Chelate is a chemical compound in a form of hero-cyclic ring (chelating agent) containing a metal ion covalently bonded to at least two or non-metal ions in the same molecule. They are classified based on their covalently bonding and stability resistance to biological transformants, high affinity, level of removal of metal during detoxification. Chelation therapy is a well-studied therapy by known to remove condensate which are transition metals (Ca, Mn, Pb, Ar) that are accumulated in the blood stream. Chelating agents are restricted only to the surface of the blood stream they do not penetrate the intercellular membrane. Chelating therapy Chelating agent is a material that can consists more than one bond to a named metal ion. One of the important chelate agents is the commonly known EDTA, it a man-made amino acid …show more content…
Stability of a complex in solution is known to be the separation of two compound resulting in equilibrium state, theoretically it was observed that; there greater association, the higher the stability of the …show more content…
An ideal chelator must have high affinity, low toxicity, must have strength to compete with natural chelators which are produced by microorganisms, meaning other characteristics of it must be isolated from the microorganism to over express it when differentiated with it. It must act rapidly towards removal of condensates; it must have ability to penetrate the inner membrane of a cell, must reduce side effects by reducing formation of toxic
Felder, M. Richard, Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, 3rd ed.; Wiley: New Jersey, 2000; p 631.
4. Chromium Picolinate Toxicity; by, Cerulli J., Grabe DW., Gauthier I., Malone M., and McGoldrick MD.. ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY. 32(4) : 428-31, 1998 April
When benzoic acid paired with 1.0 M NaOH, it was observed that both compounds were soluble. Upon the addition of 6.0 M HCl into this solution, benzoic acid became insoluble. Benzoic acid was also insoluble in 1.0 M HCl. Ethyl 4-aminobenzoate was found to be insoluble in 1.0 M NaOH and soluble in 1.0 M HCl. But then, after adding 6.0 M NaOH into the test tube C (mixture of ethyl 4-aminobenzoate and 1.0 M HCl), a white powdery solid (undissolved compound) was formed. These demonstrate that both the acid and base became more soluble when they were ionized and less soluble when they were
12. "Chemotherapy." World of Scientific Discovery. Gale, 2007. Science in Context. Web. 23 May 2014.
Similarly, going along with the prior rebuttal of the importance of differentiating juvenile’s characteristics and actions of that of an adult, science is compiling more evidence of its vitality. Many adults can look back and reminisce about an action he or she did when younger and say, “Wow I cannot believe I did that.” Science has proven the reason behind that is because an adolescent’s brain has not yet fully matured. Tsui states “Studies conclusively established that the brain of an adolescent is not fully developed, particularly in the area of the prefrontal cortex, which is critical to higher order cognitive functioning and impulse control” (645). The facts of scientific research need to be taken into consideration when distinguishing
For many years the standard methods used for cancer treatment are chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery. These treatments use drugs that are designed to kill the rapidly dividing cancerous cells aggressively and are effective, but they do however, kill many healthy cells of an individual and result in severe side affects. It wasn't until the past few decades that the emergence of a new approach to cancer therapy has gained attention. Researchers have been focusing on the idea of cancer immunotherapy. The first immunotherapy maneuver was done back in 1860. A man by the name of William Cooley decided to inject bacteria into tumors. He noticed that the bacteria were provoking an immune response in patients and it had caused tumor regression. This was the first example that showed we could use the patients immune response to fight a tumor. Scientists have been struggling and attempting to create effective cancer treatments based on Cooley's observations.
“When someone has cancer, the whole family and everyone who loves them does, too.” – Terri Clark
Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to cure cancer. Chemotherapy is also known as “chemo”. The term for chemo came from the German bacteriologist Paul Ehrlich around the year 1900. He came up with the term when he was examining aniline dyes and arsenicals as possible treatments for diseases such as syphilis. He envisioned “magic bullets” that would be able to target invading organisms but still leave the host unscathed. This goal has been providing therapeutic benefits without many side effects in all areas of drug development. There has been a lot of success with compounds that modulate normal biochemistry within the body.
Almost everyone is touched by cancer in some way and the number of people living with and beyond cancer grows greater every year. Globally 14 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year and 8 million people will die from it annually. Half of all men and one-third of all women will develop cancer during their lifetime. (13) There are many treatments for cancer, mainly: surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. These traditional treatments have many negative side effects. Therefore, increasingly, other treatments, such as hormonal therapy and targeted therapy are being used for certain cancers. Nanotechnology is a form of targeted therapy that destroys cancer tumors with minimal damage to healthy tissues and organs. Scientists are already using nanotechnology in early detection of elimination of cancer cells before they form tumors. But the real game changer will be when nanotechnology targets cancer tumors in treatment (11,13).
There are numerous reasons as to why I want to pursue my dream of becoming a radiation therapist. The most important reason is because I love to help other people overcome any problem they are facing. However saving a patient’s life through radiation would be even more amazing. Not to mention, after obtaining the proper education, the salary I receive will be fairly high. Cancer has recently become a part of many families, including my own. I see what a few of my family members are going through and having to struggle with every single day in order to live to see another day, The struggles that they go through have opened my mind in many ways, I wish I was the one that they could come to for a chance of survival, but I can’t, so in order for me to help cancer patients fight for their lives, I will obtain the proper education, licenses, and possess the numerous skills needed by a radiation therapist..
The objective of this experiment is to study the continuous variations method that is used to determine the composition of the solution Ni2+ ethylenediamine complexes.
Many organisms can produce precise signals that single compounds or specific blends act much like “releasers” or “primers” that elicit a particular biological response. Some organisms can produce complex chemical
According to (Biesen) , In a complexometric titration a coordination covalent bond is formed via the ability of most metal ions to receive unshared pairs of electrons from a anion or molecule. Furthermore, a ligand: which is a molecule that contain a lone pair of electrons and can therefore form a bond with a complex ion or metal ion. Therefore a ligand determines the metal ion concentration. [2] Therefore according to (Hussain, 2007), the maximum amount of ligands that can take part in a titration are known as Werner’s Number and allow for complex formation.[13]
Cheminformatics term was coined for the first time by F.K. Brown and it's defined as "the field of chemistry that integrates chemical data with analytic and molecular design tools finding the 'best- fitting' compounds to address particular targets". It can be called also "chemoinformatics", "chemioinformatics" or "chemical informatics". In silico techniques are used in cheminformatics for a wide range of applications, such as in rotational drug design or in drug diversity, using the structure for predication of the activity and in virtual screening. This was first applied in the making of the period table
...ceptor. So this means that the interaction between the Lewis acid metal center in Nickel II perchlorate, Ni(ClO4)2 and the Bronsted base ammonia, NH3, will create a complex. Complex in here means it is a molecular existence formed by two or more element entities (ionic or neutral), or the correlated chemical type. In simpler words, it means that it is a substance that is composed by two or more substances each that can be able to exist independently.