Exclusive Essays

  • Creative Writing: Antony´s Grave

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    A chill shivered down Hannah’s spine as she proceeded through the rusty old withered gates of the cemetery and walked towards Anthony’s grave. With the sun was tucked away behind the grey clouds and black sky that over hung over, it seemed to be that days like this were always darker than the rest. As the overgrown weeds brushed past her legs, Hannah shuffled up to Anthony’s grave and placed a bunch of red magnolias beneath his moss and lichen grown tombstone. While placing the flowers down, she

  • Review of Exclusive Yarns

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    Review of Exclusive Yarns Review Recently I went to see Exclusive Yarns, a small, modern production that was shown at The Studio, which is part of The New Wimbledon Theatre. Exclusive Yarns is a comedy, based on a type of soap opera which is presented in a very melodramatic way. The cast was made up of three women, three men and one extra, which was a male who played a female but remained nameless and silent throughout. The play was all based around a soap opera called 'Exclusive Yarns'

  • Mutually Exclusive Events

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    of events that are mutually exclusive and those that are independent. Like pieces of a puzzle in the grand structure of life, understanding these concepts unlocks the intricacies of how events interact with and influence each other. From the realms of sports to finance, from the natural world to human efforts, the concepts of mutually exclusive and independent events extend through every area of our existence, shaping outcomes and guiding decisions (Mutually exclusive events, n.d.). In the following

  • Trans-Exclusive Feminism Essay

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    resurgence in the public sphere. TERFs, or trans-exclusive radical feminists, see the increased visibility of the transgender community thanks to activists like Laverne Cox, Janet Mock, and Carmen Carrera, and have countered with transgender exclusivity. As a result, a divide has deepened in the feminist movement, a war of sorts between trans-exclusive and trans-inclusive activists—a TERF war. In this essay, I analyze the theory behind trans-exclusive feminism, positioning it within contemporary feminist

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of An Exclusive Contract

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    examine and be aware of the advantages as well as the disadvantages of their contract. On a good note an exclusive contract can ensure that the services are always available, help to avoid self-referrals, and can expedite patient evaluations during the contract period (James, James & James, 1994). On the other hand, this type of contract can lead to undesirable results. Some advantages of an exclusive contract can be the services rendered along with physicians and other personnel and the technology are

  • Singapore Intellectual Property Case Study

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    abbreviated as IP and known also as Industrial Property, refers to various kinds of creations of the human mind for which exclusive rights are recognized. The Intellectual property Law exists to grant business owners, artistes and innovators exclusive intellectual rights regarding many intangible assets and these are for a specified duration. Examples • Business owners are given exclusive rights regarding the use of their trademarks as well as geographical indications that were established by the business

  • Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement

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    statutes to protect intellectual property from misappropriation and infringement. “The source of federal copyright and patent law originates with the Copyright and Patent ... ... middle of paper ... ...one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot

  • Commercial Surrogacy Essay

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    A woman enters into a contract that consists on her getting pregnant with a strangers sperms, and after the baby is born, to give up the baby. The stranger is going to pay the medical expenses and $10,000 in exchange of claiming all the parental rights when the baby is born. The stranger is a good person who has not been able to have children on his own. Why does the morality of the action may seem doubtful? Philosopher Elizabeth Anderson wrote an essay called “is Women’s Labor a Commodity?” to explain

  • Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Intellectual Property

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    Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Intellectual Property I will discuss three to five (3-5) ethical issues relating to marketing and advertising, intellectual property, and regulation of product .I will Argue for or against Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) marketing by drug companies Determine who regulates compounding pharmacies under the current regulatory scheme, what the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could / should have done in this scenario, and whether the FDA should

  • Ethics And Intellectual Property: Ethics And Intellectual Property

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    ETHICS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 2 Ethics and Intellectual Property Intellectual property abounds in our society, it is the direct result of the expression of an idea or other intangible material (Zuber, 2014). Our laws provide rights which are specific to the owner of the intellectual property. Furthermore, intellectual property is protected by laws just like tangible property is protected (Lau & Johnson, 2014). The most widely known forms of intellectual property

  • Hasbro and Sweetpea: Battling for a Troubled Franchise?

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    contacted TSR and submitted a proposal. After two years of proposal after proposal, and extensive negotiations, TSR and Sweetpea entered into an Option Agreement dated May 3, 1991 (the “Option Agreement”). Sweetpea exercised the option and arrived at an Exclusive Irrevocable License ... ... middle of paper ... ...o choose the litigation path? I don’t know. It could be that it missed reading the contract, but for a huge company with an army of lawyers, Hasbro is not one to miss something like this. It

  • Creative Industries and Culture

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    Living in a modern time, our lives can hardly be separated from creativity and culture. Creative industries have increasingly influenced our daily lives, not just the products we use, but also the money we make. According to DCMS (2014), creative industries in Britain are worth more than £70 billion to its economy every year, not to mention creative industries in other countries. In the following, the seven economic properties as stated in Caves (2000) will be applied to the creative industry, ‘New

  • Argumentative Essay On Quitclaim Deed

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    1999 × 1500 Caption A quitclaim deed transfers interest in a property. Alternate Text Group Filing a quitclaim deed removes your name from the title to a piece of real estate and transfers your interest to a spouse, child, partner or another person whose name remains on the title. Quitclaiming is commonly used to transfer property during a divorce settlement, removing one spouse from the deed and putting the title solely in the name of the person who is retaining the family home. If you choose to

  • The Benefits Of Landscaping

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    Landscaping is the beautification of an area using shrubs, trees, ornamental plants, rocks, or other decorative materials to enhance the land around a location. Owning a landscaping business is a career choice that allows for a great amount of flexibility. The owner holds the right to take the business in any direction that he so chooses, and holds the sole rights to make any decision. This line of work also allows for the employees spend a large amount of time outside. Daily activities include anything

  • Pros And Cons Of Intellectual Property

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    Intellectual Property laws Introduction “The right to own one's genius is not a new concept. However, with the arrival of the digital age, it has become much harder to remain in control of one's intellectual property. Intellectual property has grown from the need to protect one's new invention, to the need to protect a slogan or a color. In other words, intellectual property rights no longer protect solely the interest of preserving a trade secret; it is now the interest to preserve one's monetary

  • Exclusive Nike Sportswear Sale and Event Invitation

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    have new and exclusive prices for members like you where you can enjoy an exclusive pre-sale in addition to a coexistence with the directors of the company and at the end of the event you can enjoy the presentation of the group Reik, playing all their successes, we hope to have your valuable assistance, likewise if you know someone interested you can bring it with you. For each person that comes with you, you will receive a 5% discount on your purchase, and you will be given an exclusive customer card

  • Ethos Pathos Logos

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    To Own or To Be Owned Purchasing a physical book versus a digital copy, what differentiate these two items? In Christopher Groskopf’s article, “True or false: If it’s on your phone, and you paid for it, you own it” argues that digital owners’ rights have been limited by the Terms of Service(TOS) that they signed before purchasing the material. The digital owners have become mere users due to the TOS. This article will be analysed using Aristotle’s rhetoric arguments which are logos, pathos and ethos

  • The Great Tuna Boat Chase and Massacre case

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    business to preserve his quality of life and his rights were infringed upon. To allow this case to go unresolved endangers the livelihood of many more fishermen. Ruling in favor of Ecuador would set a precedent that has far-reaching consequences: Exclusive Economic Zones are territorial waters. As a result, rights would be granted to States in their territorial waters that were not intended to be by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The violence exhibited by the Ecuadorian navy shows

  • Maritime Security And International Maritime Law

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    When looking at the world today, there are many security issues which get presented on a daily basis in the maritime security realm, and will often change due to some type of existing or new development of sort of security threat. Every country has it’s own security challenges, and the United States is no different. When it comes to these newly enacted maritime security measures, policies or threats, changes will happen that can have a different effect on individuals whether it be a private business

  • The Law of the Sea

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    The Law of the Sea Territorial Sea is established up to 12 miles from the baseline of the coast. This is an extension of the land and the coastal state exerts full sovereignty over the area. It is an area of national jurisdiction. Also establishes a contiguous zone where the coastal State may exercise the control necessary to (1) prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations (2) punish infringement of the above laws and regulations committed