Fail-Safe Essays

  • Fail-Safe

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    and Harvey Wheeler’s Fail-Safe explores the complex moral and ethical decisions that arise out of a dangerous situation. Published in 1962 the novel draws heavily on the fear of the Cuban missile crisis. It utilizes the shared fear of an accidental nuclear attack to present a hypothetical situation demanding of a near impossible decision. Fail-Safe remains a novel worthy of study because of the ethical and moral complications of the decision faced by the President. Fail-Safe attempts to offer a decision

  • How Safe Are Mobile Phones?

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    Millions of people own a mobile phone these days, and ever since they have been around scientists question the fact of they are safe or not. Do they cause tumors, earaches, mercury poisoning? All these health risks are mentioned in every article I found. But nowhere could I find anything that was sure if mobiles did cause all of the above. This is where science fails us. The problem is that mobile phones are still too new to know the long-term effects on human. Mobile phones give of a radiation of

  • A Passenger's Concern: How Safe Are Airport Security Measures?

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    A Passenger's Concern: How Safe Are Airport Security Measures? Air travel is a fast and convenient way to reach a destination. Even if many passengers may complain of missed flights, delays during the holidays, and the number of carry-ons they are allowed to bring onto the plane, air travel is an important part of quick transportation. One essential part of the airport system is security. Today, security is a major priority that airports must administer strictly. Due to the recent terrorist

  • Safety In Maple Ridge Essay

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    proper authorities. Remember, being aware of your surroundings at all times is the first way to ensure a safer you, a safer neighbourhood as well as a safer home. 2. Know your house or building Another important way of making sure that your home is safe is to pay attention to all entry and exit points as well as windows and deck doors. If you live in a complex, pay attention to all stairwells, fire exits, as well as entrance and exit points. Make sure that windows with easy entrance points such

  • Is it Safe to Pray?

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    Is it Safe to Pray? No matter what religion a person practices, everybody has gone to church whether it is on a regular basis or for an occasion such as a wedding or funeral. When you look up at the altar and see the priest, you don’t question their morality because society is taught not to question a higher authority figure. Why would such a symbol of purity and sanctity have anything shameful to hide? All of the sudden the man at the altar has lawsuits being filed against him. Child molestation

  • Are Safe-Haven Laws A Good Idea?

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    Are Safe-Haven Laws A Good Idea? Debi Faris recently made the sad drive, again, from her home in Yucaipa, California, to the Los Angeles County coroner's office to retrieve the body of a baby boy who had been left by a dumpster. Ms. Faris, her husband, Mark, and others laid baby Jacob (who was named by the police officer who found the child) to rest in the Garden of Angels, a small portion of a local cemetery the Farises established for abandoned infants in 1996. With the help of donations,

  • politics today

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    education, safe streets and healthcare. Through politics, citizens can apply their power in many different ways to get the things they want. Power is the ability to get someone to do something they may or may not want to do. Through the use of or the application of coercion, persuasion, manipulation and negotiation, power is used to influence the system. It would seem as if valued things, such as safe streets and healthcare, would already be established in a society such as ours. Using safe streets

  • School Security: Safe but Subtle

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    School Security: Safe but Subtle The most infamous and deadly act of violence to occur in a U.S. school were the events of April 20, 1999. In Littleton Colorado two teens went on a shooting and bombing spree that left 15 dead and 24 wounded before they shot and killed themselves. During the rampage, the two fired about 900 rounds of ammunition from two sawed off shotguns, a 9-mm semiautomatic carbine, and a semiautomatic handgun. Police also later found more than 30 bombs placed throughout

  • Persuasive Essay: Drunk Driving

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    driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to Queensland for years. For many years? police have relied heavily on speed cameras, breathe testing and heavy fines as a deterrent against unlawful drivers. Over the years fatality rates have increased, so Queensland Transport has composed a series of safe driving campaigns. On many occasions the transport department informs and advises the public about the importance of responsible driving. They propagate safe driving through the various

  • Seán Lemass and His Contribution to Irish History

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    This enabled Lemass, as Taoiseach, to bring in a troupe of young people to ministerial positions. These included Jack Lynch, CJ Haughey, Donogh O'Malley and Brian Lenihan. This created a flexible cabinet, in total contrast with conservative Fianna Fáil governments of the past. However, it is likely that many of the older generation would have retired anyway due to old age; a similar shift occurred in other political parties. The economic improvement is often exaggerated; after the slump in

  • Gun Safety Essay

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    Buying Your First Gun Safe: Six Important Considerations Buying a gun safe is a big deal, even if you're only a casual user of the weapon(s) you own. Especially with your first safe, you want to make sure you don't overlook any important details, under estimate or over estimate any of your needs and of course, make safety the priority. 1. Buy One Size Up From What You Think You Need Although you need to consider the location of your gun safe in order to ensure a proper fit for it, avoid a model

  • Safe Sex For the Catholic Student in a Public High School

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    Safe Sex For the Catholic Student in a Public High School The teachings of the Catholic Church regarding sex are unequivocal: Catholics should abstain from sex until marriage and then practice monogamy in marriage until they are separated by death. It is the Catholic Church's understanding that all sex in this context is "safe". Hence, in the sexual ideology of Catholic dogma "safe sex" means abstinence and nothing else. And yet despite this, every Catholic in the United States knows what is

  • Jimmy Valentine: A Short Story

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    We all wish we could turn back the clock, do something different, for it's impossible to change what we've done, but not what we plan to do. Jimmy Valentine, master safe cracker and criminal, got busted and sent to prison for what was supposed to be a ten-year sentence. After just four months of his sentence, he was let out and went straight back to his old habits. Not long after getting out Jimmy comes across a girl that changes his life forever, but abstaining from his old ways would seem near

  • The Flood Tribunal

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    brought in clippings, which referred to politicians pocketing brown paper bags back in the early 90s. Liam Lawlor immediately denied that he was the "Mr Big" who pocketed the most from Dunlop's generous sponsors, but this didn't stop Fianna Fail from launching an investigation into Mr Lawlor. After a lengthy grilling by party colleagues, Liam Lawlor ended up leaving the party. (Fine Gael also launched a set of internal inquiries into the payments.) Mr Lawlor denying any wrongdoing, however

  • The Condom Distribution Debate

    2008 Words  | 5 Pages

    Distribution Debate The topic of condom distribution in public schools has caused many heated debates throughout our country in the last decade. Proponents of distribution state that free condom distribution will ensure that teenagers will practice safe sex and that the rate of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy will decline. Opponents of distribution state that free condom distribution will encourage sexual activity and foster the idea that premarital sex is acceptable. Judges in federal

  • Life As An HIV/Aids Counselor

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    doesn’t occur in his or her community and therefore fails to learn how to address it appropriately with clients, he or she does a grave disservice.” (Winiarski) I do, however, ... ... middle of paper ... if I may have HIV or a fear of contracting the disease due to my similar lifestyle; ultimately leading towards the distress of early mortality. Conclusively, I have particular interest in educating my client. I believe that the promotion of safe sex education, HIV/Aids education, life coaching

  • The Cognitive Dissonance Theory (CDT)

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    The Cognitive Dissonance Theory (CDT) As people, we often presume that the actions displayed by a person are piloted through their individual thoughts and opinions, however the cognitive dissonance theory (CDT) shows that this is not always the case. Labeled by some as an action-opinion theory, the theory of cognitive dissonance explains how people are compelled to commit actions contrary to their beliefs. The basic principle behind action-opinion theories is that these types of theories insinuate

  • Dissonance In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

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    Leon Festinger, a psychologist from the 1900’s, became famous for his experimentation with the theory of cognitive dissonance. According to the theory, the human being has a habit of leaning towards uniformity in their mind about topics such as opinions and presumptions. Instead of reversing their beliefs, most people opt to change their actions; this is cognitive dissonance at work. Two main factors affect dissonance, which are the amount of opposing thoughts and the magnitude of those thoughts

  • Marketing Condoms to Teens is Ethical and Necessary

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    if they are conveying a message that condoms and sex are. Jimmie Hatz condoms hit the shelves in February of 2004. “Jimmie Hat” is an urban slang term for condom. According to the marketers of the condoms, Common Ground USA, they are just promoting safe sex. The marketing campaign targets the hip hop culture. The focus is primarily on minority communities where HIV and AIDS are spreading rapidly. "When you look at the numbers and the rate of infection continues to rise within the minority population

  • Persuasive Essay: The Dangers Of The Assault Weapons

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    prevented if guns are not so easily obtainable. Similarly, a man in San Francisco also shot himself to death by accident while he tried to take a picture with the gun. Assault weapon supporters believe that as long as the gun is not loaded, it will be safe. In fact, it does not matter how careful the users think they could be, there are still chances that they forget whether or not the gun is loaded like the two cases listed above. Once the gun goes wrong, it could lead to an irreversible