs. Reed makes certain that this is not possible. Through her character, Bronte draws on the archetypical literary figure of the wicked stepmother (Nestor 35). Although Jane now lives with the Reeds, a financially

  • Changes I Would Make in Hamlet

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    scene of the fourth act) deciding what to do about his dead father's command to avenge his "foul and most unnatural murder." Although Hamlet believes that revenge upon his uncle is the morally correct thing to do, and that revenge is required by familial loyalty, he still finds many excuses to delay. The most striking example of an excuse that Hamlet finds to avoid killing his uncle comes in act three, scene three, when Hamlet comes close to killing his uncle, but abstains from doing the deed because

  • Harrison Ainsworth Rookwood

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    entangle in Rookwood was Dick Turpin, a highwayman executed in 1739. However, echoing Bulwer, Ainsworth’s explanation for his interest in Dick Turpin (like Bulwer’s explanation in his choice of Eugene Aram as a subject) is personal and familial (John, 1998, p. 31). Though the basis of the novels seem similar, Ainsworth treated Dick Turpin in a different way than Bulwer treated Eugene Aram. Ainsworth romanticizes history, but basically sticks to the facts (as far as he knew them). Perhaps

  • The Effect of Divorce on Children's Learning and Behavior

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    ongoing sources of stress to children, even up to eight years after the initial separation. Children can be robbed of a special experience and protection called 'Family'. They move on in their lives as individuals without the understanding of what familial security and bond is. Children look out into the world and wonder why it has dealt them a cruel card in life. 'Why me' Why can?t it be Tim, the big bully. Surely he deserves it more than I do?!? (Ng, 1) There is a world of a difference between

  • Division and Destruction in King Lear

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    kept the country unified by his strength. There is no one of equal power to replace him. The solution which naturally suggests itself is a division into three parts, each to be ruled by a daughter and her husband and the national unity maintained by familial bonds. The change is necessitated by circumstance, but that circumstance reflects a compelling inner necessity. Something in the social consciousness is seeking to evolve beyond the limits of absolute power vested in a king. That evolution is what

  • Evaluation of Mother-Women in Chopin’s The Awakening

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    mean that she thinks of motherhood as a religion. While the description of these "mother-women" might imply that they are angelic and selfless, in reality their identity (and existence) depends upon their husband and children. They exist only in a familial context. Without their children they would be nothing. If their children are in no real danger, then the "mother-women" must imagine a threat in order to justify their existence. The use of the word "efface" is strong and telling. It literally means

  • Francesca's Style in Canto V of Dante's Inferno

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    Style in Canto V of Dante's Inferno Canto V of Dante's Inferno begins and ends with confession. The frightening image of Minos who «confesses» the damned sinners and then hurls them down to their eternal punishment contrasts with the almost familial image of Francesca and Dante, who confess to one another. In a real sense confession seems to be defective or inadequate in Hell. The huddled masses who declare their sins to Minos do so because they are compelled to declare or make manifest in speech