Drumhead Essays

  • African Drums In Africa

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    means to "everyone gather together in peace" The meaning of the drum defines the drum's purpose. Also in the Bambara language, "djé" is the verb for "gather" and "bé" which interprets as "peace”. The body of the Djembe is carved of hardwood and the drumhead is made of organic rawhide, which is usually made from goatskin. Djembes have an outside diameter of 30–38 cm and its height is 58–63 cm without the rings. Most have a diameter in the 13 to 14 inch range and they usually weigh 5 kg to 13 kg

  • Rattle Drum History

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    Rattle drum are shaken membranophones, and, as their name indicates, they combine elements of both the rattle and the drum, and percussion is either by impact of the knotted ends of attached cords or leather thongs, or by partly filling the drum with pebbles. The former rattle drum type is referred to as a drum with external percussion and the latter one is known as internal percussion. Today these drums are found in Asia from India to Japan and in Syria and Lebanon as well as Egypt and also among

  • Percussion Essay

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    horses and they would play them while they road. To add to that, Middle Eastern people would do the same thing but they would be riding camels. (Jason) Drumheads have been made from dried and stretched animal skin for a very long time, but after a while the way they prepared these drumheads improved and the quality of the heads increased. Some drumheads are still made from those same materials. Some time during the 1940’s Du Pont started to test a synthetic polyester film Mylar. Starting sometime in

  • Instruments Of The Orchestra

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    Instruments of the Orchestra Strings: The viola is an important member of the orchestra, but is not often heard by itself. Because it is bigger than the violin, with longer strings, it makes a rich, warm sound that is lower in pitch. In contrast to the viola the violin is the smallest member of the string family. Because its strings are the shortest, it produces the highest sound. The viola is a little heavier, and its shape is slightly different, too. But it is still played on the violist’s left

  • The Destruction of Innocent Billy Budd

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    by his rival John Claggart, who is the master-at-arms aboard the ship. Claggart reveals his accusations to Captain Edward Fairfax Vere. Unable to defend himself through words, Budd punches Claggart in the head and kills him. Captain Vere and the drumhead court, the first lieutenant, the captain of marines, and the sailing master, then decide the fate of Billy. Even though they recognize Billy's innocence, Captain Vere and the court decides that he should be hung for his actions. Billy Budd, Sailor

  • Therapeutic Use of Drumming Description

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    Music, as a form of therapy, has been steadily growing as an effective intervention for a diversity of populations. Drumming in particular, has been identified as a form of healing for centuries and remains a tradition in a variety of cultures to this day. In the field of Recreation Therapy, therapeutic drumming can prove to be an invaluable intervention in program development for select populations. There has been a substantial amount of clinical research that supports therapeutic drumming, much

  • Drum Drums History

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    Less than a Century old, the modern drum kit is a relatively new instrument, however, the drums have been the driving force and heartbeat of popular music through the times. From the change through marching music, to jazz, big bands and rock, the drums have been used as a means of keeping time, and of musical expression. During the period of the Civil War (1861-1865) marching music dominated the music scene. Every military unit had its own squad of musicians, usually formed according to locality

  • Billy Budd Justice

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    Billy Budd - Not about Divine Justice and Human Justice   Some have misinterpreted Melville's Billy Budd as a story about the distinction between divine justice, on the one hand, and human justice, on the other. Here's a summary of the "incorrect" reading that leads to this conclusion: When John Claggart falsely accuses Billy Budd of inciting mutiny, Captain Vere (whose name suggests "truth") arranges a confrontation between the accuser and the accused. When Claggart shamelessly repeats

  • The Cicada Many Things to Many People

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    The Cicada Many Things to Many People In this century of rapid scientific discovery, there still exist natural phenomena with the power to inspire wonder and mystery. The cicada, an insect known since ancient times, is one such phenomenon. Because scientific knowledge of the cicada contains many gaps, these mysterious insects can still stimulate our imagination or lead us into confusion. At the present time, the cicada is many things to many people: it is a curiosity that should be approached

  • My first drum

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    always wanted to play the drums. When I was three years old my godmother gave me my first drum. It was a blue plastic remo drum that I love and I still have. It has white stripes that go vertically and it has two black remo pin strip drum heads. Drumheads are the surface, which you strike with a drumstick to produce a sound. The drum came with a pair of cheap plastic remo brand drumsticks. That I hardly use became if I do, I would probably break the drumsticks. One day when I was in sixth grade I

  • Billy Budd - Convictions Shaken

    1953 Words  | 4 Pages

    would be in conflict with his job, which requires him to be a militaristic authoritarian. Captain Vere learns important lessons when innocent hands bring about destruction of life. Vere was moved by his beckoning duty as captain, to convince the drumhead court to convict Billy Budd. However, the paternal emotions towards Billy Budd and his rational thinking did invoke indecision. Captain Vere realizes, when he has to act, he does not have the strength of conviction he had thought. Vere’s character

  • Billy Budd Essay: Close, but no Christ Figure

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    Billy Budd – Close, but no Christ Figure Billy Budd, the foretopman in Billy Budd, Sailor, seems similar to Jesus Christ because of his relative appearance of purity, simplicity, and innocence. He posses human virtues which cannot be explained but* by any other method except comparison to Christ. Yet, while Budd may seem like a "Christ figure" at first glance, he is a far cry from the Christ of the Holy Bible. Budd is human, and his short comings-his natural flaws and apathy towards others

  • The Importance of Oral Traditions in African History

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    One of the most crucial aspects of the development of philosophy of African history has been a realization of the importance of the spoken or oral traditions in the framing and interpretation of African history. The oral tradition is a living, and dynamic organism within the African community, and the original element of oral traditional is djembe. The Djembe is a traditional African drum and is the symbolic instrument of the West African community. The Djembe is held on a high pedestal in the social

  • Herman Melville's Billy Budd as Allegory of Good versus Evil

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    Herman Melville's Billy Budd as Allegory of Good versus Evil Herman Melville's Billy Budd relates an allegory of innocence versus evil by symbolizing Billy Budd, John Claggart, and Captain Vere as Jesus Christ, Lucifer, and God. The protagonist in the novel is Billy Budd.  The experiences that Billy undergoes throughout the novel parallel what Jesus Christ endured in his life.  Melville characterizes Billy Budd as an innocent man physically and mentally.  The first feature sailors would notice

  • Why Is Billy Budd A Good Leader

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    Billy Budd, a novella written by Herman Melville, is the story of the happenings aboard the H.M.S. Bellipotent. Billy Budd was a sailor who was falsely accused of plans to a mutiny. He responded by unintentionally killing his accuser, John Claggart. Claggart's death left the captain and commander of the ship, Edward Vere, in a difficult situation (Calhoun 1). The conflict of this story and Captain Vere's decision have been studied, analyzed, and interpreted differently by many people over the

  • Drum Kit History

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    I have chosen to write this essay on the drum kit, which is an instrument that I play myself. The drum is one of the oldest instruments known to man and has been used by many cultures around the world. Primitive tribal societies used drums to celebrate victory in battle as well as in ritual dance and worship to the deities. The drum kit (also known as the drum set or trap set), however, is an American invention whose rise was seen in the late 19th century. This is an instrument that has taken the

  • The Various Tools Used by the Writers of the Bible

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    The Various Tools Used by the Writers of the Bible Introduction The bible is most read book in the world today, as we know it. It is also the longest lasting book or should I say oldest, still available in our bookshelves across the world. The Lord has blessed us with the technology that we have today. We have computers, laptops, typewriters, and even pocket size machines that are capable of writing things down, or even voice recordings. But think back to the days when the words that fill

  • Chronicle of a Death Foretold

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    Chronicle of a Death Foretold The type of violence portrayed in Chronicle of a Death Foretold is more of an honor killing, in which two innocent young men feel pressured by society to become violent, instead of their own intentions. The standards and expectations of the society and their own mother who summoned them with the problem expected them to take care of the situation and regain their sister's honor. The kind of violence seen in Billy Budd differs in that it is a regulatory measure meant

  • Influence of African Music in North American and Latin American Music

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    It is not possible for cultures to develop in a vacuum. Each culture is actually an amalgamation of the many cultures that have come before them. Sometimes the roots of certain traits are easily identified; other times the culture has to be stripped down to find them. Regardless, all cultures develop from something else. This can be especially true in the case of music. Many of the dominate traits found in North American and Latin American music can actually be traced back many generations to the

  • Rhythmic Procedures and Rudimental Drumming

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    Rhythmic Procedures and Rudimental Drumming In history, drumming and the use of percussive instruments have had a significant role in people’s lives. Not only do the people who play these instruments enjoy them, but it is said that "there is as much pleasure participating in, as listening to and admiring an expert drummer’s improvisations". The use of drums has been recognized as being able to put people into spiritual trances throughout history. The drum is a musical instrument with great power