Drum and bass Essays

  • The Evolution and Influence of Jungle and Drum N Bass Music

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    clearance, which made creating and producing the music more challenging. Furthermore Wookie said when describing Drum N Bass it has “More that rave-y kind of vibe, it went back into the university crowds – predominantly white. Drum N Bass is a predominantly a white scene, where as jungle was a predominantly black scene”. Wookie then states, “that in essence, there is no difference between Drum N Bass and Jungle, but with no longer using that reggae sampling I think it lost its Caribbean influence” (Bradley

  • House Music And Bass Music Comparison

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    Compare & Contrast - House/Liquid DNB. House music and Drum & Bass music are two very different sounding genres, but also have a few similarities in terms of the production focus on drums and bass lines. Both genres are a type of electronic dance music, therefore will share a couple of similarities as well as having their very own unique styles and sounds. The two reference

  • Bohemian Rhapsody

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    repeating it this time by himself, forming a com... ... middle of paper ... ...ng pattern again which leads into the guitar solo. The electric guitar begins its solo, with the drum playing in the background in its triple meter. The intensity of the music continues, this last for close to thirty beats, until the bass ends the descent initiating the tone of the new key. At this point the band drops out for maybe half a beat, but the piano picks up by playing an entirely different theme than in

  • Percussion Essay

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    Percussion has been around for centuries, and it has a very important meaning in the lives of many. It would be safe to assume that Percussion will be around for a long time as well, and play an important part in the lives of many people. Most people see drums as a cool thing to do, others see them as a bunch of irritating noise makers; but do they know the history behind them? So what is percussion? Percussion is a musical instrument played by striking with the hand, a handheld, or a pedal-operated stick

  • Percussion Essay

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    In this essay I will be talking about when the percussion was started, where it came from, the ancient drums from other places, all the different types of instruments in the percussion section, and why I like the percussion section the best out of all the other parts in band. I will be also talking about some of the first peoples who were professional percussion players and who created what instrument. Lets get started; first I will be talking about how percussion was created. Percussion was always

  • An Analysis Of The Energizer Bunny Commercial Sequence

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    there was, or will be, another ad before or after it. A brief explanation of the plots of these advertisements is warranted. The first in the sequence shows two toy bunnies, waddling back and forth across the television screen, and all beating bass drums. The one not running on Energizer batteries dies out, and the one on Energizer batteries co...

  • My Big Break

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    school. I was the quiet kid in school. I never caused any trouble, I never asked questions and I never started conversations. I wanted to be popular, but I knew that I needed a new image. I always enjoyed music; I always thought the drums were cool, so I began to play the drums. I formed a band with a few of my friends in hope to gain little popularity. In order for us to get our peer's attention, we had to try out for the variety show. I would have never imagined that playing in the variety show for my

  • Drum In The Civil War Essay

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    I think of quite possibly the most important member of either side--that is the drummer.” Drums and drummer boys played a crucial role in wars, mainly in the Civil War. The first time that drums were used in America in battle was during the Revolutionary war and they were used for several different reasons. Drums became crucial during the Civil War. Adult soldiers were not the ones that were playing drums in battle, but more

  • The Rise of a Mash-up Culture

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    A great deal has been said about the move from physical media to a ubiquitous, digital culture. Some decry the downfall of the vinyl record, falling compact disc sales, the cheapening and degrading of an art form. I’ll try to stay away from unverifiable judgements about the direction modern culture is moving in. More interesting is the way musical creation is changing as a result of new technologies, whether we like it or not. What comes to mind is hyperreality - what Jean Baudrillard called “the

  • Dubstep Essay

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    Dubstep is a subgenre of EDM (Electronic Dance Music). Dubstep is a diverse genre that takes its origins from many different types of music and various backgrounds. Dubstep may have originally spawned from DnB (Drum and Bass) and other underground music scenes in the UK. Drum and Bass is also thought to have spawned other subgenres of EDM such as two-step and Grime (Joseph L. Flatley). As for its name It mostly comes from just two different sources. The first half of the name Dubstep, “Dub” originated

  • Marching And Concert Band

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    There has often been a lot of perplexity relating the differences between Marching and Concert Band. The most imperative fact is that they both shift together as one band. Regular high school bands are known as “marching bands” in the months of August, September, and October. Concert season begins right after marching season ends in the middle of November, and lasts until the end of May. Bands are similar and different in many different high schools due to different teaching techniques and methods

  • Impressing My Father

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    My dad has never been the easiest man to impress but my brother Nick could always do it. When Nick would play the drums, my father’s eyes would sparkle and light up like fireworks on the fourth of July. I always wished my father would look at me like that but it was only my brother who could generate that look of pride. My father is an amazing drummer, so watching his only son take after him must have been great. My brother and my dad are the two people I adore and respect the most in this world

  • March 7, 2014 Concert Review/Evaluation

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    To begin with, I would like to express some thoughts on our band’s (concert band) performance. Personally, I felt far more relaxed during this concert, partially because of the fact that there were less people in the audience and also because it was my second concert. Overall, I felt I had good performance, and that it was a lot easier to play this concert, as I was not as nervous as before. I felt that i played reasonably well during the duration of our concert, and I would probably give myself

  • Analysis Of Freaks And Geeks

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    The Man with the Drums What does it take for a student to find their aspiration? Freaks and Geeks accurately portrays the stereotypes of high schoolers; All of their actions, and people that are around them will influence how they evolve. Many students have their different ways of going on with their lives, but what they do also affects everything else around them for the better or the worst. In Freaks and Geeks, we see an everyday nerd named Sam, a fellow who wears striped shirts everyday, and

  • Drum Major Essay

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    Drum Major (Not That) Rough Draft When someone asks me what marching band means to me, it’s very difficult to come up with a simple answer that everyone can understand. Marching band means belonging to something bigger and more worthwhile than just a “team”; It means having a stake in something that is a treasured part of both our school and our community. Even if it means going to bed feeling every muscle in my body ache and knowing I may wake up feeling worse, I always look forward to doing it

  • Drum Drums History

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    Less than a Century old, the modern drum kit is a relatively new instrument, however, the drums have been the driving force and heartbeat of popular music through the times. From the change through marching music, to jazz, big bands and rock, the drums have been used as a means of keeping time, and of musical expression. During the period of the Civil War (1861-1865) marching music dominated the music scene. Every military unit had its own squad of musicians, usually formed according to locality

  • Personal Narrative: My First Jazz Concert

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    During this movement, every instrument was present and heard including the piano. The instruments played in this section were the piano, drums, electric guitar, double bass, saxophone, conga, marimba, and trombone. This section seemed to have a tempo and a steady beat, unlike the opening piece. The segment also seemed to be more mellowed out with very few high pitches. There were forms of imitations and

  • Drums Essay

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    criteria is the drum. According to the Harvard Dictionary of Music, a drum is a generic name for instruments that consists of skin stretched over a frame or vessel and struck with either hands or sticks. Drums are membranous. In other words, a drum has something inside of it, or a "membrane," that gives it its sound (Apel 247). There are many different types of drums, and each drum has its own place in different styles of music. For example, a tympani drum, also referred to as a kettle drum, is mainly

  • Drum Kit History

    1179 Words  | 3 Pages

    I have chosen to write this essay on the drum kit, which is an instrument that I play myself. The drum is one of the oldest instruments known to man and has been used by many cultures around the world. Primitive tribal societies used drums to celebrate victory in battle as well as in ritual dance and worship to the deities. The drum kit (also known as the drum set or trap set), however, is an American invention whose rise was seen in the late 19th century. This is an instrument that has taken the

  • Bebop Music Analysis

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    wail-like, unusual manner. At :27, Cherry plays his trumpet with expressiveness and eccentricity. The rhythm section sounds twinkling especially because of the constant crisp ride cymbals generated from the drums. The cymbals are persistent throughout producing an ostentatious-like sound. At 1:20, the drums halt playing for a moment, while the alto sax plays improvised solos with accompaniment from