EDTA Essays

  • Determination of Cu2+ by Titration

    507 Words  | 2 Pages

    Determination of Cu2+ by Titration Introduction: The purpose of this lab is to determine the concentration of copper ions in an unknown solution. Complexometric titration will be used to determine the concentration. A buret will be used to deliver the complexing agent to the unknown solution. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid will be used as the complexing reagent. An indicator, Murexide in our case, will be used to indicate the endpoint of the reaction. Theories and Concepts: The anion

  • Chemistry: What is A Complexometric Titration

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    Pharmaceutical Analysis [homepage on the internet] . No date. [cited 2014 Mar 20]. Available from: http://download.fa.itb.ac.id/filenya/Handout%20Kuliah/Inorganic%20Pharmaceutical%20Analysis%202008/English%20Version/05.%20COMPLEXOMETRIC%20TITRATION.pdf. EDTA Titrations [homepage on the internet]. No date. [cited 2014 Mar 24]. Available from: http://bionmr.unl.edu/courses/chem221/lectures/chapter-12.ppt. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSr8T9O08hjWT4n_LqSRWKxWaoPh8aUOpDzzdys1C3bMGVeAY9o

  • Complexometric Titration

    3069 Words  | 7 Pages

    In back titration an excess of standard EDTA solution is added to the metal solution to be analysed and the excess is back titrated to with a standard solution of a second metal ion (3). In replacement titration, the metal to be analysed displaces quantitatively from the complex (3). When the first 2 methods do not give a sharp endpoint, the metal may be determined by the displacement ... ... middle of paper ... ...rated against a known volume of EDTA References www.srmuniv.ac.in/downloads/Complexometric_Titration

  • Case Study: OJ Simpson EDA

    1115 Words  | 3 Pages

    Report 6: OJ Simpson EDTA Janet Boateng Forensic 5400 Analytical Forensic sciences This paper is the original work of Janet Boateng Ethylenediamine¬tetra¬acetic acid is also known as EDTA, a French-Swiss chemist discovered it by the name Alfred Werner. In 1893, he developed the theory of coordination compounds, also known as chelates. The first application of his discovery started in the 1820’s in Germany and later in the USA. When it was first introduce

  • Lactase Experiment

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    The EDTA tube required 0.5 M EDTA to be added until the solution reached 1.25 mL of EDTA. To the Control tube, distilled water had to be added. Once done, this tube now contained 1.25 mL of water. After these steps were done, each tube called for three drops of milk. The tubes must then be inverted

  • Lab Report Testing the Hardness of Water

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    Lab Report Testing the Hardness of Water Water is the most important molecule that exists on the Earth. Without water living beings would not be able to live. Water is used for an immeasurable number of things. There are many properties of water, which makes this molecule so unique. One which people overlook is hardness. Hardness is defined in the Chemistry: The Central Science by Prentice Hall's as being "water that contains a relatively high concentration of Ca2+, Mg2+, and other divalent cations

  • Chemtrek Hard Water

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    With respect to each member's sample, I felt that the precision of the AA spectroscopy and EDTA results were not that precise because the values were far apart from each other. For instance, my data had AA spectroscopy and EDTA titration values of 167.31ppm and 240ppm respectively. However, I observed that the lake's and pond's values were precise when compared to each other because they had the same EDTA titration values and nearly identical AA spectroscopy values. (Refer to Chart 3 in Results)

  • Method Of Titration Method

    1672 Words  | 4 Pages

    A titration method is conducted by the addition of a standard solution from a burette until reaction is completed. The volume of reagent needed for the completion of titration can be determine from the difference between the initial and final volume readings. When an analyte reacts with a reagent of known concentration, it is called as titration. Analyte is a chemical substance that is a chemical analysis subject 1. Titrant is the standard solution added from the burette. The volume of required titrant

  • O. J. Simpson Case Analysis

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    the validity of the blood samples collected at the scene, arguing that it was possible the blood had been planted at the crime scene. According to a quote from crimemuseum.org “The defense team stated that EDTA was found in the samples of blood that were collected at the crime scene. EDTA is a blood fixer (anticoagulant) used in labs and mixed with collected blood. If evidence with Simpson’s blood Simpson to the murder of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson, he was found not guilty by a jury on

  • Alkaline Phosphatase

    2466 Words  | 5 Pages

    Alkaline phosphatase, or AP, is an enzyme that is responsible for dephosphorylation, or removing phosphate groups, of various types of molecules such as proteins and nucleotides. It has a molecular weight of 140-160 kilo-Daltons and as said in the name, alkaline phosphatase works in an environment with pH values ranging from 7.5-9.5, which is an alkaline, or basic, environment. And according to Sigma-Aldrich, alkaline phosphatase can be used to “to dephosphorylate the 5'-termini of DNA or RNA to

  • Importance Of Coordination Compounds

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    According to Britannica online Encyclopaedia (n.d) a coordination compound is any type of substance that has a chemical structure which contains a metal as the central atom and surrounding it are groups of non-metals which are called ligands that are bonded by coordinate covalent bonds. This means that the bonding electrons are supplied by the ligand, the central atom is a Lewis acid (electron acceptor) and the ligand is a Lewis base ( electron donor). There are many of these compounds and have different

  • Analysis Of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand)

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    measured as centralization of just calcium and magnesium particles. Rule of EDTA titrations The brisk, complete and 1:1 communication of metal particles with EDTA prompting the arrangement of stable complex is the premise of complexometric titrations. System: • Take 50 ml of waterway water test in conelike jar. • Add 1ml of ammonium support hardness 4 drops of dark T. • This arrangement is titrating with EDTA arrangement 0.02N. • After that change shading of blue. 3.9 These strong

  • Enzyme Calibration Lab

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    EDTA, the chelating agent that binds with magnesium, had a high absorbency and strong color change to red. The correct cofactor was copper which with the chelating agent of PTU and citric acid which both bind strongly to copper which keeps it from binding

  • Water Hardness Essay

    761 Words  | 2 Pages

    1.0 What is water hardness? Water hardness is the amount of calcium and magnesium dissolved in water. When water passes through ground or rocks for example limestone the calcium and magnesium is dissolved into the water thus producing hard water. Water hardness does not easily give good lather with soap. There are two types of hardness, temporary and permanent. Temporary hardness is caused by dissolved calcium and magnesium bicarbonates. Boiling the water can soften temporary hardness, by boiling

  • Kidney Stones Essay

    1676 Words  | 4 Pages

    Endorsing home remedies as a cure for kidney stones. Author: Mbaegbu Makuachukwu Lab researched partners Tyler Newman Chandni Patel Cristina Medina Teacher Assistant: Tamalia Julien INTRODUCTION Kidney stones, a very common urinary tract disorder that is now really rampant in humans especially. Some causes of kidney stones are still being argued from whether it is due to what is consumed or having a history in the family. There are some common kidney stones which are phosphate, oxalate

  • Formal Laboratory Report: The Chemistry Of Water

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    chemical principle behind AA is the Beer-Lambert Law. It can be easily used to calculate the metal concentration in the water sample. Atoms have energy levels are unique. Atoms need to be matched the energy of light falling on them to be excited.3 EDTA Titration is another technique to determine metals dissolved in water. Different from AA, it analyzed all cations presented in water, instead of just Ca2+ and Mg2+. 3 Another water to determine water hardness is called Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

  • The Pros And Cons Of Chelation Therapy

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    to the surface of the blood stream they do not penetrate the intercellular membrane. Chelating therapy Chelating agent is a material that can consists more than one bond to a named metal ion. One of the important chelate agents is the commonly known EDTA, it a man-made amino acid

  • The Chemistry And History Of Coordination Chemistry

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    Coordination chemistry came about from the work of Alfred Werner, a Swiss chemist who examined different compounds made up of cobalt (III) Chloride and ammonia. When hydrochloric acid was added, Werner noticed that ammonia could not be removed completely. He then suggested that the ammonia must bind more tightly to the central cobalt ion. However, when aqueous silver nitrate was added, one of the products formed was solid silver chloride. The resulting amount of silver chloride was related to the

  • Factors That May Cause Contamination During Filtration

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    2. Comment on class result with respect to differences in filter types, differences in filter assemblies, and overall on the confidence you would have in using this type of sterilisation process in preparation of pharmaceutical products. List the factors that may cause contamination during filtration. (20 marks) Factors that may contribute to contamination: • Not disinfecting work area • Fibres from filter, clothing etc. • Potential chemical release from filter, syringe etc. • Assembly of Swinnex

  • What Is Food Preservation Essay

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    Food can be classified as fast food, junk food, whole food, organic food out of these whole food is unprocessed, unrefined so it has very short shelf life because most foods contain enzymes or natural chemicals, such as acids or alcohols, that cause them to begin to lose characteristics almost immediately after harvest or preparation. In addition, a several of environmental factors, such as heat and the presence of microorganisms, acts to change foodstuffs in ways that may harm the food product so