Dominatrix Essays

  • Fifty Greys Stigma

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    The BDSM community is buzzing over the effects of the release of the Fifty Shades of Grey series. BDSM is a physical, mental, and sometimes sexual power role play or lifestyle that goes on between two consenting adults. There has been a large stigma over BDSM and other kinks for an exceptionally long time; the Fifty Shades franchise has started to break down that stigma with little resistance from the mass public. There is a great divide of people in the community who like the movie and what it

  • Theme Of A Dominatrix In The Canterbury Tales

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    defines a dominatrix as “a woman who physically and psychologically dominates her partner in a malice way” (Merriam Webster 2016). The Wife of Baths, one of many characters in the Canterbury Tales, has been married five times since the age of twelve. The story she tells revolves around a Knight finding the answer to what woman most desire. Under close analysis of The Wife of Baths Prologue and The Wife of Bath’s Tale, the conclusion was made that The Wife of Baths would be considered a dominatrix today’s

  • Creative Writing: Danger For A Dominatrix

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    Danger for a Dominatrix   I felt I was on the verge of a mental meltdown after a full year in my torture chamber and Ronnie had deserted me because of Mistress Carla. Late one afternoon when I was home alone, after a mind-fuck of a session, I sat on the cold terrazzo floor, huddled in the dark corner of my walk-in hall closet. I don’t know how I got there, or what drove me there. I was trembling, weeping, and delirious, aching and crying out loud to my mother asking, why did you leave me? I cried

  • Commercial Analysis: The Wonderful Pistachios

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    The Wonderful Pistachios commercial, Dominatrix, starts off in a wide shot bright white room with a black chair. A dominatrix wearing a leather black and green suit walks into the room, she has a single pistachio in her hand and places it down on the chair, she backs away and with her whip cracks the pistachio open. While she's doing that a male voice over says "Dominatrix do it ... on command". Towards the end of the commercial a happy jingle is played while the male voice over says "Wonderful pistachios

  • Racism In Kanye West's 'Monster'

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    Racism is a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups which determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. Artist like Kanye West, feel it is socially acceptable to use derogatory terms towards different demographics while others view this disrespectful. One example of racism can be found in Kanye West’s

  • Analysis Of The Choirboys By Joseph Wambaurgh

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    After, Sam Niles found him with the dominatrix. Baxter was embarrassed and fight with his last inner demon. His past and present had caught to him and cough the police disease. Baxter Slate committed suicide. After, the choirboys were told the news that their friend committed suicide they were all stunned. Especially, Sam who just yesterday gave him a break when he found him with the dominatrix. Sam was acting very odd throughout the night and once choir practice

  • Communicating Doors Play Analysis

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    thought that costumes were particularly effective in creating the world of the play when we see Poopay change clothes. Throughout the play Poopay changes her clothing about 3 times, which symbolizes a change in her personality. She starts out as a Dominatrix, wearing nothing but an overcoat and lingerie, when she is first seen next to Mr. Reece in his suit and tie you get the feeling that she is a helpless, weak women and he is a powerful man. However, once she meets Ruella she eventually changes clothes

  • What Is The Power Of Female Empowerment In 'Whip Smart'?

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    Growing from a young woman who was humiliated by the duality of her sexuality, to a woman who reclaims her sexuality through her sexual experiences as a dominatrix. Although not all feminists think alike, some may even dispute Febos claims; that being a dominatrix can result in female empowerment. In recent conventions regarding, ‘dominatrix’ the figure is either hypersexualized or seen as a threat. This harmful parallel normalized ‘dommes’ or ‘dominatrixes’ as a threat to 'traditional sexuality

  • Analysis Of The Katy Perry Perfume 'Killer Queen'

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    Advertising draws both from non-linguistic elements and linguistic cues designed to communicate a desired message to a targeted audience. Communication transpires through decoding and encoding levels of messages from the sender to the receiver via a particular medium. The overall connotative meaning of the message perceived, potentially impacts from one’s cultural perspective. This essay examines the advertisement of the Katy Perry perfume ‘Killer Queen’ in terms of a semiotic analysis. The advert

  • Advertisments of Skyy Vodka

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    Skyy Vodka is constantly releasing suggestive advertisements. The advertisements always appeal to sex and often promote the sexual benefits of drinking Skyy Vodka. On this paper two Skyy Vodka advertisements will be analyzed. The first ad is entitled “The Antagonist.” This ad adheres to the usual standards of Skyy advertisements, and it has an underlying theme of white, male supremacy and the female threat to that power. To attract attention, this advertisement utilizes a visual headline, which

  • The Roaring Girl

    3981 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Roaring Girl Though its primary function is usually plot driven--as a source of humor and a means to effect changes in characters through disguise and deception—cross dressing is also a sociological motif involving gendered play. My earlier essay on the use of the motif in Shakespeare's plays pointed out that cross dressing has been discussed as a symptom of "a radical discontinuity in the meaning of the family" (Belsey 178), as cul-tural anxiety over the destabilization of the social hierarchy

  • Asians and Kill Bill

    636 Words  | 2 Pages

    Asians and Kill Bill Sitting in the movie theater, I was baffled to see so many stereotypes touched on in one single film. These stereotypes were not just any kind of stereotype – they were those pertaining to Asians in particular. The obviousness and sheer transparency of the stereotypes made the movie look like a complete joke. The film? Kill Bill. The majority of today’s films starring Asian actors and actresses often contain numerous stereotypes. They cater to the biased views that most

  • I Hate Romance Novels

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    I Hate Romance Novels Let me get one thing straight from the start: I am a huge believer in romance---in the sex you can't get enough of and the person you can't stop thinking about, in fantasies about sharing the dominatrix whip and then some ice cream afterwards, in being turned on by arguments about Lacan and Freud and fights about existentialism and religious doctrine. That's my idea of romance. I prefer the "give and take" to the "giving of the soul." I prefer the knowledgeable lover

  • Venus in Furs

    773 Words  | 2 Pages

    sees Venus come alive at night, in “moonlight”(15); a type of light which distorts perceptions of people, a surrealistic atmosphere of deception and disguise, an oppressive light that forces Wanda to conceal her true self in order to become the dominatrix Severin desires. Similarly, Wanda’s “light morning gown”(16), (a garment which suggests fluidity of movement) is replaced, at the suggestion of Severin, with furs. The furs become a metaphor of Severin’s expectations of women and they become a

  • Vagina Monologues Essay

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    This particular performance was about a woman who was a lawyer that turned into a female dominatrix. Through her experience from sex with men, she found it lacking of her true sexual desire, the moan. Finally her struggle was over when she found sex with women to be more satisfying. From here she made a commitment to woman and herself to give

  • Case Study Of Pro Domme

    1034 Words  | 3 Pages

    our website and you can browse and search the list for more information about professional learning and find someone compatible with their needs. You can also find a city to local professionals in their field. There is no cost to our professional dominatrix look archives. In addition to finding Domme, our website information about a variety of fetishes. We concluded articles with information about bondage and domination, belt, handcuffs and shackles, master and slave, domination, bdsm, mistress fetish

  • Biases And Stereotypes

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    Most likely because I can imagine a man attempting to exert his control over a woman using his strength as power. Although, a female dominatrix also comes to mind when referring to what has been displayed in the media, either on television or in movies. The dominant individual dressed up in leather, holding a whip, or other instrument to inflict pain. The submissive person; naked, hypothetically


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    A CRITIQUE OF THE SNOW CHILD, TAKEN FROM ANGELA CARTER’S THE BLOODY CHAMBER. Throughout ’The Bloody Chamber’, Angela Carter takes the highly successful conventions that belong to once innocent fairy tales, and rips them unremorsefully from their seemingly sound foundations to create a variety of dark, seductive, sensual stories, altering the landscapes beyond all recognition and rewarding the heroines with the freedom of speech thus giving them license to grab hold of the reigns of the story

  • Gender Subversion in Annie Lennox Videos

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    Annie Lenox through her performances and music videos evoked the use of “gender-bending”. Lennox was one of the first performers who employed this strategy. By doing this Lennox showed that we could view women in different ways unlike the identity assigned for them by the media and society. The Eurythmics used their videos as a tool for performing gender roles, stereotypes by evoking the use of drag through camp. In Rodger’s article, she describes the Lennox’s transformation as fully beginning when

  • Prostitution Essay

    1097 Words  | 3 Pages

    Prostitution has been around since the beginning of humanity there has been no laws that have succeeded in stopping prostitution. It has been referred to as the oldest profession, prostitution has long been a problem which has provoked and disturbed Americans (Kinsey 3). However, there have been a lot of anti-social prostitution laws that were passed down one hundred years ago. Prostitution happens on a regular basis no matter if it is illegal or legal. A lot of debates have been raised on the topic