Ditch Essays

  • In the Ditch

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    Buchi Emecheta's "In the Ditch" is an autobiographical novel and it describes the social deprivations by the protagonist, Adah, who is a native from a post-colonized country, Nigeria. In fact, Adah is the author herself and everything in the book really happened. As an Ibo from Nigeria she comes across lots of bad experiences. It is easily seen that in this novel and in her easty novels she is seeking to answer these questions: How generally does a man behave in a foreign land aming unfamiliar people

  • Anglian and Anglo-Scandinavian Settlement at Cottam

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    in this area. A trench 20 x 100m was cut across the entrance, a central trackway, and parts of at least two enclosures. This revealed a massive ditched entranceway with an internal rampart and substantial wooden gate structure. At this point the ditch was at least 1.5m deep by 2.5m wide with a rampart behind it, although elsewhere the trackways and enclosures were defined by shallow ditches, less than 0.5m in depth. It appears that the main purpose of the entrance was for display rather than defensive

  • Ditch Diggers

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    day most of the people do not get the context of why would someone ever disrespect the other just cause of a color? We live in a society were sadly the looks matter than who the person actually is inside and what they can do as an individual. The Ditch Diggers daughters were the best example to explain how people looked to them in a different way according to their skin color. Walking down the street and realizing how people’s thoughts are nothing but judgmental comments could weaken anyone mentally

  • World War 1 Trench Diary Essay

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    December 12, 1915: The regular, stand-to was longer than it usually was. The night was cold and long we were on stand-to for most of the night without rest. The casualties grow higher by day, Yeatman and Johnson killed, alongside 81 killed and 34 wounded. I trust that may many be found alive and well, as one must always lose some in the dark. Inside the trench, crowded surrounded by other soldiers resting before dawn as usual until stand-to. Trenches, equipment, often blood soaked boots, corps guns

  • Strengths And Weaknesses Of Pontotoc

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    Pontotoc as a Client Pontotoc County is known as the “Land of Hanging Grapes” and was originally inhabited by the Chickasaw Indians. It was founded in 1836 by General McMackin, who purchased the land from the Chickasaw Indians on February 9, 1936 for $1,000.00. Since its founding, Pontotoc community has grown tremendously. Pontotoc was declared township in 1836 and its first courthouse was built in 1840. However, the original courthouse was destroyed by fire in 1900. Pontotoc boomed in the next

  • Lenny's Little Frogs In A Ditch

    852 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Little Frogs in a Ditch is a story about a self-concerned character named Lenny. Lenny loses his job at the laundry place, and instead of admitting to his mistakes he starts blaming his boss for him being fired. After being fired Lenny told his grandfather that he was going to become a salesman, and he starts selling wild pigeons. As crazy as it sounds, people actually fell for his false ad stating that they were homing pigeons. One of his customers, Mr. Lejeune, was trying to find a pet for his

  • Austin's Ditch: The Political Necessity and Impossibility of

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    Austin's Ditch: The Political Necessity and Impossibility of "Non-Serious" Speech ABSTRACT: This essay seeks to show that there are political implications in Jacques Derrida’s critique of J.L. Austin’s notion of performative speech. If, as Derrida claims and Austin denies, performative utterances are necessarily "contaminated" by that which Austin refuses to consider (the speech of the poet and the actor in which literal force is never intended), then what are the implications for the speech

  • Analysis Of Tits Up In A Ditch By Annie Proulx

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    through literature like “Tits Up in a Ditch” by Annie Proulx, which questions and challenges the role of women in society. In “Tits Up in a Ditch”, the protagonist is forced to remain in a housewife’s place after trying to escape the gender norm and be in the military. Likewise, the stereotypical role of women becomes probed in an academic setting such as the scholarly article, “Women Know Your Limits: Cultural Sexism in Academia.” Like “Tits Up in a Ditch,” cultural sexism is defined through the

  • Summary Of Larry Levis Some Grass Along A Ditch Bank

    1190 Words  | 3 Pages

    The concepts of self and reality are running themes in recent eras of poetry, and these themes are all too often associated with ideas of meaninglessness. In Larry Levis’s, “Some Grass Along a Ditch Bank” (1985), the writer brings in these different themes as the narrator contemplates grass around a farm and its relationship with the world around it. The poem is set in the farm setting that is so common in the works of Levis, and the ideas he explores about grass can easily be transferred to, or

  • Leiningen Versus The Ants Summary

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    plantation. Before leaving, Leiningen told his men, “‘the moment I'm over the ditch, set fire to the petrol...Then all you have to do is wait here all snug and quiet till I'm back. Yes, I'm coming back, trust me’” (Stephenson 492). Then he ran to the weir and when there, “gripping the ant-hulled wheel…[he] turned and turned; slowly the dam lowered until it reached the bed of the river…[and] the water was overflowing the ditch…[Then] Leiningen let go the wheel. Now, for the first time, he realized he

  • Punishment In Dante's Inferno

    706 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dante in The Inferno by Dante Alighieri takes him through the depths of Hell in a search for Heaven. During his quest, he witnesses sinners belonging to various levels of Hell, who receive a specific punishment according to their sins. In Circle 8, Ditch 9 sowers of discord were cut in half to the degree of the schism they caused, like the lives of the people who were divided, clearly showing the punishment is fitting of the sinners’ crimes. Additionally, Circle 1, or Limbo, contained those who were

  • Symbolism In A Worn Path By Eudora Welty

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    It is explained by Welty that Phoenix went into the ditch very easily with much force when she says, “Over she went in the ditch, like a little puff of milkweed.” (Welty) This represents how easy it was for white men to enforce black men out of their homes and enslave them. To a white male, it was as regular as a little puff of milkweed being blown out by soft wind. As she lay in the ditch, the dog sits staring at her, satisfaction clear on his face. Welty shows this when

  • A Comparison Of Nine Circles In Dante's Inferno

    1785 Words  | 4 Pages

    From The Divine Comedy, Dante presents Inferno. The book takes us through Dante’s journey through Hell. There are nine circles in Dante’s Hell. Each circle of suffering is located within the Earth. The nine circles are divided into three major groups: Incontinent, Violent, and Fraudulent. For each circle, a different sin is recognized. In my opinion, the punishments that correspond with the sins that are committed on Earth are justified in Dante’s version of Hell. Before the first circle of

  • My Lai Massacre

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    My Lai Massacre Soldiers are trained to always follow orders, and to never question orders. But that belief is somewhat illogical. Soldier's are to obey any lawful order given. But the training involved, the often chaotic nature of battle, and the need to follow authority to maintain survival can lead to a very blurred vision of what is right or wrong. One's animalistic instincts may take over. Sometimes there are such situations when you've stepped over the line. Such as the horrendous

  • Mary Richmond And Jane Addams: Understanding The Nature Of Social Work

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    Pretty soon she begins to find out what ought to be done to get rid of the ditch,” means several things for today’s society. One of the main things I think it means for social workers today is that the social worker should be more focused on what is causing the individual to have the problems he or she is having. Social workers

  • O'Connor's Use Of Setting To Predict The Outcome In A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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    In Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find", setting is used as a way to predict the tragic outcome of the story. The story's end is unexpected when first read, but upon closer inspection one can see several clues and foreshadowing techniques O'Connor used to hint at what would eventually happen, specifically in her use of setting. The outcome of the story is hinted at through the description of the family's scenic drive through Georgia, Red Sammy's, and the deserted road they travel on.

  • Of Mice And Men: Character Analysis

    558 Words  | 2 Pages

    George left to protect him, and ends up telling slim “We sit in a irrigation ditch under water all the rest of that day. Got on’l our heads sticking out from the side if the ditch. An’ that night we scrammed outta there”(42). No one in there right mind would try to run away from the law for a friend, especially hiding in a ditch till night when they have to run. If the law ever were to find out that George helped Lennie escape from “raping” that girl

  • Aristotle and the Doctrine of the Mean

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    Aristotle and the Doctrine of the Mean Aristotle seeks flourishing happiness in life. He believes that this can be achieved for each individual through the embracement of virtues. Aristotle believes that virtues are the mean of two vices. This is the basis of the Aristotelian “Doctrine of the Mean”. This paper will explore the basis of the Doctrine of the Mean, its connections to Eudaimonia, and its success or lack thereof. Eudaimonia is a Greek word whose meaning can be translated several

  • Eudora Welty's A Worn Path

    1353 Words  | 3 Pages

    positive outlook; Phoenix is a very determined person who is full of life. As Phoenix begins to walk down the dark path, a black dog approaches her from a patch of weeds near a ditch. As he comes toward her, Phoenix is startled and compelled to defend herself: ?she only hit him a little with her cane. Over she went in the ditch, like a little puff of milk-weed? (55). Here, the author contrasts the main character?s strong will with her small, frail phys... ... middle of paper ... ...ppen to you?

  • Warning: Objects May Appear Smaller in the Mirror

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    jokes about not blinking or you would miss it. My parents got a loan for a simple country home about eight miles east of town. Our house sat on four flat acres of land with an alfalfa field to the back of the property. To the north, the irrigation ditch supplied the essential water for farmers and dairies to succeed amongst the dust bowl. Our neighbor lived in a converted long tin potato shed. At the front of our property, the paved road ran about a mile before it turned into a bumpy gravel road.