Existential Essays

  • Finding an Existential Ethic

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    Finding an Existential Ethic Existential philosophy is subject to a single, seemingly debilitating criticism: it comprises a frame of mind rather than a theory. As Mary Warnock argues in her book Existentialist Ethics, "It seems that to be attracted by Existentialism is to be attracted by a mood. When it comes to serious thought, one may find . . . that it is necessary to cast off the mood and start again" (57). The focus of the existentialist is on the individual, existing being. By nature

  • The Existential Progression of King Lear

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    The Existential Progression of King Lear The human condition is the scrutiny of art, Prince Hamlet notes the purpose of art is to hold the mirror against nature. King Lear is a masterful inquiry into the human condition. King Lear is confronted with existence in its barest sense and is forced to adapt to that existence. His adaptation to the absurd provides an invaluable insight for all into the universal problem of existence. Lear is forced into an existential progression that will be traced

  • The Existential Theme of London’s To Build A Fire

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    The Existential Theme of London’s “To Build A Fire" Jack London’s short story, “To Build a Fire,” is the tragic tale of a man who decides to travel alone through the hostile environment of the Yukon in sub-freeing temperatures and falls victim to the unrelenting and unforgiving power of nature. During his journey, the man gets his feet wet as he falls through the ice into the water of a hot spring (London 122). Because of the severity of the cold, some “one hundred and seven degrees below [the]

  • Kosinski's Being There and the Existential Anti-Hero

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    Kosinski's Being There and the Existential Anti-Hero Critics have referred to Kosinski's Being There as his worst novel.  Perhaps, Kosinski's prosaic style is deceptive in its apparent simplicity (especially when contrasted with The Painted Bird).  "What Kosinski seeks to do," as Welch D. Everman relates, "is to stimulate the reader's recreative and imaginative task by offering only the essentials...Kosinski's style draws the reader into the incident by refusing to allow him to remain passive"

  • Essay On Existential Therapy

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    Conceptualization and Treatment Plan Existential Therapy (ET) will be utilized in this case study to assist M’Lynn through the counseling process to acknowledge that she is the one making the choices in her life, and deciding what course her life takes. In Existential Therapy (ET), there are numerous incarnations and techniques because the emphasis is on individuality, recognizing that each therapeutic relationship is unique (Jones & Butman, 2011). In Existential Therapy (ET) the focus is on what the

  • Theories Of Existential Therapy

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    There are several counseling theories which includes; client centered theory, cognitive behavioral theory, solution focused theory, existential theory, strength based theory and holistic health theory. In this article I am going to deeply look into existential therapy covering its history, major concepts and how it is perceived by religion. According to Existential psychotherapy, inner conflict within an individual are caused by personal confrontation with person is due to that individual 's confrontation

  • Existential Therapy And Gestalt Therapy

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    Existential Therapy and Gestalt Therapy The Existential Approach stands for respect for the person, for exploring new aspects of human behavior, and for divergent methods of understanding people (Corey, 2013). Existentialists do not focus on instinctive drives or internalized others but on the person's unavoidable confrontation with the givens of the human condition. Yalom (1980) described those givens as death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness. (Bauman, & Waldo, 1998). Existential therapy

  • Yalom's Perspective of Existential Therapy

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    Yalom's Perspective of Existential Therapy Existential therapy through the eyes of Dr. Yalom is very fascinating. There is never a fixed life that each person is supposed to live. In his therapy the clients are allowed to find out for themselves what it is they need by receiving adequate questioning from Dr. Yalom. His questioning guides them down the existential path to freedom and responsibility. "If we affirm life and live in the present as fully as possible, however, we will not be obsessed

  • Case Study Of Bonnie's Existential Crisis

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    Introduction Existential Therapy was chosen to assist Bonnie with her Issues. Existential therapy is a more effective approach because it deals with concrete issues. The theory focuses on the attitudes of individuals and important life themes. This type of therapy help individuals cope with everyday issues by understanding oneself, taking responsibility for oneself, and finding meaning in life. Existential therapy would be a great approach to address Bonnie’s depression, and anxiety symptoms, which

  • Anna's Case Study: Existential Therapy

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    Introduction Existential therapy (ET) is a dynamic approach that focuses on issues and concerns that are imbedded in the individual’s existence (Yalam, 1980). ET is based on the view of “specific forces, motives and fears that interact in the individual” (Yalam, 1980). The purpose of ET is to help clients in making choices based on their belief system, accept reasonability for their actions and the outcomes, whether positive or negative, and find meaning in their life (Eliason, Samide, Williams

  • Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay: The Existential Anguish of J. Alfred

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    The Existential Anguish of J. Alfred Prufrock Upon reading Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," the first question which sprang to my mind was the question of how Eliot, a poet who was in his mid-twenties at the time, was able to write a poem dealing with the problems of aging in such a penetrating manner. Upon closer examination, however, I realized that Prufrock's aging was only incidental to his central problem. Prufrock's major problem is a problem of existential anguish. Prufrock's

  • A Critical Review Of Humanistic And Existential Psychology

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    Humanistic and Existential Psychology are influential of each other, both include the “meaning of our existence, the role of free will, and the uniqueness of each human” (Burger, 2015) This paper will review three articles written by influential psychologists of their time, Maslow, Rogers, and Frankl. The review of each will include a summary, how well the contents connects to the humanistic or existential psychology, and if their ideas still have a relevant application in today’s environment. The

  • My Philosophical Approach To Counseling

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    My Philosophical Approach to Counseling Definition of Existential Therapy One survey taken by Corey suggests a definition of Existential Therapy include two key elements: Existential Therapy is essentially an approach to counseling and therapy rather than a firm theoretical model, it stresses core human conditions. Normally, personality development is based on the uniqueness of each individual. Sense of self develops from infancy. Self determination and a tendency toward growth are control ideas

  • Existential Isolation

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    another person, no matter how extensively we attempt to understand them or explain ourselves, there remains a perpetual gap (Yalom 1989). The individuals lived experience is so specific it is without question impossible to every fully grasp another. Existential isolation is not something to be solved but rather something to be aware of and to find strength in. Often people attempt to solve their isolation with self-sabotaging solutions. The most common of these is fusion. Fusion is the melting away of

  • Bayard’s Search for Subjective Truth in Faulkner’s The Unvanquished

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    Bayard’s Search for Subjective Truth in Faulkner’s The Unvanquished Unlike Sarty Snopes of “Barn Burning”, the narrator of The Unvanquished leads a somewhat existential life. Sarty takes an objectively moral stance when abandoning his abusive father. Conversely, Bayard Sartoris is faced with the “ambiguity and absurdity of the human situation” and is on a search for subjective truth (Kierkegaard). Though he acts on behalf of his family, he does things that he knows can be considered wrong. Additionally

  • The Extraordinary Family in Judith Guest's novel, Ordinary People

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    The Extraordinary Family in Judith Guest's novel, Ordinary People Judith Guest's novel Ordinary People evinces some main principles of the modernist literary movement, such as the philosophy that modern man is beset by existential angst and alienation. According to Carl Marx, a renowned existentialist, alienation, as a result of the industrial revolution, has made modern man alienated from the product of his own labor, and has made him into a mechanical component in the system. Being a "cog

  • The Rise and Fall of Existentialism

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    The Rise and Fall of Existentialism Existential literature often focuses on the personal journey towards existential awareness. Common themes in existential works, such as alienation and confrontation with death, often lead the "anti-hero" towards a climactic choice that defines whether they have reached true understanding. The themes within existential literature are reflected from the world at large, and the works themselves are a metaphor for a grander shift in Western philosophy.

  • The Meaning of Life According to Victor E. Frankl

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    take toward unavoidable suffering. There are several reasons why a person could be feeling that their life is meaningless or has no meaning. According to Victor Frankl these reasons could be existential frustration, existential vacuum, and the meaning of suffering. Frankl breaks down the meaning of existential frustration as so, it can be referred to as existence itself – the specifically mode of being, the meaning of existence, and striving to find concrete meaning in personal existence, which is

  • Existentialism In No Exit

    645 Words  | 2 Pages

    In his play, No Exit, Jean-Paul Sartre examines basic themes of existentialism through three characters. The first subject, Garcin, embraces existentialist ideas somewhat. The second character, Inez, seems to fully understand ideas deemed existential. Estelle is the third person, and does not seem to understand these ideas well, nor does she accept them when they are first presented to her. One similarity amongst the three is that they all at some point seem to accept that they are in Hell for a

  • Existentialism in Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis and The Hunger Artist

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    People become more and more involved with their work, which is taking them away from their friends, family, and culture. However, these provide the only "meaning" that life could possibly have. One author prominently known for his work with existential ideas was Franz Kafka. Kafka, who wrote from the mid-1910's until the early 1920's, took the ideas of existentialism and interwove them so well into his novels and short stories that they became a trademark of his writing. Two of his stories